Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1645: traitor

In the Jinjiao Holy Land Master Hall, Jin Ying sat on her seat with a solemn expression, watching the people outside the door were extremely busy.

In the past few days, the heads of the holy places have successively arrived, but they were all blocked by Jin Ying.

There are many powerful saints living in Jinjiao City, and the territory of the local forces in Jinjiao City is also occupied by major forces.

Now you may be able to see one or two saints if you walk down the street.

Because Jin Ying had the deeds of beheading the saints to the Great Perfection, the heads of the major forces were restrained, and had no intention of breaking into the golden sacred land. They have been waiting for opportunities, and have been committed to bribing the golden scorpions during this period. People.

Now most of the Jinjiao people have been bought out by the major forces in private, secretly revealing the news of the clan to the major forces.

Jin Ying saw everything that those people did, but Jin Ying didn't stop it. Instead, she used tricks and often unknowingly revealed that the corpse of the Great Emperor Yinwu was the corpse of the Devil Emperor.

Originally, Jin Ying had always been able to control the situation of Jinjiao City. The strong men of the Three Hundred Holy Lands did not dare to directly tear their faces with the Jinjiao Clan. The two sides had been in peace, and the people of the Three Hundred Holy Lands could only do it in secret. Little action.

However, the arrival of the three major emperors' Taoism completely broke this balance.

At present, the monks of the three emperor sects are hoarding outside the holy land. The great emperor may appear at any time. Coupled with the powerful appeal of the three emperor sects, the leaders of the major forces who have come to Jinjiao City these days are also hoarding. Outside the Jinjiao Holy Land, Jin Ying was under tremendous pressure.

"Patriarch, if we don't open the Holy Land again, those people will really have to break in!"

It was the Fourth Elder who was speaking in the hall, and he had been bought out by outside forces a long time ago, and every day he persuaded Jin Ying to open the holy land and let outsiders come in.

Jin Ying knew exactly what the Fourth Elder had in mind, and she didn't bother to pay attention to the Fourth Elder and simply ignored him.

The things Zhang Ziling arranged for her have basically been done, and all the elders in the clan have been imprisoned by Jin Ying. Now the Jin Jiao clan is Jin Ying's talk, no one dares to disobey Jin Ying's order.

"Since the patriarch is unwilling to open the Holy Land, then I will resign first." Seeing Jin Ying ignoring herself, the fourth elder couldn't help but a haze flashed in his eyes, bowed his head and walked out.

It was the Fourth Elder who left without care. Jin Ying leaned on her head with one hand and said to herself: "My Lord Devil...When will you come back?"

After Jin Ying became the head of the clan, she was already irritated by countless trivial things in the clan, and every clan member who spoke in front of her held his own cautious thinking, and none of them were really thinking about the clan. of.

After most of the people in the clan were bought by the group of forces outside the Holy Land, Jin Ying was also completely disappointed in the Jin Jiao clan.

Now that the people from the Three Hundred Holy Lands are almost gathered, what Jin Ying has to do is to block the people outside the Holy Land and wait for Zhang Ziling to return.

However, with the advent of the Emperor's Taoism, the people in the clan were panicked, and Jin Ying also knew...

I can't stop it.

It won't be long before the forces outside the Holy Land will break in and forcibly seize the body of the Great Emperor Yinwu.

"Bad patriarch!"

Before the four elders left for a long time, a cultivator of the clan ran into the hall in a panic.

Seeing that monk was so flustered, Jin Ying couldn't help but frown, and scolded: "In a flustered, yelling, what manner is it?"

"What happened?"

The monk panted heavily and knelt in the hall and said to Jin Ying: "It's not good, the patriarch...The fourth elder, he lifted the ban in the clan without authorization, and many cultivators rushed in!"

"What?" Jin Ying stood up abruptly from her seat, a powerful aura erupted from her body, and crushed the monk to the ground.

Jin Ying's expression became completely gloomy, and she strode out of the temple, and said in a deep voice: "According to my order, all the clansmen will gather!"

In case the powerhouses of those forces find out in advance that the corpse in their Jinjiao clan is not the Devil Emperor, it will definitely be a catastrophic event.

Not to mention that this messed up the devil emperor's anger, even if the three emperor sects attacked her, she would not be able to bear it.

Therefore, it is necessary to wait until Zhang Ziling returns before the people from the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces can enter the Golden Jiao Holy Land.

Jin Ying took the sixth elder and the seventh elder to the entrance of the holy place, and found that countless monks were already standing there.

The people from the three major emperor sects stood at the forefront, the leaders of other heaven-level holy land followed behind, and behind them were the heads of various earth-level holy land and mysterious holy land.

And the four elders stood proudly among the monks of the three emperors, gloating.

He originally didn't want Jin Ying to be in the position, but the people of the three emperor sects had promised him huge benefits. He had planned to wait for the people of the three emperor sects to come, and he would open the holy land enchantment.

Before persuading Jin Ying to no avail, he had to open the barrier himself.

Anyway, the people in the Three Hundred Holy Land are there, and Jin Ying has nothing to do with him.

Seeing that the heads of the Three Hundred Holy Lands had already forcibly broke in, Jin Ying also knew that she would not be able to drive them all out again, so she had to ignore the four elders, and forced a smile on her face to the three who stood in the front. In front of the people, a group of courtesy said: "Jin Ying, the younger patriarch of Jin Jiao, has met the master of the night, the master of Luochen Valley and the master of the hidden sword."

Jin Ying is facing the heads of the three major emperor sects, but she doesn't dare to be presumptuous.

"The younger generation is terrifying." The poster of the night nodded, looking at Jin Ying and said lightly.

Now Jin Ying's breath is not in the real martial state, but they have all heard the rumors that Jin Ying killed Jin Mo, knowing Jin Ying's true strength, they did not underestimate Jin Ying.

"The predecessor is absurdly praised." Jin Ying smiled to the night poster.

Now they are all uninvited, and all Jin Ying can do is delay time and wait for Zhang Ziling to return.

"Little girl, I heard that you got an emperor's corpse by chance, can you let me wait and see it?" The Lord of the Fallen Valley asked directly and straightforwardly.

The purpose of their coming here, even the children on the side of the road knows, there is no need to make mistakes.

However, Luo Chen's directness made Jin Ying a little startled, and then smiled bitterly: "Senior doesn't know something, this emperor corpse is related to the safety of our clan, and..."

"So, you just don't want to?" The Tibetan Sword Village Master had a cold and stern tone, and the words were thorny, making Jin Ying's face pale.

The four elders in the crowd also took the opportunity to add fuel and jealousy at this moment: "Patriarch, people came here all the way to see the emperor's corpse, you are so stingy, you will let people see my clan jokes!"


Jin Ying looked at the fourth elder angrily, but before she had time to scold her, the host before night interrupted Jin Ying.

"Oh...Don't be so stingy, Chief Jin. We are all three-hundred holy land alliances. We are all one family. If someone wants to do something wrong, we will help. What is Chief Jin worrying about?"

The landlord that night narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Or...Patriarch Jin is going to leave the Three Hundred Holy Land Alliance?"

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