Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1733: Antarctic sky

Antarctic sky, the southern part of the universe, the largest star field.

There are a total of 38,672 life planets in the Antarctic sky, of which there are countless strong and several giant forces.

Of course, the top power in the Antarctic Heaven is the Antarctic Palace of Dao Sovereign Tian Yuan, with countless Dao Sovereigns and even Dao Sovereign level elders.

Daojun Tianyuan is the number one person in the Antarctic Heaven, and his cultivation is terrifying. Few people can see the true face of Daojun Tianyuan. The entire Antarctic Heaven lives under the legend of Daojun Tianyuan.

"Master, the former convenience is to enter the interstellar checkpoint of the Antarctic Sky. People with pass qualifications are required to enter. The aliens will be stopped and checked."

In the crystal tungsten spacecraft, Jin Ning had already put on his clothes, stood in the cockpit, and said to Zhang Ziling seriously.

"I am qualified to pass, and the interstellar barrier ahead will not stop us... But I work in the Antarctic Sky. Every time I return to the Antarctic Sky, I need to report to the Antarctic Palace."

"Well, I'll follow you." Zhang Ziling just wanted to find Tianyuan Daojun, and it was a good way to go to the Antarctic Palace.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not respond to this, Jin Ning also breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Both the green mandarin and the red ghost may be in the Antarctic Palace, and they also know you, the master, if they meet in the Antarctic Palace..."

Having said this, Jinning paused again and looked at Zhang Ziling directly, with obvious meaning.

After all, there is the Antarctic Palace, the headquarters of Tianyuan Daojun, if it is discovered there...

Seeing Jinning's appearance, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, and said, "I understand, just wear a mask."

He now needs to find the trail of the Shadow Palace, and he has to search for the remaining nine bronze shards, and it shouldn't cause too much trouble now.

After all, Zhang Ziling also condensed a silver mask, covering his face, and at the same time completely concealed his breath.

Jinning took a close look at Zhang Ziling's appearance, and couldn't feel Zhang Ziling's breath at all.

"Then master, Jinning will offend next." Jinning said, and then began to control the spacecraft to fly to the Antarctic Palace.


The Antarctic Palace is not so much a palace as it is a giant city.

So the Antarctic Palace is also known as the Antarctic City.

Jinning herself has a high status in the Antarctic Palace. Although she is driving an unknown warship, the people in the Antarctic Palace did not embarrass Jinning after confirming Jinning’s information, and even opened a new parking lot for Jinning. The location of the battleship.

After Zhang Ziling put on the mask, he pretended to be Jinning's servant and followed Jinning all the time.

In Antarctic City, there are creatures from all walks of life in the Star Territory, and even the supreme from the lower realms. There are countless powerful people, and there are all kinds of people. It is not uncommon to see people wearing masks like Zhang Ziling.

So Zhang Ziling followed Jinning, not very conspicuous.

"The management core of the Antarctic Palace is in the south of the city, and we are in the north of the Antarctic Palace."

"This north is the core of the powerhouse from all walks of life to and from the Antarctic Palace, and there are also virtual gates connecting different worlds, usually in the small world under the jurisdiction of Tianyuan Daojun. If there are strong lower realms who obtain a green card, they will also pass through the virtual gate. came here."

"And those strong people are very few, and they will basically be recruited by the major forces in the Antarctic Palace, and only a very small number of people will choose to practice."

Jin Ning patiently explained to Zhang Ziling: "There are many forces in the Antarctic Palace, among which the Stardust Sect, the Nantian Pavilion, and the Three Great Powers are the strongest, and there are several other small forces."

"This Antarctic Palace is not a force?" Zhang Ziling couldn't help being a little confused when he heard Jin Ning's words. "This Antarctic Palace also contains other power families, which is really strange."

"The master doesn't know that the Antarctic Sky is one of the four strongest forces in this universe, and its territory occupies a quarter of this universe."

Jin Ning smiled bitterly and continued: "The territory is too big and the Antarctic Palace can't handle it, so many forces took the opportunity to rise and survive as vassals of the Antarctic Palace."

"Master, you can regard the Antarctic Palace as a heavenly path to the Antarctic Heaven."

After hearing Jin Ning say this, Zhang Ziling could roughly understand the conditions of the Antarctic sky.

If the Antarctic Sky is compared to the Xuanxiao Continent, the major planets are equivalent to the upper Shenzhou in the Xuanxiao Continent, and the Antarctic Palace is equivalent to the largest Upper Shenzhou in the Xuanxiao Continent, and the Stardust Sect is like The Dimen Taoism in Shang Shenzhou is a holy place of heaven.

Tianyuan Daojun is equivalent to the Antarctic Heaven, managing many worlds, and he doesn't need the major resources in the Antarctic Heaven. Naturally, those resources are divided by the major forces.

"Really a huge force..."

Zhang Ziling thought for a while, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The Xuanxiao Continent is just one of the thousands of worlds in the small world universe, and the Heavenly Cloud Daojun manages thousands of small world universes, plus it has a quarter of the middle world...

With such a huge field, the Antarctic Palace naturally cannot be measured by ordinary forces.

"By the way, since you said that from the Lower Realm through the Void Gate, I will come to the Antarctic Heaven, but why did I appear in the Tianyang Realm?" Zhang Ziling put aside the emotion in his heart and asked Jinning.

There is a million light-years away between the Tianyang boundary and the Antarctic sky. This distance cannot be explained by the error.

Hearing Zhang Ziling asked this question, Jinning couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Looking at Zhang Ziling, he didn't know how to explain it.

"what happened?"

"Don’t tell the master, in fact, you should have gone to the Antarctic sky at that time, but before the master passed the virtual door, we changed the coordinates of the virtual door in advance and sent you directly to the forbidden land..."

Having said that, Jinning was also a little embarrassed.

After all, she began to hold the determination to completely obliterate Zhang Ziling at the time, but she did not expect... She is now a servant of Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing when she heard Jinning's explanation.

In fact, Zhang Ziling did not expect that he would take Jinning into a slave.


Just when Jinning was about to take Zhang Ziling to the Antarctic Palace to report, the ground began to vibrate and an explosion occurred near them.

"This is?" Zhang Ziling looked over, somewhat puzzled.

"A slave blew himself up..." Jinning explained to Zhang Ziling.

"The slave blew himself up?" Zhang Ziling asked.

"The master should know... the great emperor in the lower realm will be liquidated every 100,000 years, right?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and nodded.

"Those strong emperors who have not obtained the green card will be captured by Dao Sovereign of Tian Yuan Daojun, some of them will be taken to the Antarctic Palace to be sacrificed by Dao Yuan Tian Yuan to the ultimate, and some will become slave gladiators of the major sects. ."

Jin Ning explained: "There is a very famous arena in the Antarctic sky. The slaves captured from the lower realm are basically thrown there to fight and watch the major forces in the Antarctic sky."

"Some great emperors are very angry and don't want to be slaves. They will be like just now..."

Jin Ning paused slightly, and continued, "Blew himself up."

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