In a civilian area, at the edge of Area C, an abandoned warehouse.

Zhang Ziling randomly used a small means to get rid of Tarot's surveillance and came to this abandoned warehouse.

This abandoned warehouse has been remodeled, and Zhang Ziling saw two hidden cameras at the door, and the warehouse door was not made of ordinary metal, but more like the shell of a battleship.

When he reached the door, Zhang Ziling hadn't even opened his mouth, and the warehouse door opened automatically.

The warehouse was filled with a strong smell of engine oil, the lights were dim, and the floor was full of mechanical parts.

"Boss, this way!"

Xuntianyi flew out of the warehouse and beckoned to Zhang Ziling.

In order to ensure that Luo Luoco does not have any problems, the Sky Seeker stayed with Luo Luoco for these three days. On the one hand, it was to protect the safety of Luo Luoco, and on the other hand, it was to monitor Luo Luoco and prevent that kid. Play tricks.

Seeing the heaven seeker, Zhang Ziling nodded and followed.

"Boss, let me tell you that this Loroke and his cousin Carlin are simply a genius, these three days are regarded as an eye-opener for me!" Xun Tianyi bragged to Zhang Ziling while leading Zhang Ziling.

"Genius?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, "Which aspect do you mean?"

"Boss, don't you know that the parts inside were picked up from the garbage dump. Many of them were scrap iron, but it was these scrap iron that they built a spaceship abruptly!" Speaking of this, I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't believe it.

"If these two little ghosts are in our Xuanxiao Continent, there is no way for the holy rank device master to run away. If they are trained well, it is not impossible even to attack the emperor rank device master!"

"So exaggerated?" Zhang Ziling was a little surprised when he heard Tianxun's evaluation.

Qi Shi is a rarer profession in Xuanxiao Continent than Alchemy and Formation Master.

A master is an existence of a craftsman to a higher level, and a master is an indispensable existence if you want to build a huge city in Xuanxiao Continent.

Moreover, the famous weapons on the Xuanxiao Continent were all made by artisans.

The Saint-Rank Equipment Master is already able to create magic weapons, and the Emperor-Order Equipment Masters can even create magic weapons of the same order as the Heaven Seeker!

However, in the Xuanxiao Continent, even Saint-Rank tool masters are extremely rare, and there is not even a Monarch-Rank.

Zhang Ziling couldn't even meet two kids with the talent of a tool master in Tianyunxing.

"Anyway, I can't say a word or two. Boss, you can go in and see by yourself!" Xun Tianyi led Zhang Ziling into a simple elevator and quickly descended.

"This elevator, including the space below, is all secretly made by a mecha created by those two boys." Xun Tianyi sighed, "I have opened my eyes these days!"

Zhang Ziling looked around and nodded slightly, Luo Luo Ke's image in his heart was also a little higher.

This day Yunxing is different from the Xuanxiao Continent. Tianyunxing is in the center of the universe, and people from all over the world communicate with each other, whether it is technology or martial arts, they have developed to the extreme.

Even Zhang Ziling has not seen many things.

When the elevator went down to the bottom floor, Zhang Ziling saw Roroco and a twenty-something young man with cat ears inspecting a spacecraft.

Luo Luo could see that Zhang Ziling appeared, and quickly pulled the Maoer Youth, and put down his work.

"My lord..." Luo Luoke hurriedly greeted Zhang Ziling.

The cat-eared young man looked at Zhang Ziling with some nervousness. He was still a little confused. He came back to his senses after Loloco pulled him twice, and quickly bowed to Zhang Ziling and said: "My name is Carlin, it's Loloco. My cousin is a flight attendant on the space train between Tianyun City and Xumen!"

Zhang Ziling glanced at Carlin a little, nodded, and then his gaze fell on the spaceship behind them.

This spacecraft is not very big, it seems that it can only accommodate four people, and the exterior materials are very shabby. It is estimated that it was picked up from the garbage dump.

"You plan to use this to go to the Xumen?" Zhang Ziling wondered if the spacecraft could fly.

"My lord, the outer shell of this spacecraft is made of yttrium dock gold. There is no problem with short-term space travel. And the system of this spacecraft is a system I stole from a federal government train, and we have also hacked into the federal government database. , Has obtained the permission to cross the blockade, and can definitely reach the virtual gate!" Karin introduced to Zhang Ziling, very confident.

He has been working for the federal government and is considered an internal member of the federal government. Although it is difficult to get these things, the Tianyun coins given to them by Zhang Ziling are enough for them to do everything well.

"It's good if you can." Zhang Ziling nodded, he didn't care much about the safety of the spacecraft.

For Zhang Ziling, the only trouble is that there is a checkpoint set by the federal government on the way to the virtual gate. If you break through without certain authority, the federal government will definitely be alarmed.

Now Zhang Ziling has determined that the federal government is doing something for the ultimate. If the federal government makes a little bit of moth to completely destroy the virtual door, then Zhang Ziling will never have a chance to go to the upper world.

Zhang Ziling didn't want to take this risk.

"Does Karin also go with us?" Zhang Ziling looked at Karin and asked.

After all, this virtual door is obviously extremely dangerous to them, and if they follow along, they will give up their lives. Zhang Ziling still has to respect their own choices.

Seeing Zhang Ziling asked, Carlin also nodded without hesitation: "I'll go! I will drive the spaceship, Roroco can't be alone."

"Very good, then let's go straight away." With Karin's confirmation, Zhang Ziling didn't want to waste time and urged.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, a trace of hesitation appeared on Loroco's face, and he stopped talking.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Ziling noticed Luoluoke's expression and asked.

"My lord, I have one thing I want to ask you." Luo Luo hesitated for a while before speaking to Zhang Ziling, "Can you pay us half the money first..."

"Lord, we don't know if we can come back alive after this time. I want to give the money to my mother first. There is a little girl in my family. If I can't go back, they can live with a sum of money. Better." Luoluoke said to Zhang Ziling.

For him, going to the virtual gate this time is desperate, and it is very likely that he will not be able to come back. It is good to get some of the money first.

At least the situation at home can be changed!

After Loroke finished speaking, the little girl with cat ears hiding behind the spaceship came out, wearing very shabby clothes, and her eyes were full of cowardice.

"Just give her the money!" Loroco's voice grew a little louder, with hope in his eyes.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the little girl, her expression did not change at all, just took out a space ring and threw it into Luoluoke's hand.

"There are one hundred thousand sky cloud coins in it, and the space ring is considered a bonus."

After all, Zhang Ziling just jumped on the spaceship and closed his eyes and took a nap: "When you are ready, let's set off."

Looking at the figure of Zhang Ziling sitting on the spaceship, Luo Luoke was slightly stunned, and then looked at the space ring in his hand, his eyes could not hide the ecstasy.

One hundred thousand days cloud coins!

Luo Luo did not expect that Zhang Ziling would be so bold, and he would give all the rewards before he reached the virtual gate!

With this money, even if he died, he has no regrets...

Carlin on the side was also extremely excited. When Loroko found him and wanted to use his precious spacecraft, Carlin was a hundred unwilling. But when Luo Luo Ke took out a bag of Sky Cloud Coins, Karin was dumbfounded in an instant, and without saying anything, he agreed to go desperately with Luo Luo Ke.

Kalin knew Zhang Ziling was generous, but he didn't expect to be so generous!

One hundred thousand days of cloud coins were given without blinking. This is really...

Karin didn't know how to describe his current mood.

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