Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1721: Yuanjia Road is narrow

"Boss, the situation in Black Rock City has basically stabilized, and we should also be ready to leave this world."

Somewhere in the attic of the imperial palace, Tianxunyi said softly.

"Hmm..." Zhang Ziling nodded slightly, raised his eyes and looked out the window, "Indeed, this place is just the beginning, and everything is almost done."

Zhang Ziling's eyes narrowed slightly, and a ray of light flashed through it.

Because time is tight, Zhang Ziling is not in the mood to reason with those princes and nobles, and simply directly suppresses all disobedient forces with domineering means.

"When the affairs of Izanami are finished, we will go to the capital of the Star Luo Empire. It is said that there are warships going to the Antarctic Sky."

The Antarctic Sky is the star field where the Tianyuan Daojun lives, and it is also the highest power that governs the southern part of the universe. It is the most prosperous place in the thousands of worlds in the southern part of the universe. Zhang Ziling is going to inquire about the Shadow Palace and the remaining nine bronze fragments. news.

By the way, go to trouble with Daojun Tianyuan.

The small world where the Xuanxiao Continent is located is one of the small worlds under the jurisdiction of the Tianyuan Daojun. All the wanted orders for Zhang Ziling were issued by the Yuan Daojun that day, and he must make Tianyuan Daojun pay the price.

Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi were thinking about their next plans in the attic, and Mo Tian, ​​who had received the envoy of the Xingluo Empire in the main hall, looked ugly at this moment.

Xingluo's envoy was aggressive, and he had to hand over Zhang Ziling anyway, otherwise the Black Dragon Empire would be their mortal enemy.

Mo Tian knew clearly that Zhang Ziling's power was able to challenge Heaven's Dao without being injured. He was definitely a top-notch existence!

It is impossible for him to give up his friendship with Zhang Ziling just because of a mere envoy from Star Luo.

Now that the devil emperor's prestige has been defeated, all the forces know that there is a strong man behind their Black Dragon Empire.

The Star Luo Empire made him surrender Zhang Ziling so urgently, it is probably because they were afraid of Zhang Ziling's power and wanted to destroy Zhang Ziling.

Now Mo Tian was holding a sigh of relief. If the Xingluo envoy forced him a step further, he might have to consider the situation of being an enemy of the Xingluo Empire.

"Mo Tian, ​​the time I have given you is running out. If your Black Dragon Empire still wants to survive, you should honestly hand over that fellow, otherwise, when your Majesty personally come over, your Black Dragon Empire... will lay the corpses all over the field! "

The Envoy Xingluo was about to lose patience, and his tone of voice to Mo Tian had changed considerably, and he said sharply.

When the ministers on both sides of the hall heard the words of the envoy of Xingluo, angry expressions appeared on their faces.

A mere envoy, but now yelling at their monarch, threatening in public... This is undoubtedly throwing the dignity of their Black Dragon Empire to the ground!


Mo Tian's face was completely gloomy, and the power of the supreme spread out, directly pressing on the Xingluo envoy.

"You are only a mere saint, but you are so rampant in front of me, really do I dare not rule you?" Mo Tian shouted, the powerful coercion crushed the envoy, making his face changed greatly.

"You, what are you going to do?" Fear appeared in the envoy's eyes. He didn't expect Mo Tian to dare to attack him!

As an envoy of the Star Luo Empire, he has been to the Black Dragon Empire several times. Before, Mo Tian was cautious in front of him and did not dare to offend him.

But now, Mo Tian, ​​who has always been counseled, suddenly runs away!

"What am I going to do? Really when your Star Luo Empire is invincible?" Mo Tian took a photo with the palm of his hand, and the Xing Luo envoy was immediately shot on the ground, and was forced into the floor.

"Do you dare to kill me?" Envoy Xing Luo felt the cold killing intent from Mo Tian, ​​and asked harshly!

"Why don't you dare?" Mo Tian's eyes widened in anger. Although he is the supreme, he is really useless because he is a monarch. He must stand up this time.

"Your Majesty calm down!"

Seeing Mo Tianzhen's intention to kill, the surrounding ministers suddenly changed their expressions and quickly persuaded Mo Tian.

If you really kill the Xing Luo envoy, then their Black Dragon Empire will have an endless relationship with Xing Luo.

By then, the country is not far away.

"Who dare to stop me?"

Mo Tian's violent aura suppressed the ministers, and the blood vessels of the envoy of Xing Luo burst and he was dying.

"Your Majesty! I was wrong! Don't kill me!"

Xingluo's envoy was stunned at this moment, and quickly begged Mo Tian for mercy.

Although he was extremely arrogant in front of Mo Tian, ​​it was his pretense. He and Mo Tian are two different realms, and if Mo Tian insists on killing him, he has no chance to survive!

However, Mo Tian was completely aroused by Mo Tian at this moment, and his murderous intent was violent, and he slapped the star to the envoy to beat: "Die me!"

"What a courage!"

A stern shout came from outside the hall, Mo Tian's attack burst into pieces, and the whole person vomited a mouthful of blood and fell directly onto the dragon chair.

A suffocating pressure came, and Mo Tian's expression changed drastically: "Why did he come?"

The ministers in the hall showed fear, but the envoy who was suppressed by Mo Tian was full of ecstasy, and shouted, "Your Majesty, help me!"

The space was slightly distorted, and a man wearing a luxurious fur robe appeared in the main hall. The powerful pressure made everyone unable to breathe.

"Monarch of the Star Luo Empire, Dao Sovereign White Oak!" Mo Tian said with difficulty, his body began to tremble slightly, and fear involuntarily poured out in his eyes.

He couldn't even dream that Bai Qu would come here in person!

White Oak's eyes were pale, and his figure was slightly fat, but his breath was terrifying to the extreme.

If Zhang Ziling was here, he would definitely recognize...

This white oak was one of the four Taoist priests who intercepted and killed him in the lower realm at that time and led him into the forbidden area!

Bai Qu looked at Mo Tian with cold eyes and snorted coldly, "Mo Tian, ​​you are so bold!"

With the power of Dao Zun in his sharp drink, Mo Tian spit out blood again, his face pale.

Envoy Xingluo got up from the floor and said to Bai Li with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your life-saving grace, the minister is unforgettable!"

Bai Li glanced at the envoy faintly, gently beckoned him to step back, then looked at Mo Tian, ​​and asked, "Where is the strong man behind you?"

Mo Tian's body was trembling slightly, and the powerful pressure of White Oak made him breathless.

If White Oak thinks about it, everyone here will be wiped out instantly by White Oak!

Mo Tian gritted his teeth and finally couldn't bear the pressure of White Oak, and said in a trembled, "He, he is..."

"Yeah! I was planning to find you, but I didn't expect you to come here by yourself."

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in the palace, and suddenly Bai Qu's expression froze on his face.

"Unexpectedly, you are still the monarch of the Star Luo Empire, your status is very good..."

Zhang Ziling walked in from outside the hall with his hands on his back, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and a cold glow in his eyes:

"White Oak, what a coincidence..."

Bai Qu's pupils shrank suddenly, his face couldn't help but fear.

how come……

It's him?

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