Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1714: The plan to replace heaven

After quickly dealing with the people in the Black Rock City Lord's Mansion, Zhang Ziling quickly found the dungeon in the city and rescued Yuan Xue's father and all the villagers.

However, in just one day, many villagers have been tortured in a form of inhumanity, unconsciousness, and even many of them have even interrupted their hands and feet, and may be disabled for life.

If Zhang Ziling does not come, they will die sooner or later.

Yuanxue cried and collapsed after seeing her father full of blood.

Zhang Ziling sent everyone back to the village, and at the same time helped to treat the villagers, so he wasted some time in the village.

Because Zhang Ziling slaughtered the city lord’s mansion, and now the entire Black Rock City was in chaos, the imperial royal family sent troops to suppress it and began to hunt Zhang Ziling.

Although he rescued all the villagers back, the situation of the villagers has worsened.

Now they are not only unable to go to Black Rock City to exchange supplies, but also worry that the royal family will find them.

When Anyue arrested everyone, many people in the city had seen it.

It won't be long before the people of the Black Dragon Empire will find out here.

At night, at the entrance of the village.

Zhang Ziling and Xuntianyi sat on a boulder to enjoy the cool.

"Boss... In this situation, if we leave, they won't be able to live long?" Xun Tianyi was a little worried.

After all, these things were caused by them in the final analysis, and Xuntianyi would feel sorry for him if he left regardless.

"The people in the village are kind to me after all, I naturally can't leave like this, but it's unrealistic for us to stay here forever." Zhang Ziling sat at the entrance of the village, looking at the stars in the sky, and said lightly.

"However, everyone in the city lord's mansion knows who I am. If I don't kill it, it will bring greater disaster to the village, so killing them all is the best way to stop the loss."

"Boss, you said, if we destroy the Black Dragon Empire, no one will be able to find out here? Boss, what do you think of this plan?" Xun Tianyi's eyes lit up and she proposed to Zhang Ziling.

If the royal family of the Black Dragon Empire is slaughtered, the entire country will be in chaos, and naturally no one will care about a small village at the end of the mountain range.


Zhang Ziling slammed the head of the heaven seeker:

"Are you a fool? We destroyed this empire. Didn't the vacated territory become a fat sheep in the eyes of other countries?"

"At that time, there will be chaos, the situation will probably be worse now." Zhang Ziling said.

"Then what do we do now?" Xuntianyi grumbled, "Do you have to stay here forever?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head: "No, we still have more important things to do. Naturally, it is impossible to stay here."

"I was thinking... it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish."

"Boss, what do you mean... teach the villagers to practice?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xuntianyi asked tentatively.

"Yeah..." Zhang Ziling nodded, "If a village has the power of a saint, it will also have the ability to protect itself in this world. No matter how they choose in the future, it is also their good fortune."

"What you said is easy. You don't know the talent of the people in the village. Only Yuanxue's cultivation aptitude can be seen. Others... can already cultivate to the Heavenly Palace realm to burn incense." Tian Xun Yi vomited, and didn't think Zhang Ziling's plan was feasible.

"Furthermore, the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyang Realm is stable. Boss, you have no way to change the talents of everyone in the village without concealing the Heavenly Dao."

"Now that the ultimate star is at us, if the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyang Realm notices us... Isn't that self-destructive?"

They probably know the ultimate strength.

The current Zhang Ziling is definitely not the ultimate opponent, if the ultimate finds their trail, then there is no need to think about the end.

Although they have entered the chaos, it does not mean that they will never be found.

Once locked by Heaven, they will definitely be able to locate them in the end!

"Who said that God must know?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, the best slightly raised.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, a trace of doubt flashed through the eyes of the heaven seeker, and he did not understand.

This universe is no better than their previous small world. The world is extremely stable. Heavenly Dao knows the rules of everything in the world well, and it is impossible to hide from Heavenly Dao to modify the rules of this world!

After all, this is not the Continent of Xuanxiao, and the Heavenly Dao here will not rely on Zhang Ziling like Tianxuan.

"Since we came up, the great power of the small world is no longer enough for us. Those powers that cannot adapt to the ranks of this universe will gradually become tasteless." Zhang Ziling whispered, "That was given to me by the Profound Sky after all. Gifts cannot be wasted like this."

"This day, Yangjie is considered to be a relatively large world. Although it is not as good as the T1 world, the Three Thousand Dao controlled by Tiandao is also quite strong."

The more he listened to Xuntianyi, the more confused he became, and a bad premonition faintly grew in his heart, always feeling that Zhang Ziling would do something important.


"So, what do you think... I will replace Tianyangjie and become the agent of Tianyangjie, how?"


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Heaven Seeker was completely shocked, looking at Zhang Ziling with shock:

"Boss, are you trying to... hijack the way of heaven?"

Xuntianyi couldn't believe it, and felt that this incident was too far-fetched.

They have never touched the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyang Realm. Just to protect the safety of a village, do they have to attack the Heavenly Dao?

It felt that this plan was not as reliable as the plan to destroy the Black Dragon Empire.

"Well, this is not just for the village, to gain the authority of the upper world heaven, I can also master the stronger power of the Dao, which has a lot of benefits for my strength improvement!"

"Ok, deal."

Seeing Zhang Ziling's decision, the heaven seeker could not help but slap his tongue, not knowing how to describe his current mood.

Perhaps, the way of heaven in the world of heaven will become the most unlucky way in history!

He hasn't done anything, but has been targeted by others. It is very possible that his authority will be taken away.

This is typical lying down and shot!

"Okay, Xuntian, now that it's settled, get up and work honestly." Zhang Ziling lightly kicked Xuntianyi, "Help me locate the place of heaven in this world."

"Okay..." The Xuntianyi was really helpless, so he had to spread his soul and analyze the world.

After Zhang Ziling got the bronze shards, the celestial seeker was strengthened a lot, and now he has directly stepped into the level of Taoist priest, and has undergone earth-shaking changes in the convenience of investigation, and he has strengthened a lot.

It is not difficult for the celestial seeker to find the position of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyang Realm.

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