Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1712: Daojun wanted?

Black Rock City, the city lord's mansion.

Black Rock City Lord An Chao is negotiating with a Black Dragon Empire envoy about territorial matters, and the auras of the two are extremely powerful, and they are obviously in the realm of saints.

An Chao is the earth emperor of Heiyan City, and his cultivation has reached the high rank of saints.

Within the scope of his jurisdiction, no one disobeyed him, and the entire Black Rock City was built by him into an iron bucket for the purpose of making a home.

In addition, there are several large-scale spiritual veins in the territory of Black Rock City, and several mineral veins that cherish metals. It can be said that it is one of the most resource-rich cities in the territory of the Black Dragon Empire and is extremely valued by the royal family.

"City Lord An, your Black Rock City has always been prosperous, and this year you have paid a large number of treasures to the royal family. Your Majesty is very pleased and sent me to express condolences." The royal envoy of the Black Dragon Empire smiled and praised An Chao.

"Hahaha, where and where... it's the blessing of the empire, otherwise, how can I manage this Black Rock City so easily?" An Chao smiled, and his eyes were about to narrow.

The imperial family of the Black Dragon Empire has a supreme seat and powerful strength. Each city-state is obedient to the imperial family and dare not defy it directly.

However, each city owner has his own selfishness. Even if the royal family is strong, each city owner will leave the best resources to his family, and An Chao does the same.

Naturally, Black Rock City sits on a variety of mineral veins, and the resources are extremely rich. The royal family has long been eyeing the fat meat of Black Rock City and has been looking for opportunities to start.

On the surface, the envoy came to express condolences to An Chao, but in fact they wanted to find out the situation in Black Rock City and find opportunities to break through.

An Chao is also an old fox, and he naturally knows what the imperial royal family is fighting, so he has always avoided answering the key questions of the envoy.

As long as he didn't make any mistakes and paid the tribute in full every year, the royal family would not have enough reason to attack him!

"Father, I'm back!" While the two old foxes were laughing and concealing knives, and competing with each other in the meeting room, a young man in a gold silk robe rushed into the chamber without any scruples.

This young man is An Chao's son Anyue, and the culprit who arrested Yuan Xue's father and the gang.

"Didn't you see me meeting guests? Get out!" An Chao suddenly collapsed when his son rushed in, and he quickly shouted.

Instead, the envoy of the Black Dragon Empire squinted and smiled when he saw the young man breaking in.

He found that he seemed to have found a breakthrough in Black Rock City.

Na Anyue didn't seem to act deeply in the city, and he was a dude, very easy to control.

"Father! I have something important to report to you!" Anyue said to An Chao quickly, and then he sat directly on the chair opposite An Chao, picked up the teapot on the table and poured it into his mouth, ignoring all manners.

"Don't care about the envoy... the children usually lack discipline, so they are so rude." An Chao felt helpless towards Anyue, so he smiled bitterly at the envoy.

Their family has absolute power in Black Rock City, and Anyue is used to being domineering in the city, and he can't behave at home.

"I think Young Master Ling is very straightforward!" The imperial envoy squinted at Anyue, and laughed softly, becoming more satisfied with Anyue's performance.

The more rude Anyue, the better he will break through.

Black Rock City is just like an iron bucket under An Chao's management. The power of the empire can't penetrate at all. Now what they need is a dude like Xiang Anyue to help them erode Black Rock City.

"What's the matter, hurry up and talk about it!" An Chao asked Anyue dissatisfied, his face gloomy.

Anyue lost his face, he couldn't wait to kick Anyue out directly.

"A few days ago, Daojun Tianyuan issued a wanted order to want a turtle from the lower realm?" Anyue's eyes were full of complacency, "I caught a group of people yesterday, and I learned from them that there is a People who came out of the mountains at the end lived in their village."


As soon as Anyue spoke these words, An Chao and the imperial envoy suddenly changed their expressions and stood up from their seats together, shocked.

Compared to those mineral veins in Black Rock City, Daojun Tianyuan's wanted is the most important thing.

A few days ago, a corner of the universe collapsed, and the entire universe became extremely turbulent, and Daojun Tianyuan directly announced to the Southern Territory, saying that a monk who had smuggled from the small world had gotten buried in the "Forgotten Land of the Gods". Forbidden treasure, causing the universe to lose balance.

As long as anyone can provide the trail of that monk, he will directly reward a world!

Compared with the rewards of Daojun Tianyuan, this Black Dragon Empire has become insignificant.

And the mountain range at the end is one of the entrances to that forbidden land!

Feeling the terrifying aura and coercion of An Chao and the envoy, Anyue spouted out a mouthful of water, and was overwhelmed to breathe:

"Father! Enough is enough, I can't stand it!" Anyue hurriedly roared, feeling that he was about to be crushed to death by the aura of the two.

He is only the cultivation base of Nirvana, and he can't bear the pressure of the saint at all.

"What's the specific situation, quickly talk about it carefully!" An Chao asked solemnly, stabilizing his emotions.

If the wanted person is really in their Black Rock City, then their homes will be prosperous!

"Of course, I was one of my servants who happened to overheard the chat of a group of villagers entering the city. Later, I caught the villagers and pressed them to make sure that it was true! Even where is the village? All figured out!"

Anyue patted his chest and said, with pride in his eyes, as if he was saying that he was finally not the dude who dragged the family back.

"Hahaha! Good! Good!" An Chao laughed loudly, "If the order goes on, immediately lead troops to raid the village and capture the Lower Territory Turtle!"

The imperial envoy also looked excited, and said to An Chao: "City Lord An, the enemy's strength is unknown, I am willing to help..."

If you take down the wanted criminals from Daojun himself, then their pattern will not only be in the Black Dragon Empire in this world...

"Envoy-sir, are you looking down on the strength of our Black Rock City? Don't worry about this, the thief, we must win it!" An Chao didn't mean to share the credit with the envoy, and said with a smile.

Hearing An Chao's words, the envoy's face suddenly turned green. He didn't expect An Chao to be so ruthless!

An Chao said so, obviously to take the credit alone!

The imperial envoy's face sank, and said in a low voice: "City Lord An, you..."


Before the imperial envoys had finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded outside the house, shaking the ground.

An Chao's expression changed, and he rushed out of the meeting room.

The city lord’s mansion was already in a mess, countless buildings collapsed, and dust filled.

Seeing the appearance of the city lord's mansion, An Chao's eyes suddenly filled with endless anger, and a terrifying aura broke out from his body:

"Who is it? Dare to break into the City Lord's Mansion?"

In the smoke and dust, there is a figure looming.

"So, where is your confinement place...?"

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