Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1710: Something happened!

"By the way, I don't know your name yet!"

Seeing Zhang Ziling sitting on the bed in a daze, Yuan Xue couldn't help but smiled and asked.

"Zhang Ziling."

Zhang Ziling didn't have to conceal it, so he directly said his name.

"Zhang Ziling? Then I'll call you brother Ziling." Yuan Xue was not afraid of life, and smiled at Zhang Ziling, quite active.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded and smiled, and calmly accepted Yuan Xue's address to him.

After experiencing some exchanges, Zhang Ziling also had a clear understanding of the surrounding situation.

Yuan Xue's father was the head of the village, a monk in Nirvana, and the strongest person in this village.

The village is isolated from the rest of the world, and hunts for a living. The main daily necessities are exchanged animal skins to the nearest Black Rock City.

The Black Rock City belongs to the Black Dragon Empire, and the strongest Black Rock City Lord in Black Rock City is no more than a saint.

During the exchange with Yuanxue, Zhang Ziling also had a general understanding of the strength of the Black Dragon Empire.

The strongest monk in the empire is in the Supreme, and there are mainly many kingdoms in this world. Among them, the strongest empire has a Taoist priest.

But in general, there is no one in the world that can threaten Zhang Ziling.

In the next few days, Zhang Ziling recuperated in Yuanxue’s village, helping the village to collect prey from time to time, and by the way healed villagers injured by hunting.

All that Zhang Ziling did made him quite popular in the village, and Zhang Ziling was given off to him almost every day.

"The injuries are all's time to leave." Zhang Ziling squeezed his fists while sitting in the room, and all the hidden injuries in his body had healed.

Now think about it carefully, when the "end of the world" conquered the forbidden treasure, if he was unlucky, he would have died several times.

"It's still too risky...I have to be more prepared in the future." Zhang Ziling muttered, learning the lesson.

Not every time there is a life-saving thing.

And now it's only the first piece, and there is no clue where the remaining nine pieces are. Since the pieces carry the ultimate secret, the next nine pieces...the ultimate will obviously also be more important.

To win the other nine pieces, the danger...probably no weaker than the first piece.

"Brother Ziling! It's not good! My father and the others have an accident!"

Just when Zhang Ziling got up to say goodbye to Yuan Xue, Yuan Xue ran into Zhang Ziling's room crying, with a panic expression on her face.

"Xue'er, don't cry, what's the matter?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and quickly stabilized Yuan Xue's emotions.

"Three days ago, my dad took the villagers to Black Rock City to exchange supplies, but they haven't returned until now, and now only Ahu is back, covered in blood!"

"And Brother Ahu is about to die!"

Ahu is a young man in the village. Zhang Ziling has also met him a few times. He is a very strong and honest boy.

Hearing what Yuan Xue said, Zhang Ziling also realized the seriousness of the matter, wiped away the tears from the corners of Yuan Xue's eyes, and said, "Take me over and see!"

These days Yuanxue has taken care of him with all his heart, and it is impossible for Zhang Ziling to ignore this matter.


Yuan Xue nodded repeatedly and turned to lead the way.

Following Yuanxue all the way to the hospital, there was already a large group of women surrounded with anxiety on their faces.

Most of the young and middle-aged people in the village followed the village chief into the city to exchange supplies. This time they were detained, and almost the whole village would suffer.

"Thank you, let me go in and have a look."

Zhang Ziling squeezed into the medical hall and saw a young man covered in blood lying on the bed. The old doctor beside him was helpless, and there was a crying woman beside him.

"Ziling, you're here! Hurry up and take a look!"

The old doctor saw Zhang Ziling coming, his face couldn't help but smile: "Ahu, he has hurt his internal organs. Although I helped him stop the bleeding, if he doesn't get timely treatment, he will definitely die!"

The old doctor in the village could not consolidate the palace realm, and Ahu was fatally wounded, and he was simply unable to recover.

When Zhang Ziling was hunting these days, the villagers recognized Zhang Ziling’s strength, and Zhang Ziling’s severe injuries were fully recovered within a few days. The old doctor believed that Zhang Ziling could save Ahu!

"I'll try!" Zhang Ziling didn't hesitate, walked forward and wrapped Ahu with spiritual power.

"Ziling, how is my son? Can he still be saved?" the woman beside her asked anxiously, her eyes red with tears.

"Don't worry, Aunt Liu, give it to me." Zhang Ziling comforted, while treating Ahu's injury with the principle of the Great Way of Life.

After absorbing the bronze shards, Zhang Ziling found that the origin of the Dao in his body had disappeared. But he can still use the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao Law...but he uses his own spiritual power to transform it into the corresponding Dao Law power.

In other words, the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao seems to have been melted into Zhang Ziling's body, completely becoming Zhang Ziling's own power.

The hideous wound on Ahu's body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face became more and more rosy.

"Awesome! Awesome!" Seeing Zhang Ziling easily rescued Ahu, the old doctor couldn't help but admired again and again.

He has lived so long and has never seen Zhang Ziling's method of saving people!

After seeing Ahu recovering, Aunt Liu cried with joy and almost didn't kneel down for Zhang Ziling: "Thank you! Thank you for saving Ahu back to my house, otherwise I don't know what to do..."

"Don't worry Aunt Liu... Ahu is okay. I will help everyone in the village get back." Zhang Ziling comforted Aunt Liu, quietly waiting for Ahu to wake up.

"I'm not dead?" Ahu slowly opened his eyes and looked at his undamaged body, with doubts in his eyes.

"It was Ziling who rescued you, so why don't you hurry to kneel and thank Ziling!" Aunt Liu urged quickly, laughing with tears.

"Thank you En Gong for help!" Hearing Aunt Liu's words, Ahu quickly got off the bed and knelt to Zhang Ziling, but was stopped by Zhang Ziling.

"No thanks, Ahu, you should talk about it first, what is going on?" Zhang Ziling stopped Ahu from doing unnecessary things and asked quickly.

"Yes, Ahu! What happened to my father and them?" Yuan Xue also asked anxiously.

Now most of the young people in the village have not returned. If they all have an accident, the village will be over!

Seeing the anxious expressions of the people, Ahu immediately reacted and said anxiously: "The son of the Black Rock City Lord that the village chief has provoked, are all caught in the dungeon now!"


As soon as Ahu said these words, the face of everyone suddenly appeared dead gray!

It's over...

The Black Rock City Lord has absolute power over the territory he is in. They provoke the City Lord’s son...definitely!

Even Yuan Xue had become apathetic and desperate at this moment.

"Brother Ziling...this can...what should I do?"

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