Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1708: Mysterious Fragment

Zhang Ziling's breath soared rapidly, and under the combined increase of the rune and the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, his breath soon surpassed the strongest monster.

The remaining thin monsters were all cut into pieces by the spirit power wind around Zhang Ziling, and crystals flew out of their bodies and rushed towards the bronze shards.

The strongest monster roared, and a paw slammed against Zhang Ziling. The surrounding solid space quickly collapsed under the powerful pressure of the paw. Zhang Ziling only felt a violent wind rushing toward him.

But now Zhang Ziling’s focus has not been placed on the monster. All the monsters here are made by the forbidden treasure. If the bronze shards are not prevented from absorbing blood and crystals, I’m afraid Zhang Ziling will face the difficulty of a large number of monsters. scene.

After all, these runes are all external forces, Zhang Ziling is not very trustworthy, so... it is better to conquer the forbidden treasure as soon as possible.

Without getting entangled with the monster, Zhang Ziling directly avoided the monster's claws and rushed towards the bronze shard.

However, the bronze shards didn't seem to want Zhang Ziling to come close, and powerful spiritual power burst out from the bronze shards and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Almost instantly, Zhang Ziling felt an unimaginable resistance, and the speed at which he approached the bronze fragments was greatly reduced.

The spiritual power above was poured into the bronze shards, and the shining light of the forbidden treasure illuminates the world. Those runes seem to be suppressed by the forbidden treasure, providing less and less power for Zhang Ziling.

"Break it for me!"

Zhang Ziling spared no effort, exploded all the spiritual power in his body, broke through the barrier of the forbidden treasure, rushed into the blood tornado, and reached out to grab the bronze shard.

The violent power surged from the bronze shards, trying to shake Zhang Ziling away, the surrounding space continued to collapse, and the entire ruin was wiped out by the restless spiritual power!

The monster roared from behind, with endless malice and rage in his eyes, and his huge claws slammed at Zhang Ziling!

However, Zhang Ziling completely ignored the monsters attacking from behind, and kept holding on to the bronze shards, and his white palms slowly and hardly approached the bronze shards.

The powerful force caused the blood vessels in Zhang Ziling's arm to burst, and the scarlet blood was blown out by spiritual power and sprinkled on the altar.

Those suppressed runes once again lit up with dazzling light, and suddenly flew out of the altar, forming a dense rune barrier behind Zhang Ziling!

The monster's claws hit the barrier, and the rune barrier suddenly shined, burning the monster's claws!



Zhang Ziling had no intention of other things. The resistance generated by the bronze fragments was beyond his imagination. As long as he was slightly distracted, he would definitely be pushed back by the bronze fragments.

In the rear, Rune helped Zhang Ziling to block the monster's attack, and the whole world had turned upside down, with collapsed spaces everywhere, and space storms raged.

Tian Xun Yi and Nine Heavens Demon Orb gritted their teeth, staring at the distance between Zhang Ziling's palm and the bronze shards, extremely nervous.

They all know that even if Zhang Ziling is taking a breath now, if this breath is vented, the bronze shards will definitely shake Zhang Ziling out with a powerful force, and then absorb all the blood and crystals outside, creating thousands of Taoisms again. Jun level monster!

At that time, they were dead.


The dark magic energy surged, Zhang Ziling screamed, urging his spiritual power without limit, and his meridians almost burst!


With a soft sound, a crack appeared on the barrier condensed around the bronze fragments.

It has also reached its limit...

Zhang Ziling did not give up this opportunity, and began to overdraw his strength, and directly broke through the barrier of the bronze shard, holding the bronze shard.

The dazzling white light burst out from the bronze shards, Zhang Ziling was swallowed by the white light, the runes on the altar were wiped out, and the roaring monster turned into dust under the white light.

The whole world became white, and nothing was left.

Zhang Ziling was in a coma in this white world, still holding the bronze fragment tightly in his hand.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling didn't have the slightest strength in his body, and even his body was extremely weak, and the bronze fragments only shone with a faint light, not as domineering as before.

I don't know how long it took before Zhang Ziling woke up slightly, feeling dizzy.

"Where is this... Looking for the sky? Nine days? Izanami? What is it?"

Zhang Ziling sat up, only to find that he had lost contact with everyone, and he didn't even feel any strength in his body.

I seem to be... completely an ordinary person.

"It seems...I can't contact them for the time being." Zhang Ziling shook his head, still feeling a little groggy in his head.

Judging from this situation, I should have fallen into a certain illusion, and I had to touch the key to escape from this illusion.

After feeling better, Zhang Ziling looked at the bronze shard in his hand.

The bronze fragment was shining with a faint white glow, and it seemed that something was carved on the surface, but the image was only part of it, and Zhang Ziling didn't know what it was carved.

For this fragment, he almost lost his life...

"Doesn't it feel strange?" Zhang Ziling murmured. He checked the bronze fragments carefully and found nothing strange.

However, just such a small piece of bronze fragment can have such a powerful power... Zhang Ziling has enough reasons to believe that once this bronze fragment is developed, he will gain unimaginable power!

Without thinking about it, Zhang Ziling cut his finger with the shard, squeezed a drop of blood and dripped it on the bronze shard.

In this world, Zhang Ziling could not mobilize the soul, nor did he have any spiritual power. His eyes were surrounded by white chaos. Except for the drop of blood... Zhang Ziling really couldn't think of any other way to activate this bronze fragment.

Sure enough, after Zhang Ziling's blood dripped, it was quickly absorbed by the bronze shard, Zhang Ziling suddenly felt that he had some connection with this bronze shard.

The next moment, the bronze shards flew out of Zhang Ziling's palm, suspended in the air, getting brighter and brighter.

Before Zhang Ziling had time to make the next move, the bronze fragments turned into a light and plunged into Zhang Ziling's mind.

Following this, endless information and knowledge exploded in Zhang Ziling's mind, and endless pictures flashed in front of Zhang Ziling's eyes, his breath began to rise rapidly, and the surrounding space collapsed!

Soon, Zhang Ziling's breath returned to his peak, but Zhang Ziling's power was still soaring, and there was no sign of stopping at all!


Endless spiritual power erupted from Zhang Ziling's body, and this space was shattered!

While Zhang Ziling's power skyrocketed, three thousand universes... one corner began to collapse!

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