Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1671: Dao Zun is here!

Naihe's breath became stronger and stronger, the **** king couldn't believe his eyes at all, and his body began to tremble slightly.

This time... the **** king truly felt the fear of death.

Zhang Ziling looked at how the power of Tianheng and Liyun was absorbed by him, and he was also inexplicably moved.

Unexpectedly, after such a big circle, the power of the Protoss was still used by him.

Tianheng and Liyun had already absorbed the power of Tianquan, and almost accumulated the power of all the ancient gods of the Protoss. Now, if the power of the king is added...

Even Zhang Ziling will have to face Naihe's realm in the future.

The strength of his side is getting stronger and stronger, and Zhang Ziling will be more confident to deal with future storms...

After absorbing the power of Tianheng and Liyun, he opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Ziling:

"the host……"

"Go." Zhang Ziling nodded without hesitation.

"it is good."

After waiting for Zhang Ziling to nod his head, he then moved the target to the **** king and began to seize the power of the **** king.

Feeling the power in his body passing bit by bit, the spirit of the **** king gradually collapsed, with endless fear in his eyes.

"Impossible... It's impossible! I don't believe it!" The **** king became mad, his expression became more and more distorted, watching Zhang Ziling continue to roar.

"You can't take my power! My father is Qingzhou Dao Zun, a high position in this universe. Once you kill me, you will be tortured forever!"

"Zhang Ziling! Devil Emperor! I beg you, stop that guy! I don't want to die!"

As Naihe seized more and more power from him, the **** king also completely gave up his pretensions and began to beg Zhang Ziling frantically for mercy.

The cry of the **** king echoed in the air.

Although he has lived for endless years, the longer he lives, the more he wants to continue living.

Even if he was beheaded by the Emperor, he still had a chance to resurrect and could reshape his soul.

But now, once his power is completely absorbed by Naihe, it means that he will completely die...

This result...he couldn't accept it.

He doesn't want to die!

Zhang Ziling looked at the hideous look of the **** king blankly, unmoved by the threats and begging for mercy against him.

Naihe's aura became stronger and stronger, and his realm soon surpassed the Great Emperor realm, and he absorbed the power of the **** king faster and faster.

"Zhang Ziling, I curse you, you will not die!" The **** king only felt that his strength was getting weaker and weaker, and began to curse Zhang Ziling, cursing filthy words in his mouth.

"When my father Qingzhou Dao Zun arrives, he will slaughter the Xuanxiao Continent--!" The **** king roared hysterically, but could not struggle for half a minute.

Zhang Ziling also felt a little emotional when he saw that the previously inexhaustible **** king became what he is now.

Since it is an enemy, after defeat, it is natural to have the consciousness after defeat.

Zhang Ziling had no sympathy for the **** king.

All this... he asked for it.

After the breath of the **** king fell from the Great Emperor to the saint, he was completely desperate, his face was full of death gray, and he didn't even want to struggle anymore.

He has never experienced such a weak power.

However, at this moment, he has broken through to the supreme, and everything here... has come to an end.

The king no longer has the capital to make a comeback, the foregone conclusion is set.

If it is not to completely wipe out the power of the **** king's recovery, the remaining power of the **** king can be completely absorbed.

"Zhang Ziling...Zhang Ziling..." the **** king said blankly, without emotion.

The endless sea has completely calmed down. The surface of the sea is full of the corpses of those imperial-level sea beasts. Zhang Ziling released the demon basalt in the small world and let it devour the imperial-level sea beasts.

Although they were all corpses, the sea beasts contained powerful qi and blood power. Every time the Demon Xuanwu bites, his qi and blood will rise by one point.

After the battle, everything seemed to be calm.

They only need to wait for Naihe to finish before they can go back.

The King of God fell from a saint to Zhenwu, and then from Zhenwu to Heavenly Palace. His cultivation base disappeared faster and faster, and he was dying.

"The king of the dignified gods, the descendants who inherited my fine genes, are now in such a fate... It's really embarrassing."

Suddenly, a childish voice rang around, causing the dim eyes of the **** king to light up again.

The Demon Xuanwu who was happily devouring the Emperor Rank sea beasts in the endless sea was also stunned, staring at the sky in a daze, scarlet eyes bursting with fear.

Its soul began to tremble.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost? Get out!" Xun Tianyi felt bad, and quickly swept the surroundings with his spirit, but did not notice anyone nearby.

Zhang Ziling's brows were slightly furrowed, and the spiritual power in his body began to work, raising his eyes to look into the air.

The appearance of this childish voice made Zhang Ziling feel a certain kind of anxiety.

"Father!" The King of God suddenly called out, his eyes full of excitement, his expression became more and more ferocious, "Father, save me! Quickly kill them! Kill all the creatures on this continent!"

"Father?" Zhang Ziling squeezed his palms when he heard the voice of the **** king, his eyes flashing red.

The father of the king is...

Qingzhou Dao Zun!

The sky was torn apart, and a luxurious purple door appeared in the air. The space around the purple door was twisted into purple flowers on the other side, which was glamorous to the extreme.

A ghastly breath filled the door and raged around.

Zhang Ziling could feel that the entire Xuanxiao Continent began to shake, and people all over the continent felt palpitations and looked at the sky in horror.

This world is afraid!

Xun Tianyi also looked at the purple door in horror, his body trembling slightly.

It can't control its body at all now.

The breath inside the door seems to be suppressed by nature!

"Human Emperor, God Lord, Heavenly Emperor, Demon Lord, Evil King... in the heavens and all realms..."

A child's figure gradually appeared in the purple door, and the sound of leather boots stepping on the floor echoed in the air.

"I'm tired of killing things like supreme from all walks of life..."

The boy walked out of the purple door, his pupils were shining with purple light, the corners of his mouth were grinning weird and exaggerated, and an indescribable aura filled the surroundings, extremely terrifying.

He has pale skin, neatly combed hair, a purple suit with a red bow before his collar, and black leather shoes.

Purple awns hovered around him, turning into blossoming flowers.

The King of God laughed frantically, his eyes full of jokes when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

"Hahaha! Zhang Ziling... are you crazy? All of you have to die! Everyone! Hahaha!"

"I want this world to become a dead place!" The **** king laughed madly, as if he had forgotten the fact that he was just gathering Qi now.

Zhang Ziling ignored the **** king and looked at the boy with an extremely serious expression.

Around him, there is gradually devilish energy...

"This, this is..."

Looking at the strange boy, Xuntianyi swallowed slightly, his body trembling more and more:

"Qing Zhou Dao Zun?"

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