Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1634: Locked, Tianshen Forest!

As soon as Su Xiaoxuan said this, Zhang Ziling's eyes brightened and he became more and more excited.

"You Tianji Pavilion found the specific location of the ancient god?" Zhang Ziling quickly asked Su Xiaoxuan, his tone eager.

This is something Zhang Ziling never expected.

But think about it carefully, the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is the most well-informed force on the Xuanxiao Continent. In addition, the ancient gods are inextricably linked with the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces, and the Heavenly Secret Pavilion has more than 3,000 years of time behind it. Check the ancient gods behind the Allied Forces of Three Hundred Holy Lands.

Tianji Pavilion was able to find the lair of the ancient gods, but it was normal.

If Zhang Ziling is given a period of time, Zhang Ziling will also be able to find the lair of the ancient gods.

Perhaps, it was precisely because Tianji Pavilion found the ancient god’s lair that Su She discovered the powerful power of the ancient god, which made Su She abandon the investigation of the ancient **** and at the same time banned all those involved in this matter. Memory.

After all, when someone discovers that there is a second Transcending Emperor in this world, they must be afraid to touch that secret.

It was also thought that Su She's rapids retreated bravely and allowed Tianji Pavilion to survive.

Su Xiaoxuan was still a little confused, all kinds of memories in his mind were chaotic and complicated, and all kinds of information flashed by.

"The exact location? seems to be...I don't remember clearly?" Su Xiaoxuan shook his head.

"Don't worry, take your time." Zhang Ziling knew that Su Xiaoxuan's memory would be confused for a certain period of time after the ban was lifted, but she would be able to remember them all with a little sorting.

The lair of the ancient gods can already be found!


Su Changqing swallowed fiercely, staring at Su Xiaoxuan, his tight palms covered in sweat.

The devil is looking for the lair of the ancient gods?

Su Changqing knew what Zhang Ziling was going to do without even thinking about it.

At the beginning, the ancient gods smashed the Three Hundred Holy Lands coalition forces to attack the magic palace, and now the ancient gods are still the umbrella behind the Three Hundred Holy Lands coalition forces.

During these three thousand years, it was precisely because of the secret help of the ancient gods that the Three Hundred Sacred Lands developed extremely rapidly, and the overall strength had far surpassed the Xuanxiao Continent for three thousand years.

Now that the Devil Emperor is back, the trouble of finding the Three Hundred Sacred Lands, naturally he has to clean up the Protoss behind the Three Hundred Sacred Lands.

The battle between the **** king and the devil emperor Su Changqing felt extremely exciting just thinking about it.

After waiting with Zhang Ziling for a long time, Su Xiaoxuan's memory became clearer and clearer, and the chaotic memories in his mind were slowly sorted out.

Seeing Su Xiaoxuan's eyes getting clearer and clearer, Zhang Ziling could not help but ask softly: "How are you now?"

Su Xiaoxuan bowed slightly to Zhang Ziling, and whispered, "Master Hui Devil, I remember them all."

"Where is the ancient god?" Zhang Ziling asked bluntly without talking nonsense.

"Before telling the lair of the Protoss, I hope Lord Devil will promise me one more request." Su Xiaoxuan looked at Zhang Ziling and asked.


Su Xiaoxuan took a deep breath, looked directly into Zhang Ziling's eyes, and said, "I hope Lord Demon Emperor can take me with him when he goes to the Protoss."

"Okay!" It was not difficult for Zhang Ziling. Without asking why, he directly agreed to Su Xiaoxuan.

Zhang Ziling was completely excited now.

In Xie Wushuang’s words, Ziyou is on his way to find the ultimate, and the ancient gods are obviously part of the search for the ultimate. Now Zhang Ziling has found the ancient god’s lair from the Tianji Pavilion ahead of time, which means Zhang Ziling ion You got closer.

It was just a matter of taking Su Xiaoxuan to the old lair of the ancient gods.

"Thank you, Lord Demon Emperor."

Su Xiaoxuan saluted Zhang Ziling slightly and stopped selling Guanzi. He said to Zhang Ziling: "At the beginning, my father investigated the Protoss behind the Three Hundred Sacred Lands, and finally stopped in the depths of the uninhabited area of ​​the Tianshen Forest and found that there was a giant crystal gate."

"Father took a look after entering the giant crystal gate, and then immediately retreated, and at the same time stopped our in-depth investigation and blocked all of our memories."

"Tiansheng Forest..." Zhang Ziling whispered, his eyes flickering.

"Boss, I found the holy forest that day. It was at the far east of the heavenly sacred state. The magnetic field in the deep forest is disordered and can isolate the exploration of the spirits. No wonder we couldn't find that place before!" Xun Tianyi heard Su Xiaoxuan The first time I finished talking about the location, I found the Heavenly Sage Forest and discovered the strangeness of the Heavenly Sage Forest.

"Very well, we will set off immediately!"

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling did not hesitate anymore and made a decision immediately.

"Now?" The Heaven Seeker was taken aback for a moment, "What about the Three Hundred Holy Lands? Our plan is only halfway through..."

"It's okay! It doesn't take much time for the ancient gods. The events of the Jinjiao tribe will take some time to ferment. Those old monsters are human spirits, and it is impossible to get the bait so easily. When they all encircle the city of Jinjiao, the ancient gods It's probably handled there too." Zhang Ziling knew that the gathering of all the high-level officials of the Three Hundred Holy Lands would not be quick, so he was not in a hurry.

"Follow the boss, I will show you the map of Tianshen Forest." Xuntianyi also said more, showing the geographical location of Tianshen Forest and the map of the forest inside Zhang Ziling's mind. .

Having obtained the position of the Heavenly Sage Forest, Zhang Ziling did not want to waste any more time. After Transsion arranged some things for Jin Ying, he asked Su Xiaoxuan: "I am going to the Heavenly Sage Forest now. Are you ready?"

Su Xiaoxuan didn't expect Zhang Ziling to be so urgent, but Su Xiaoxuan had nothing to deal with, and nodded to Zhang Ziling and said, "You can leave at any time."

"Sister, you really want to go?" Su Changqing was puzzled by Su Xiaoxuan's approach, and couldn't help but circle.

In Su Changqing's view, although the battle between the **** king and the devil emperor would be exciting, not everyone can watch the battle from the sidelines.

I am afraid that even the saint's Great Perfection cannot withstand the aftermath of the battle between the two, and will directly solve it!

"You stay at the Tianji Tower with peace of mind, I will be fine." Su Xiaoxuan didn't dare to let Zhang Ziling wait any longer, and after a quick word to Su Changqing, he walked to the side of Zhang Ziling.

"I'm rude." Su Xiaoxuan said to Zhang Ziling with a reddish cheek, and then grabbed Zhang Ziling's hand.

Feeling the warm temperature in Zhang Ziling's palm, Su Xiaoxuan found his heart beating faster and faster.

Seeing Su Xiaoxuan taking the initiative to hold Zhang Ziling's hand, Su Changqing's eyes straightened.

"Let's go."

Zhang Ziling didn't feel much at all, and whispered to Su Xiaoxuan, the surrounding space gradually distorted.


Su Changqing always felt wrong, and rushed forward, trying to catch Su Xiaoxuan.

However, Zhang Ziling had already disappeared with Su Xiaoxuan, leaving Su Changqing alone in the room.

Without holding Su Xiaoxuan, Su Changqing couldn't help showing anxious expression and paced back and forth in the room.

"Why did you go to the Lair of the Ancient Gods? Now... things are big!"

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