After Tianquan's death, Zhang Ziling suddenly felt as if something had changed in his body, but what was the specific change... Zhang Ziling inspected the whole body and found nothing.

"Strange." Zhang Ziling said in a low voice, not thinking that the strange feeling he had just now was an illusion.

Zi You definitely had her intention to keep Tianquan, even if Zhang Ziling could not find the changes in her body now, the changes in her body will slowly show in the future.

Zhang Ziling didn't get too entangled in this aspect, and casually incinerated Tianquan's body, letting his ashes drift into this space.

After such a battle, the ancient gods are basically solved. Although the **** king has not yet appeared, the **** clan now has only the **** king left, and the remaining ancient gods have been completely wiped out, and there is no possibility of recovery.

The crisis of Xuanxiao Continent being enslaved by the ancient gods was solved by Zhang Ziling by mistake. What Zhang Ziling had to do now... instead, only the private matter of the three hundred holy places remained.

After Zhang Ziling used the Jinjiao clan to gather all the leaders of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces together, after the liquidation was completed, the magic palace could reign over the world, and the Xuanxiao Continent would return to the stable order before.

Tian Heng and Li Yun didn't wait too much after Zhang Ziling resolved the power of heaven. They went straight back to the small world of Zhang Ziling and began to wholeheartedly digest the power they had seized.

Just when Zhang Ziling was about to go back, an extremely familiar aura was approaching Zhang Ziling quickly.

"Why did she come?" Zhang Ziling was slightly taken aback when he felt the breath of Izanami. Before Zhang Ziling could react, Izanami flew in front of Zhang Ziling.

"Zhang Ziling, I have found you!" Seeing Zhang Ziling standing alone in the sky, Yixie Namei said to Zhang Ziling with her beautiful eyes narrowed.

Behind Izanami, the Nine Heavens Devil Orb followed up breathlessly. It was relieved after seeing Zhang Ziling and stopped to rest.

The speed of Izanami is too fast, and it is not easy for the Nine Heavens Devil Orb to catch up with Izanami.

Seeing Yixannamei approaching, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but laughed, and asked, "Why are you...well!"

Before Zhang Ziling had finished speaking, Yixian Namei held Zhang Ziling's face and kissed it.

Seeing this, the Nine Heavens Demon Orb at the back quickly turned around, pretending not to see it.

After that, Izanami unscrupulously broke through Zhang Ziling's defense, directly shattered the clothes of the two with her own strength, and then rode on.

Xiaobie wins the newlyweds, Izanami is just a little rougher.

The Nine Heavens Demon Orb was helpless about this, closed his five senses, turned into a magic weapon and returned to Zhang Ziling's body.

Zhang Ziling did not expect that Izanami would launch a continuous attack on herself when she met, and she had no choice but to bear it and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

The two lingered in space for more than an hour before Izanami was finally satisfied, taking out a set of clothes from her space ring and putting it on, occasionally revealing a touch of scenery.

Zhang Ziling watched Yixannami get dressed with a wry smile, and the whole body of demonic energy surged, recondensing a set of clothing.

"You fellow, you left us in the Xuanxiao Continent and went to do your own thing, and I don't know to come back and have a look." Yixanamei put on her clothes and moved her stray hair behind her back, complaining to Zhang Ziling.

"Isn't there many things I haven't solved yet?" Zhang Ziling smiled bitterly, "By the way, where are their girls?"

"I have sent your little lovers to the Demon Palace. They still keep a sense of the world, but I am tired of it." Izanami yawned slightly, her legs overlapped and sat on nothing. , Appealing.

"There are so many powerful people on the Xuanxiao Continent. However, the main palace has a group of little girls, and there is no chance to use their hands and feet. It is meaningless to travel all day long."

"Then you will follow me next, I'm almost done with things on this side, and then there will be strong people who will let you use your skills." Zhang Ziling flew behind Izanami and offered Izanami to lean on, gently stroking Izanami's smooth and delicate face.

"Is this serious?" Yixanami leaned against Zhang Ziling without scruple, letting Zhang Ziling touch her face.

"Of course...there are many powerful emperors among them." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, "Based on your current situation, when you fight those strong ones, it is estimated that you can break through to the emperor."

"Forget that you have a conscience!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Yixanamei's eyes could not help but a flash of joy.

After arriving in Xuanxiao Continent, Izanami had already reached the Great Perfection of the Saint, but she had been unable to take the last step.

Izanami didn't know what was limiting her to be unable to break through. This was also why Izanami came to Zhang Ziling.

In the Xuanxiao Continent, Izanami knew Zhang Ziling's prestige, and with Zhang Ziling's strength, it was easy to help her break through to the Great Emperor.

"Okay, let's go back first, Xuntian and they are still waiting for me in the Heavenly Sacred Forest." After allowing Yizanami to follow him, Zhang Ziling didn't want to stay here too much, and said to Yizanami.

After all, the Heavenly Sage Forest is the old nest of the ancient gods. Although the ancient gods are now annihilated, there is still the **** king outside. If the **** king comes back, the heaven-seeking instrument can't stop it.

"Yeah." Izanami didn't get too involved with Zhang Ziling, and returned to the Heavenly Sage Forest with Zhang Ziling.

In the Heavenly Sage Forest, Xuntianyi and Su Xiaoxuan have been waiting for a while. The vision in the sky has disappeared more than an hour ago, which means that the battle is over long ago. I don't know what Zhang Ziling did.

"Master Devil Emperor, he won't have an accident?" Su Xiaoxuan was a little worried and couldn't help but said to Xun Tianyi.

Before Tianheng and Liyun rushed towards Yunxiao frantically, Su Xiaoxuan didn't know what they were going to do.

"Don't worry, that guy Tianquan can't even hit my boss with a finger. There is no doubt that nothing will happen to him. It is estimated that the boss was delayed by something unexpected."

As soon as the words of Xuntianyi were finished, Zhang Ziling and Yixian Namei fell from the clouds and quickly approached Xuntianyi.

"Look, isn't this here?" Xun Tianyi felt Zhang Ziling's breath, smiled at Su Xiaoxuan, and then turned to look at Zhang Ziling.

When Xuntianyi saw the beauty of Yixian beside Zhang Ziling, the whole person was stunned.

Xuntianyi suddenly understood what Zhang Ziling had gone missing for so long.

Yixanamei fell to the side of Xuntianyi. After seeing Su Xiaoxuan, she was slightly stunned, then turned her head and asked Zhang Ziling: "Is this the little lover you hooked up again?"

Su Xiaoxuan's entire face burned red and his brain went blank when he heard Izanami's words.

Little lover?

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