Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1628: Seize the throne, Jin Mo die!

When Jin Ying's voice fell, it was urging the corpse of Emperor Yinwu, and a large amount of the power of the law poured out from the corpse of Emperor Yinwu, turning into black chains and swept towards Jin Mo.

"Black chain?"

When the elders in the tall buildings in the distance saw Jin Ying's attack, their eyes couldn't help but a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

It seems that a certain person in the history of Xuanxiao Continent used a black chain to attack!

The elders frowned and fell into thought.

Watching a large number of chains approaching, Jin Mo couldn't help but dodge in a hurry, for fear of being touched by the chains.

The attack of the emperor, even the attack derived from the corpse of the emperor, should not be underestimated!

The sky was densely chained, and all the Jinjiao people were dazzled. Some of the spies were thinking about something, their eyes flickering.

Some knowledgeable people always feel that Jin Ying's attacks on the body are familiar, but for a while they can't remember where they have seen this method of attacking with chains.

After an hour passed, Jin Ying could now be regarded as the patriarch of the Jinjiao clan, and Jin Mo had faded that halo, Jin Ying could attack wantonly.

On the contrary, Jin Mo must be restrained.

The family rules are ruthless, as long as the loopholes are caught by someone who is interested, it is enough to play any strong!

"Damn it!" Jin Mo struggled to avoid the chain's attack, and he could feel the strong aura of laws condensed in those chains.

He can't resist!

When Jin Mo wandered on the edge of life and death, and the people of the tribe were very nervous, the atmosphere in the attic became more and more solemn.

Those elders had already realized whose signature method the black chain attack was.

The five old men were trembling slightly, fidgeting in their seats, even they did not dare to breathe!

"You, you are..." An old man looked at Zhang Ziling with difficulty, shaking his mouth, but couldn't say a complete word.

If this is true... then this news can really scare them to death!

With a faint smile on Zhang Ziling's face, he poured tea on his own, not caring about the thoughts of these five elders.

Jin Mo is doomed to die.

There is a direct connection between the origin of the Demon Dao in Zhang Ziling and Jin Ying. In other words... Jin Ying can use the power of the Demon Dao law without any scruples. This supreme law between heaven and earth can be used by Jin Ying!

Under the huge sea of ​​laws, a mere saint, no matter how struggling, can't survive.

"Are you the Devil Emperor?"

Finally, one of the Supreme Elders withstood the pressure and asked Zhang Ziling with everything.

He almost exhausted all his energy when he asked this sentence and almost didn't fall off his seat.

The other elders were also staring at Zhang Ziling, waiting for Zhang Ziling's answer.

Three thousand years ago, their Jinjiao tribe was one of the leading forces in the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces, and even received the favor of the ancient gods. If Zhang Ziling was really the Devil Emperor...

No matter what Zhang Ziling did to them, it was understandable.

The elders trembling slightly, always feel that the future is getting darker and darker.

Over the holy ground, more and more chains blocked Jin Mo's retreat, and Jin Mo finally escaped.

The sky full of chains bound Jin Mo, and endless demonic energy spilled from the chains, eroding Jin Mo's body.

Jin Mo's skin became pitch black, and the devil energy invaded his soul, polluting everything about him!


Jin Mo screamed sternly, causing all the Jin Jiao people to feel the pain faintly, and their hearts were shocked.

More and more power of the Great Dao gushed out of the Great Emperor Yin Wu, and Jin Ying controlled countless chains, drawing Jin Mo's life mercilessly.

Jin Mo's breath became weaker and weaker.

The elders looked at Jin Mo's painful appearance and wanted to stop Jin Ying with a loud voice, but no one had the courage to speak.

Jin Ying's strength exceeded all of them's imagination.

No one thought that even the Saint Jin Mo, who was at the Great Perfection, still didn't have the slightest resistance in front of Jin Ying, and the Taishang elders hadn't moved anything up to now. How could they dare to come forward and join in the fun?

While all the people were worried about Jin Mo, they had endless greed for the corpse.

Jin Ying said that after she became the patriarch, she would contribute her body, so they would naturally have the opportunity to be as strong as Jin Ying.

Killing the saint was something they had never thought of.

But now, with such a big opportunity in front of them, they even expect Jin Mo to die soon!

In the Xuanxiao Continent, people's pursuit of strength exceeds everything.

Jin Mo, in full view, was sucked dry by the chains turned into by the devil and turned into bones.

He did not even have time to use the power of the ancient gods.

A Dzogchen saint, a high-rank saint... These two beings standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent died in a short time by the hands of a young girl!

This is really, it feels too illusory.

When did the saint's life become so fragile?

Before Jin Ying killed Jin Yan, many people in Jinjiao City believed that saints were immortal, and they were close to invincible in Xuanxiao Continent, and could exist for countless years.

But now, people's worldview is gradually collapsing.

The saints are as vulnerable as them.

Some spies mingled with the Jinjiao people are also using various methods to spread the news they have received.

Suddenly, what happened in the Jinjiao clan... quickly spread to all the powers of the Heavenly Sage!

The image of Zhang Ziling gradually appeared in the minds of many old monsters.

At the same time, the Tianji Pavilion and the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce also spread the news that Jin Ying became the head of the patriarch.

Heavenly Sage went to Shenzhou and gradually became restless.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched what happened in the Jinjiao Clan's Holy Land. Jin Mo's death did not cause any mood swings in Zhang Ziling.

To Zhang Ziling now, killing the emperor didn't even feel.

The five elders in the attic were shaking slightly, and Jin Mo's death gave them too much shock.

Although they are all saints, only the Supreme Elder is the saint Dzogchen, the others are either elementary or intermediate, and there is not even a high-level saint.

But Jin Mo, a dignified saint, invincible under the emperor level, was easily beheaded by Jin Ying with a corpse.

And Zhang Ziling who bestowed Jin Ying's corpse...The elders of the Supreme Masters have already determined Zhang Ziling's identity!


Seeing the corpse in the clan that resembled Zhang Ziling, and Jin Ying's unscrupulous use of the magical law, all the elders of the Supreme Beings had vaguely realized Zhang Ziling's plan.

Plan for the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands.

If what they inferred is true, it would really be a disaster for the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands!

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