Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1653: All over the sky!

In the Jinjiao Holy Land, Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian were desperate, completely giving up the hope of escape and returning to their orthodox stronghold.

Great Emperor Zixu is now on the verge of collapse, and most of the monks he brought have died under his imperial power.

The leaders of the Three Hundred Holy Land suffered heavy casualties and bloody.

In the Jinjiao Holy Land, there were torn bones everywhere, and blood stained the earth.

Although the beautiful emperor ceremony of Izan in the sky is very dazzling, the golden sacred land is like a **** on earth, with countless people wailing.

At the same time, the saints who transferred from the Heavenly Sage to the Great Sacred Lands also carried out a **** massacre on the Three Hundred Sacred Lands.

Almost in an instant, the line of defense of the Three Hundred Holy Lands collapsed.

No power can resist the combined attack of more than a dozen saints!

At Night Building, Falling Dust Valley and Hidden Sword Village, they found dozens of saints' sneak attacks!

Heavenly Sage has become purgatory in various places in Shenzhou.

The power of the surrounding great powers gradually poured into Izanami's body, and Izanami's divine body was washed over and over again. The meridians around the body continued to strengthen, and the breath of the whole person almost doubled!

Seeing the current situation of Izanami, Zhang Ziling nodded with satisfaction, and then focused his attention on the Golden Sacred Land.

Now Izanami’s great emperor ceremony is coming to an end, and the remaining Izanami can be dealt with by himself, without Zhang Ziling’s help.

And the three great emperors in the Jinjiao Sacred Land, after helping Yizanami to break through the shackles, had no use value for Zhang Ziling.

The rest... is Zhang Ziling's revenge for the thousands of dead souls in the Demon Palace.

After leaving Izanami to finish alone, Zhang Ziling waved his hand, the sky ladder and the gates of heaven dissipated, and the rivers of the avenue disappeared.

Zhang Ziling slowly fell to the ground, with a surging demonic energy behind him, and Jin Ying soon appeared in front of Zhang Ziling.

"My Lord Devil." Jin Ying saluted Zhang Ziling respectfully, her face solemn.

Zhang Ziling waved his hand slightly, did not speak, and calmly walked to the cultivators of the Three Hundred Holy Land.

At this moment, Emperor Zixu, Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian had gathered together, staring at Zhang Ziling's approaching figure, sweating all over.

The cultivators of the Three Hundred Holy Lands who were still alive hid behind the three emperors, their bodies trembling slightly.

Although there are countless saints in their Three Hundred Holy Land, and three great emperors, they still can't afford the courage to resist when facing Zhang Ziling alone.

In fact, many leaders have thought about the situation after the return of the Devil Emperor, and they have also imagined countless solutions.

But, no matter how they plan, how much preparation they make...

When they really saw the Devil Emperor appearing in front of them alive, the courage in their hearts collapsed, leaving behind...

There is only endless fear.

The tower behind the crowd cracked open, and the body of the Great Emperor Yinwu was exposed and flew to the side of Zhang Ziling.

Everyone stared at the emperor's corpse next to Zhang Ziling, with regrets in their hearts.

It was such a corpse that took them into the endless abyss.

"Just such an emperor's corpse, plus a little pure devilish energy, will bring you all over..."

A black flame ignited in Zhang Ziling's palm, and then fell on the corpse of Emperor Yinwu and swallowed it.

"You guys, have you ever thought about the day when I return?"

Zhang Ziling looked at the monks in the Three Hundred Holy Land and asked with a smile, the body of Emperor Yinwu was burned to ashes and dissipated.

Great Emperor Zixu's body was trembling slightly, and he wanted to resist, but found that he could not stimulate the spiritual power in his body anyway.

Under the powerful pressure of Zhang Ziling, the spiritual power in Emperor Zixu's body was like a pool of stagnant water, completely out of the control of Emperor Zixu!

Although the Great Emperor Yinwu is dead, his body is still the body of the Great Emperor, and its strength is comparable to that of God Jin...

But in Zhang Ziling's hands, the body of the Great Emperor Yinwu was incinerated just like the corpse of an ordinary person.

All the monks were silent when they heard what Zhang Ziling said, and their souls trembled.

No one dared to speak, even breathing cautiously, all around him was extremely silent.

Looking at the silent three-hundred sacred monks, Zhang Ziling's pupils gradually turned scarlet, and the whole body was devilish.

"Kneel down."

Zhang Ziling whispered, but the voice seemed to fill the souls of all people, exploding deep in their hearts.

The leaders of the Three Hundred Holy Land only felt that they appeared in an endless wilderness, with a huge black shadow covering the sky, and a pair of cold eyes staring at them, making them shudder.


Suddenly, a saint from the heavenly holy land knelt down towards Zhang Ziling, his face was full of dead gray.

He has completely given up hope of life.

With the first one, there is a second...

Soon, those big figures who stood on the top of Xuanxiao Continent and could cover the sky with only one hand knelt down towards Zhang Ziling.

Even Emperor Zi Xu, Emperor Ji Yan and Emperor Xu Jian who stood at the forefront could not withstand the pressure of Zhang Ziling, their legs bent and knelt down.

The sky gradually became dim, and even Jin Ying behind Zhang Ziling stepped back and knelt towards Zhang Ziling.

In this world, it seemed that Zhang Ziling was the only one standing.

I don't know when it will start, and there is a faint whistling wind, and the surrounding temperature drops sharply.

Zhang Ziling looked at these kneeling monks indifferently, stretched out his hand and waved, letting what happened in the heavenly sacred state show in the sky.

Every picture in the sky represents one of the three hundred holy places.

However, those holy places have become ruins, and there are corpses everywhere.

The leaders kneeling in the Golden Jiao Holy Land quickly found their own family holy land from the images in the air, and their eyes were cracking.

The once prosperous holy place has become ruins, and the people of the tribe who were still alive yesterday have all turned into cold corpses at this moment.

Even the Everlasting Tower, Falling Dust Valley and Hidden Sword Village were not spared!

In the sky of the Three Hundred Holy Lands, it was extremely dark, and there was blood and fire everywhere.

The monks kneeling at the Golden Sacred Land saw countless saints still slaughtering their people, and their hearts became increasingly desperate.

Devil Emperor... This is to drive them to death!

The eyes of the three emperors turned blood red, staring at the ruins of their own Taoism in the air, their bodies could not stop shaking.

Seeing the desperate expressions of everyone, Zhang Ziling's mouth turned into a satisfied smile, his eyes getting colder and colder.

Zhang Ziling, the person who wanted three hundred holy places, was completely plunged into the abyss of despair!

In this golden sacred land, despair is permeated everywhere.

"The Devil--!" The Great Emperor Zixu roared at Zhang Ziling, with bleeding and tears in his eyes, "I killed the people in the Devil Palace, and it's not about those people at all! Why are you killing them?"

Hearing Emperor Zixu's roar and questioning, Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Zixu calmly, his eyes getting colder and colder, and asked, "What did the Devil Palace do to you?"


Behind Zhang Ziling, hundreds of millions of souls suddenly appeared, and the roar of the ghosts filled the world.

"In the beginning...what did you innocent people involved in this war do?"

Zhang Ziling asked icyly, one after another, dead souls that had died three thousand years ago appeared in the Jinjiao Holy Land, where the cold wind was already roaring.

The souls of the dead are all over the sky, the people who have died, under the action of Zhang Ziling's law of death...

All return!

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