Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1673: Going crazy

The **** king was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Dao Zun Qingzhou is everything he relies on, and in his eyes it is an invincible existence... The civilization of the heavens and the world, the Dao Zun can determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings with one hand.

But why...

"Impossible... it is absolutely impossible... the heavens and the world, so many living beings... it is absolutely impossible for him to grow to this level!"

The **** king read madly, his body trembling violently, almost going crazy.

Indigenous creatures of the various worlds in the universe, even if they are the most amazing and brilliant, the final journey of their cultivation is the Great Emperor.

A very small number of people are variables. Those variables break away from the ultimate limit and are not bound by rules. Their strength can be endlessly improved, and they will eventually surpass the emperor and come to the supreme realm.

It is precisely because variables can increase their strength indefinitely, so in the end they will not let the variables grow, ordering the world of heaven to strangle the birth of the variables in the cradle.

However, there will always be some fish that slip through the net that will escape the obliteration of the heavens, grow up slowly, and reach the Supreme.

After reaching the Supreme, the variables are no longer the existence that Heavenly Dao can handle. At that time, Dao Zun will come forward to deal with the variables that step into the Supreme.

And a small part of the variables will be surrendered by the ultimate, becoming the ultimate new weapon, and most of the variables will be obliterated by the Taoist priest and turned into a piece of loess.

The **** king couldn't believe that there were still variables in this world that could escape heavy surveillance and grow quietly to the point where it was stronger than Dao Zun!

This, this... is impossible at all!

Standing in the void, Zhang Ziling gradually got used to his current strength, and looked at the endless sea below jokingly.

Although the punch he had just sent Qingzhou Dao Zun flying away, the attack strength was not painful to Qing Zhou Dao Zun.


Sure enough, shocking power burst out in the endless sea soon, the entire ocean turned purple, and Qingzhou Dao Zun rushed out of the endless sea, looking at Zhang Ziling with a gloomy expression.

"When are you..." Qing Zhou Dao Zun asked Zhang Ziling in a deep voice, his eyes bursting brightly, his hands were shaking slightly, and he didn't know if it was because of excitement or anger.

"Boss, kill him! This guy was so arrogant just now!" After knowing that Zhang Ziling's strength can crush Dao Zun, Xun Tianyi became excited and yelled next to Zhang Ziling, nothing Afraid.

Don't be vague when you should be arrogant!

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Qingzhou Dao Zun's eyes became colder and colder, and he grabbed it with one hand:

"Humble bug, looking for death!"

Naturally, Zhang Ziling would not let Qing Zhou Dao Zun touch the Heaven Seeker. Although Qing Zhou Dao Zun looked weak, with the current body of the Heaven Seeker, I am afraid that Dao Zun Qing Zhou would die if he touched him.

Zhang Ziling instantly stood in front of Qingzhou Dao Zun.

"Get out of here!" Qing Zhou Dao Zun snarled, and slammed Zhang Ziling with a fist. The endless purple light was entangled and twisted around, and the aura of terror surged.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, stretched out his hand to grab the fist of Qingzhou Dao Zun, and twisted hard!


Qing Zhou Dao Zun's arm was instantly twisted by Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, and the intense pain made him scream.

The face of the **** king was pale, and the tragic condition of Qing Zhou Dao Zun completely collapsed his worldview.

Once, he was defeated by the human emperor, and the Protoss was slaughtered by the human monks.

And at the end of the war, when the human emperor was about to taste the fruits of victory, the **** king was worthy of waiting for Dao Zun Qingzhou.

At that time, Qingzhou Dao Zun only used a palm, and in an instant, he joined the human emperor with the great emperors among the human monks, and the billions of creatures...

Suppress everything!

Killing the human emperor, obliterating the creatures on the Xuanxiao Continent... During this entire process, Qing Zhou Dao Zun never took it seriously from beginning to end.

The human emperor who has a cultivation base against the sky, with only a few moves in the hands of Dao Zun, is annihilated.

At that time, how powerful was Qingzhou Dao Zun?

But now, the **** king witnessed Zhang Ziling's abuse of Qingzhou Dao Zun...

The dignified Dao Zun behaved like a trash in front of Zhang Ziling, how did he accept this?

The king feels like he is going crazy!

Even Qingzhou Dao Zun himself couldn't believe it, and didn't understand how the monster Zhang Ziling was born here in Xuanxiao Continent?

He had just slaughtered two world civilizations a few days ago, and in one of them, there was also a monster that stepped into the supreme for thousands of years.

He still effortlessly beheaded the supreme and put the entire civilization into hibernation.

But the Devil Emperor of the Xuanxiao Continent... is really powerful beyond his imagination.

"What's this kidding? I won't be able to beat a native?" Qing Zhou Dao Zun's expression became more and more distorted, his body's strength surged, and he could no longer maintain the appearance of a boy, his head turned into a monster.

"Roar--!" Qing Zhou Dao Zun roared at Zhang Ziling, and began to rapidly expand and beastly, the arm twisted into twists by Zhang Ziling bounced back, the muscles tightened, and his arms were full of spikes!

"Is this your true face?" Zhang Ziling asked with a smile, looking at the monster that had suddenly become several times larger, "A beast?"

"Give me respect!"

Dao Zun Qingzhou roared and grabbed Zhang Ziling with one claw, his anger reached the extreme.

Seeing Qing Zhou Dao Zun grabbing him, Zhang Ziling didn't avoid it, letting Qing Zhou Dao Zun's paw slap on him.


The dull crash sound echoed in the sky.

Zhang Ziling remained motionless.

Qing Zhou Dao Zun's pupils shrank suddenly: "This is impossible!"

"Can you tell me what realm I am now?" Zhang Ziling asked with joking in his eyes, looking at Qingzhou Dao Zun.

"This is impossible... this is impossible!"

Dao Zun Qingzhou didn't believe that he couldn't hurt Zhang Ziling. He slapped Zhang Ziling with his claws, but apart from the dull clash, Zhang Ziling had no reaction at all!

"Dao, Dao...The legendary Dao...How is it possible? How could there be a Dao in the Xuanxiao Continent?" The **** king looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, muttering in his mouth, as if he had lost his reason.

"Even if the spirit source of the entire Xuanxiao Continent is given to him, this is not enough!"

"You gave me a move! Damn it!" Qingzhou Dao Zun frantically slapped Zhang Ziling with his two paws, but he couldn't hurt Zhang Ziling at all!

Qing Zhou Dao Zun felt that he was seriously insulted.

Zhang Ziling did not fight back from beginning to end.

After he liberated his ban, Qing Zhou Dao Zun's attack was like a tickle to him...

And as Zhang Ziling took longer to unlock his powers, Zhang Ziling found that his uncontrolled powers were gradually being restrained, and he was able to retract them freely.

Although he has not yet reached the point of proficient control, Zhang Ziling does not have to worry about the absurdity of letting space collapse just by breathing...

"It's really interesting... I still want to know where my current limit is now." Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, as if he had forgotten that Qing Zhou Dao Zun was still struggling to attack him.

"You inferior bug, be serious!" Qingzhou Dao Zun's eyes were purple, and a pair of huge pupils lay across the sky, filled with anger.

The Xuanxiao Continent suddenly fell into endless coercion.

Qing Zhou Dao Zun fell into extreme anger, the entire civilization...

On the verge of collapse!

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