Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1699: the end of the world

Zhang Ziling chased the four Dao Zuns and rushed into the Void Gate. The other imperial-level powerhouses in the tunnel were basically annihilated in the explosion. Only a very small part of the imperial-level powerhouses paid the price of the explosion of the gods and their own serious injuries. , Successfully survived, but also rushed into the virtual door.

After Zhang Ziling rushed into the virtual door, he suddenly felt the surrounding space collapse rapidly, the world became distorted, and the four Taoist priests rushed in a certain direction.

Zhang Ziling didn't hesitate, and chased after him, and was quickly swallowed by the twisted space around him.

The next moment, Zhang Ziling found himself in a barren land, with nothing around.

The sky is black, the earth is full of desert, and nothing is alive.

"Hahaha! Devil Emperor, just stay here for the rest of your life!"

The laughter of the four Taoist priests who ran away echoed in this space, but Zhang Ziling could not find the trace of the four people.

Obviously, they deliberately led Zhang Ziling over!

"Fucked?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, releasing his soul and quickly spreading it around.

After being swallowed by the distorted space, Zhang Ziling had lost the four of them, and they could not be found at all.

However, Zhang Ziling was not in the mood to look for the four Taoist priests who ran away. The most important thing at the moment... is to figure out where it is now.

The spiritual power of this barren land is thin, but the space is extremely stable, even if Zhang Ziling wants to destroy it, it takes a lot of effort.

Although it is still unclear what place it is, at least it is certain that this is not a small world universe.

But Zhang Ziling is not sure whether this is the upper world or not.

He flew quickly on the deserted ground, but he was too late to get out.

"Boss, this place is a bit weird. We seem to be in a circle all the time." The heaven seeker inside Zhang Ziling said solemnly, and it found that this place seemed to be a closed world with no exit at all.

"Wait...Try again!" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, raised his eyes to look at the dark sky, and flew directly above.

But soon, Zhang Ziling face down inexplicably, fell from the sky, and fell to the ground again.

There was only desert around, and the sky was pitch black. Zhang Ziling couldn't find any objects that could be used as references.

"Boss, have you noticed that after we came to this ghost place, our power seemed to be suppressed a lot!" Xun Tianyi said again.

"No, it's not that our power has been suppressed..." Zhang Ziling shook his head, "It is the power rank of this world that has become higher. We can't easily change the world, so it seems that our power has been suppressed."

"It's as if you can do everything in your own small world. It's extremely difficult to move a mountain in the Xuanxiao Continent..."

"Everything that makes up the world here is higher than the small world we were in before!"

Hearing Zhang Ziling’s explanation, the heaven seeker nodded thoughtfully, and said: "Boss means, we are now in the upper world?"

"Not necessarily. Although this place is much higher-level than the small world, its spiritual power is extremely thin, and even the earth is better than this! It may be a place of transit or an abandoned place. "Zhang Ziling whispered, "We have to further determine what it is."

"This space seems to be a ball, I will try to break it!" Zhang Ziling suddenly felt a bit tricky, and began to run the spiritual power in his body.

"The spiritual power in this space is thin, and the power I consume cannot be effectively recovered, so you try to help me recover the spiritual power that escapes in the space and stop the loss in time."

"Understand!" Xuntianyi said seriously, knowing that this matter can't be careless.

They don't know how long they will be trapped in this world. The spiritual power in their bodies needs to do their best to save together spiritual power.

The dark magic energy surged from Zhang Ziling's body, and the violent power made the surrounding earth start to vibrate, and Zhang Ziling's breath rose to its limit at this moment.

Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed red, and the magic energy condensed a long sword in his hand.

Cut out with a sword, the world changed.

The space is torn apart by Zhang Ziling!

"Boss, take advantage of it now!" The Sky Seeker frantically absorbed the spiritual power of Zhang Ziling scattered in the space, and shouted at the same time.

Zhang Ziling did not hesitate anymore, and rushed straight into the cracked void.

Since there is no exit in this space, then make an exit!

Zhang Ziling escaped into the void, surrounded by terrifying space storms, capable of wiping out all the turbulent flow towards Zhang Ziling.

"Damn, are the space storms in this world so fierce?" Xun Tianyi shouted, his eyes full of incredible.

Fortunately, it is in Zhang Ziling's body. If it appears outside now, it will probably be crushed to pieces in an instant!

Zhang Ziling didn't change his expression at all. He determined a coordinate at random, and directly shattered the surrounding space storm with a powerful force, tearing open the void and rushing out again.


Zhang Ziling is still back to this barren land!

"Hahaha! Devil Emperor, don't waste your efforts! This wasteland is forgotten by the gods, at the end of the world, any creatures that fall into it can't come out! Even if you are a Daoist!"

"Just stay here with peace of mind until you die, we won't accompany you!"

The laughter of those Taoist priests sounded again, and then they fell completely silent!

"The place forgotten by the gods, the end of the world..."

Zhang Ziling muttered, but he did not appear panicked.

According to those Dao Zuns, the place where he is located should be forbidden in the upper world.

Based on Zhang Ziling's years of experience in the forbidden lands in Xuanxiao Continent, the reason why the forbidden lands are forbidden is either that there has been a ban by a great power, or there are powerful creatures or forbidden treasures.

This barren place is so weak that there are no strong restrictions or biological existence.

The only possibility is that there is some kind of extremely powerful forbidden treasure buried in this place, which has affected this space and caused it to become a closed world.

Once when Zhang Ziling was still very weak, he fell to a forbidden place because he evaded hunting down.

At that time, he was trapped in it for a long time, and he finally got out of the trap after he finally obtained the power staff in the forbidden area.

The position of the Staff of Power in the Xuanxiao Continent does not need to be questioned.

And the forbidden treasure in the upper world, presumably will not be weak.

"Xuntian, include every detail of this place in your soul, don't miss a trace."

"Boss, do you know how to go out?" The Heaven Seeker was a little surprised. It didn't want to be trapped in this place where the bird does not **** forever after reaching the upper world.

"You do things first." Zhang Ziling did not explain, but directly ordered.

Although this place may contain forbidden treasures, Zhang Ziling didn't know what it was, he still needed to be prepared.

At least, you have to adjust your state!

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