Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1726: Suppress Tianyang City!

"He... left by himself?"

Izanami was stunned and never thought about this situation.

With Naihe's character, how is this possible?

"It's nothing, but we have no way of knowing where we are now. It's useless to be in a hurry here." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, "That guy is a supreme high-level, and has a certain connection with me. I can feel that he is. Live well."

"Furthermore, it is not necessarily a bad thing to let him go out alone in a naihe state."

Naihe's experience is still too little. Going out alone to take a look may be able to settle Naihe's strength, and then it is possible to break through to Dao Zun.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Izanami also relaxed a little, and was silent for a while before asking: "Then what shall we do next? Are we leaving this world?"

There is nothing in the world that attracts Izanami this day, and she can't stay here.

"I still have some tails to deal with. You first find a warship that can go to the Antarctic sky. When I finish dealing with things here, I'll come to you."

In this Tianyang City, half of them are mechanical cities, and there is even a base dedicated to parking warships in the Star Luo Empire. Go there and believe you can find a good warship.

Yixana whitened Zhang Ziling and said with a smile: "Then you try to make the movement bigger, there are quite a few in the Star Luo Empire City that are stronger than me. If a Daoist or something comes out, I would be bad. Up."

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and his eyes flickered: "Don't worry... none of them will come to disturb you."

After the words fell, Zhang Ziling's figure was slightly distorted, and then disappeared in place.

"It's really impatient..." Seeing Zhang Ziling leave, Izanami couldn't help but stretched her waist slightly, extremely enchanting.


Tianyang City, in the palace.

A blond woman with a deep anxiety on her face, hesitated back and forth in the hall.

"This White Oak has been in the Black Dragon Empire for a while, why haven't they come back yet?" The blonde beauty muttered to herself, her beautiful eyes filled with worry.

She is Jin Ning, but one of the Taoist priests who intercepted and killed Zhang Ziling in the Lower Realm.

Not long ago, the breath of white oak suddenly disappeared, making her feel a little uneasy...

In this Tianyang Realm, no one is an opponent of White Oak at all, and even the Tianyang Road cannot threaten White Oak.

Now that the breath of white oak disappears, it is obviously extremely abnormal.

"His Royal Highness Jinning! A strong man attacked our Tianyang City, and now the city is lost!"

Just when Jin Ning was uneasy, a strong emperor stepped into the hall frantically and shouted at Jin Ning.

"What is it?"

Seeing the expression of the powerful emperor, Jin Ning frowned slightly, and shouted coldly: "What happened? Isn't there an elder from the ten directions in the city? How could it fall?"

The ten elders are the ten supreme princes of the Star Luo Empire, second only to White Oak in strength in the empire.

"Yes, there is a mysterious man in a black robe. He has killed our five elders! Now the city is in chaos!" Endless fear appeared in the eyes of the powerful emperor, and his voice began to tremble.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Ning's expression changed slightly, "Five elders have died?"

"Why don't I know?"

Her soul has always been all over the palace, and if there is a fight outside, she will definitely feel it.

Five people died suddenly, she couldn't believe it!

"The man didn't know what secret method was used, which blocked all of us's perception. Now he is killing him in front of the palace gate. Your Majesty has not appeared for a long time. Please also ask His Highness Jin Ning to help!"

There was a deep doubt in Jin Ning's eyes, and he quickly said, "I understand, you should withdraw first, and I will go immediately!"

After letting the emperor-level powerhouse retreat, Jinning hesitated again in the hall:

"The man in black...could it be him?"

A flash of fear flashed in Jin Ning's eyes, and then he shook his head suddenly: "Impossible! That guy has been trapped by us in the'Forgotten Place', it is impossible to escape!"

"But... there has been news of a Devil Emperor from the Black Dragon Empire, and White Oak has gone to the Black Dragon Empire, and there has been no news yet..."

Jin Ning seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly ran to the back of the main hall and tore a piece of the map of Tianyangjie away!

The map is more than 30 square meters, and the signs on the map are extremely detailed.

If such a picture is placed on the market, it can definitely sell at sky-high prices!

Jin Ning's beautiful eyes quickly scanned the map and found the Black Dragon Empire.

"Mountains at the End..."

Jin Ning looked at the mountains beside the Black Dragon Empire, the fear in his eyes became more and more intense, and his body began to tremble violently.

"Impossible... he couldn't come out!" Jin Ning trembled, his mind gradually becoming chaotic.

The mountain range at the end is one of the entrances to the Forgotten Lands, and a strong man called the "Devil Emperor" slaughtered in the Black Dragon Empire. After White Qu went to the Black Dragon Empire, there was no news...

The combination of this one cannot tolerate Jinning not believing...



"No, I can't stay in this place, I have to run away!"


Just as Jin Ning was about to escape, a violent energy fluctuation came from outside the palace, and the whole city shook.

In the next moment, endless magical energy surged over Xingluo City, sealing the entire Tianyang City, and the entire city was full of despair.

"Quick! Make up for the rest! Never let the demon go one step further!"

The generals of the empire roared and made the troops behind to pounce on Zhang Ziling to prevent Zhang Ziling from entering the palace.

A team of soldiers rushed to Zhang Ziling desperately, and was torn apart by the devilish energy.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling's mouth was sneered, and the whole body was devilish, and the smell of blood was permeated around him.

The powerhouses of the Star Luo Empire rushed towards Zhang Ziling frantically, with a hideous expression.

There are already eight Supreme Powers who died in the hands of Zhang Ziling! The remaining two supreme beings hid behind the army, their faces were full of horror, and they did not dare to go forward.

"So, what kind of monster is that?"

A powerful emperor trembled, his body stained with blood from his companion.

Zhang Ziling appeared suddenly, collapsed half of the palace in an instant, and even announced to the whole city that anyone who didn't want to die would get out!

At the beginning, everyone was mocking Zhang Ziling for being too self-confident. No one listened to Zhang Ziling's warning.

But after Zhang Ziling shot...

All talents finally realized how precious an opportunity Zhang Ziling gave them!

Now that more than half of the palace’s army has been killed or injured, more and more people have become deserters, who dare not fight against Zhang Ziling at all.

In an instant, the people of the Star Luo Empire...

Zhang Ziling was stunned!

And Mo Tian, ​​who had been prepared for a long time, immediately summoned the whole country's army after receiving the informant's report and crushed it towards the border of the Star Luo Empire!

The action of the Black Dragon Empire declaring war on the Star Luo Empire shocked the entire Tianyang Realm!

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