Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1703: Forbidden treasure now!

Zhang Ziling was holding a pitch-black sickle, with a faint smile on his lips.

The surrounding spiritual power bombarded Zhang Ziling again, overwhelming the sky.

But this time, Zhang Ziling didn't condense any shield, just waved a sickle in his hand...


The spiritual power that was bombarded by a large swath was slashed by Zhang Ziling, and there was a large chunk of space in front of him, but soon it was filled with spiritual power from afar.

"It seems that this is similar to the situation on the surface. It is a closed space. No wonder we can't find the source no matter how we find it. It turns out that we have been walking in place." Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, laughing at himself, "This is the forbidden one. Is Bao's function?"

After getting the increase of the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs, Zhang Ziling was able to completely suppress the surrounding forces, and here was no threat to him again.

However, after all, it had consumed too much power before, and Zhang Ziling didn't want to waste time, holding the sickle and slashing continuously, the surrounding powerful spiritual power was wiped out by large swaths.

"Boss, there is a piece of land exposed below!" The skyfinder in Zhang Ziling's body has also been observing the outside situation. When it saw land below it, it immediately yelled and excited eyes.

Zhang Ziling turned his attention to the bottom, and without hesitation, he quickly fleeed to the land.

Under the bombardment of powerful forces, a gap was opened in that enclosed space by Zhang Ziling. As long as Zhang Ziling rushed out of the gap, he could escape from this terrifying endless sea!

Although the surrounding forces tried their best to stop Zhang Ziling, this time they couldn't stop it at all, and Zhang Ziling easily broke through.

Soon, Zhang Ziling rushed out of the endless sea of ​​spiritual power, only to feel that the surroundings suddenly became much easier, no more pressure.

"Um..." Zhang Ziling turned and looked over, and found that the sky was surging with endless spiritual power, while the space below was very calm, and the spiritual power was gentle to the extreme.

In the distance, a terrifying beam of light shot directly into the sky from the ground, presumably the sea of ​​spiritual power trapping Zhang Ziling in the sky was formed by the scattered energy of that beam.

Seeing the power of the beam of light, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The ground below is not a desert like the surface, but a ruin, with abandoned buildings everywhere, but no one has lived for a long time.

"What is the'end of the world'? How come there are still people living in the underground 80,000 li?" The Sky Seeker flew out of Zhang Ziling and said with a shocked expression, "It's incredible..."

There is a sea of ​​spiritual power above that even Daojun can't bear it. It really can't figure out what kind of people will live in such a harsh environment?

"It has been a long time since no one has lived in this place, and I don't know what happened... to destroy the civilization here. Looking at the appearance of this building, it is obvious that there has been a large-scale attack." Zhang Ziling said lightly, but he did not have this either. Mind to explore the rise and fall of a civilization and flee directly to the beam of light in the distance.

The purpose of his coming here is forbidden treasure. As for other things, if there is time after getting the forbidden treasure, he doesn't mind to understand it. If there is really no time, he doesn't force it.

"What a terrifying power!"

After Xuntianyi followed Zhang Ziling to the vicinity of the beam of light, he couldn't help but marvel when he saw the surging terrifying power.

Looking at the forbidden treasure faintly appearing in the beam of light, Zhang Ziling couldn’t help showing an expression of excitement: “The spiritual bombardment we suffered before has been diluted. If we were bombarded by this beam of light at the beginning, I’m afraid We will be gone in an instant!"

"This forbidden treasure is stronger than we thought!"

Xuntianyi nodded with lingering fears, and sighed that they were lucky.

The power of this forbidden treasure is beyond their imagination. If the forbidden treasure is placed on the Xuanxiao Continent, I am afraid that the entire continent will collapse because of that powerful power.

Only a world like this that is difficult for Zhang Ziling to open can carry this forbidden treasure.

"Boss, how do we get that forbidden treasure?" Tianxunyi rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

"The forbidden treasure is alive, there is no way to take it... let's go down and take a look!"

Zhang Ziling is already regarded as a professional householder for digging treasures. Except for the Soul Eater Demon Sword and the Imperial Dragon Seal, the other eight gods were all abducted from the secret burial sites by Zhang Ziling. Said to be experienced.

The forbidden treasure is on a square altar, and a beam of light filled with destructive power rises to the sky, supporting the entire sky.

There are many mysterious and complex runes carved on the altar. Zhang Ziling has not seen any of them. He can only feel an inexplicable powerful force from the runes, which seems to have been specially carved here from ancient times.

When Zhang Ziling fell on the stone steps of the altar, he could clearly feel the force of the forbidden treasure in the center of the altar against him.

"This thing doesn't seem to welcome us!" Tianxunyi also felt the power of repulsion, and couldn't help but complain.

"After all, we are going to accept it. It is weird that it welcomes us." Zhang Ziling smiled, not surprised at all.

"But this is also a good thing. It can repel us, which means that we can already threaten it. As long as we find the know-how, there is nothing wrong with taking down this forbidden treasure." Zhang Ziling said optimistically, "This thing is incredible, with it... estimated We can also cross this upper world."

Zhang Ziling scanned the altar again with his spirit, and found nothing unusual, so he could not help but ordered: "Xuntian, you can help find it, is there any mechanism around this altar."

"Leave it to me!" Xuntianyi is best at doing this kind of thing, but without hesitation, the spirit eroded the altar and began to collect information about the altar.

Taking advantage of the time when Xuntianyi analyzed the altar, Zhang Ziling climbed to the altar along the stone steps.

The stone steps are densely covered with various mysterious runes. Although Zhang Ziling did not understand the meaning of these runes, Zhang Ziling always felt that these runes were a bit familiar, and took the initiative to write them down.

With the strength of Zhang Ziling's soul, it is the most basic to keep a glance.

There are a total of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stone steps. Zhang Ziling is not fast or slow at climbing the altar. After the heaven-seeking ritual has analyzed all the information on the altar, Zhang Ziling also walked the stone steps completely and came to the altar. on.

"What's there to find?" Zhang Ziling looked at the beam of light in front of him, and asked Tianxunyi.

At this moment, Xun Tianyi was shocked, and his body began to tremble.

Seeing the current state of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly: "What did you see?"

The current state of Xuntianyi gave Zhang Ziling a bad premonition.

"Old, boss..." Xuntianyi looked at Zhang Ziling tremblingly, "Below here... there are many pairs of eyes looking at us!"

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