Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1728: Take over the empire!

There are corpses everywhere in the palace, and the dark magic energy is surging around, making it a **** alive!

Jin Ning hid in the corner alone, concealing her breath to the extreme, with fear surging in her eyes, staring at the corpse in front of her, her body trembling slightly.

"This, this guy, when will he leave?" Jin Ning did not dare to move or go out.

She had planned to escape before, but after Zhang Ziling sealed off the entire Tianyang City, she gave up the idea of ​​escape.

Once through that barrier, she would definitely be found by Zhang Ziling.

Fortunately, Jin Ning has a secret method that can completely conceal her breath. As long as she doesn't touch the devilish energy that is attached to Zhang Ziling's soul power, Zhang Ziling will not find her for a while.

"White Oak hasn't come back yet, it's estimated to have been killed..." Jin Ning looked around, took out a piece of communication jade from her space ring, a hesitation flashed in her eyes.

"At the moment I sent the message, the Devil Emperor was sure to be able to locate me in the first place, and the rescue from the Antarctic Sky could not make it..."

"This Star Luo Empire is definitely gone, I don't want to be buried with these wastes!"

Jin Ning's eyes gradually became fierce, as if she had made up her mind, her body began to liquefy and melt into the ground.

Outside the palace, Zhang Ziling has cleaned up all the royal family of White Oak, and all the senior officials of the Xingluo Empire died suddenly. In addition, the major empires of the Tianyang Realm took advantage of the fire and robbed the land of the Xingluo Empire. The major cities in the empire began to stand on their own and announced their separation from the rule of the Star Luo Empire.

The huge empire collapsed in this very short time, and all parties fell apart.

The monks in Tianyang City witnessed Zhang Ziling destroying the palace alone by tens of thousands of powerful men. Nine out of the ten supreme princes died in battle, and the remaining one directly knelt and surrendered.

The emperor rank powerhouse suffered countless deaths and injuries, and the blood of ordinary monks stained the ground.

The white oak never came out from the beginning to the end. When everyone saw that the entire royal family was destroyed, they finally realized it.

The monarch of the Star Luo Empire might have been poisoned by Zhang Ziling long ago.

"The great dynasty just collapsed like this... It's really embarrassing." A monk who was watching from a distance said with emotion, like Zhang Ziling, who can destroy a country with a finger, there are too many in this universe. Many, although everyone is emotional, they are not surprised.

"However, this Xingluo Empire is the only dynasty registered in the Antarctic Heaven in the Tianyang Realm. Now the Xingluo Empire has been destroyed by the Demon Emperor... I'm afraid Antarctica will not let the Devil Emperor go, right?"

"So what's the matter? The vastness of an area, no matter how powerful the Antarctic sky, as long as you hide in the depths of the starry sky, who can find it? The Devil Emperor must be confident and dare to do so."

The surrounding monks whispered, and their attitude towards the Devil Emperor gradually changed from hatred and disgust to the current awe.

The strong are admired no matter where they are.

Zhang Ziling has used his powerful strength to conquer everyone around him.

"Boss, what secret method did Jinning use... escaped to the ground?" Tianxun has been watching Jinning's trail closely. Jinning hadn't made any movements before, and now he suddenly escaped into the ground. Tian Xun Yi always felt that Jin Ning had something to do.

"It's okay...Wait for Mo Tian's army to rush outside Tianyang City, and after taking over this Tianyang City, then go to solve that Jinning.

"Furthermore, it is a good thing for her to make a big move."

Zhang Ziling didn't pay attention to Jinning's movements, and said lightly.

As Jinning is the only strongest remaining in the Star Luo Empire, Zhang Ziling needs to behead him in front of everyone to cheer on the Black Dragon Empire.

Otherwise, with the size of the Black Dragon Empire, it will definitely be coveted by other forces in the Tianyang Realm.

"You monitor her closely, and as long as she doesn't make any attempt to escape, let her toss."


After instructing the heaven seeker to monitor Jinning, Zhang Ziling soared into the air, overlooking the city below indifferently.

A strong momentum filled his body.

There were nearly 10 million people in Yangcheng that day, all staring blankly at Zhang Ziling who was standing in the void, and they didn't know what Zhang Ziling was going to do.

"He is the Demon Emperor who destroyed the palace?"

The monks in the periphery saw Zhang Ziling flying into the air and began to discuss.

Everyone in Tianyang City knows that someone single-handedly suppressed the huge Xingluo Imperial Palace, but most of the city is far away from the palace. People in those places, except using clairvoyance and other magical powers, most people are I don't know what the Devil Emperor looks like.

Now when they see it, everyone is curious about Zhang Ziling's life.

In their opinion, those who did such a frantic thing to destroy the Star Luo Empire royal family absolutely had a deep hatred with the Star Luo Empire.

"What does he want to do?" Someone cares more about the present, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling is going to do now.

After all, Zhang Ziling could move into the Demon Palace at any time after the imperial family of the Star Luo Empire.

"Although this Demon Emperor destroyed the Star Luo Empire, he is only one person after all, such a vast territory... Can it only be left to fall apart from now on?" Some people questioned, they did not think that Zhang Ziling would be restored on this land. Established an empire and began to care about their own future.

"Boss, Mo Tian has confirmed the coordinates over there, you can come over at any time!"

"It can be counted..." Zhang Ziling chuckled slightly, and the void drew a magic circle, threw it into the air, and let it grow rapidly.

In the sky above Tianyang City, a giant teleportation array appeared instantly, suddenly shining brightly.

The entire Tianyang City was shrouded in the light of the magic circle, and everyone stared at the sky in a daze.

That powerful fluctuation of spiritual power made everyone fall into a deep shock.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly raised, and the devil qi diffused out of his body and spread to all directions of Tianyang City.

Under the erosion of the devilish energy, the defensive array of Tianyang City failed one after another, and the teleportation array of the sky became stable.

The teleportation array in the sky lit up with dazzling light, and a huge beam of light fell from the sky!

Mo Tian appeared in Tianyang City with a large number of troops, causing a commotion.

A hundred thousand iron knights teleported to Tianyang City, and the armor and sharp blades that shone with cold light, and the extreme momentum of killing, made the entire Tianyang City tremble.

At the same time teleporting an army of 100,000 cavalry?

How much spiritual power does this need?

No one can think and understand.

With an excited smile on his face, Mo Tian grabbed the white oak and jumped into the air.

The 100,000 cavalry were divided into small teams, spreading around the city in an orderly manner, quickly seizing control of Tianyang City.

Under Zhang Ziling's powerful pressure, no one dared to resist.

Tianyang City fell at an extremely fast speed!

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