Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1743: Fly to each other

Chi Yi Dao Zun's expression was ugly to the extreme. He wanted to get away from Zhang Ziling quickly, but he was reluctant to bear his magic weapon, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

The surrounding Taoist priests were stunned, and the strange situation in the field left their brains blank.

That was the secluded flame sword wielded by the Equatorial Dao Zun, not the wood used by any cat or dog!

"This this……"

They saw Zhang Ziling personally holding the blade of the Youyan Sword, and Chi Yi Dao Zun was pulling the sword hard, and they felt that their world had collapsed.

No one can believe that this shadow temple monk who broke into the Antarctic sky turned out to be a powerhouse at the level of a monarch!


When everyone thought of this word, their bodies began to tremble, and fear continued to grow in their hearts.

Some Taoist priests soon realized that something was wrong and prepared to leave the Deacon’s Hall and escape, but they suddenly discovered...

The entire space in the Deacon's Hall has been locked!

"No! The surrounding space is locked! We have no way to teleport!"

A Daoist screamed sternly, and immediately caused an uproar around!

If it were before, the entire space was blocked, and no one would care, but would think it was a prank by one of their strong men.

But now, the situation is different.

Zhang Ziling suddenly showed the ability to crush the Equatorial Dao Zun, and their group instantly transformed from hunters to prey...

In this case, the space was completely sealed off again, and a very bad premonition flooded in everyone's hearts.

Zhang Ziling wants to hunt them!

"Run away! Everyone, when that fellow is entangled by the Equatorial Daoist, escape this blocked space as soon as possible!"

You Dao Zun shouted, and everyone immediately responded and fled outside the Deacon's Hall.

Although the space is blocked, they cannot distort the space and escape, but as long as they escape this blocked space, they can still teleport out!

There are so many powerhouses in the Deacon’s Hall, and the Taoist priests do not believe that Zhang Ziling can kill them all. As long as they are lucky, they can escape!

When they report the matter here to Daojun Tianyuan, so that the strongest in the Antarctic sky can come over, they can still besieged Zhang Ziling!

The abacus in everyone's hearts crackled, but when they saw that the deacon's hall was already covered with demons, despair appeared on their faces.

Zhang Ziling completely blocked their retreat!

"I don't believe it, what's the horror of a pile of black mist!" An unbeliever Dao Venerable with a hideous face, sacrificed his defensive magic weapon, wrapped his whole body with spiritual power, and rushed towards the black mist ahead.

The surrounding Dao Venerables all squeezed a cold sweat for the sprinting Dao Venerable, and extremely hoped that he could rush over.

However, after the Dao Zun touched the devil energy, it was quickly corroded by the devil energy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The severe pain made him wailing, and his stern voice echoed in the hall of the deacon!

Soon, the Dao Zun turned into a pile of bones in full view.


When everyone saw this, they even took a breath, frightened the souls of the dead, no longer dared to touch the demon energy outside the Deacon's Hall.

Chi Yi Dao Zun was also awakened by the screaming scream, no longer caring about the Youyan Sword, and quickly let go and fled:

"The armed forces follow the order and lift the space blockade!"

Chi Yi Dao Zun roared, his eyes cracked.

At the moment when Chi Yi Dao Zun collided with Zhang Ziling, he knew that Zhang Ziling's strength was beyond his imagination!

The tens of thousands of monks in the immovable nether formation looked at each other, and their faces couldn't help but show fear.

Chi Yi Dao Zun said that, it was clear that he was not Zhang Ziling's opponent.

The supreme members of the army also changed their expressions, directly interrupting the spiritual power chain of the army, the unmoving formation was broken, and the spiritual power of the army became disordered.

Everyone is not stupid either, Chi Yi Dao Zun obviously treats them all as abandoned sons and wants to escape by himself.

In that case, it might as well make the situation more chaotic, and then escape by yourself!

However, after the army was disrupted, the space in the Deacon’s Hall was still blocked by some kind of force, and they had no way to send it out!

After tens of thousands of troops dismissed the formation, it had no effect at all except to make the situation more chaotic.

"Damn it!"

The Chi Yi Dao Zun quickly fled to the entrance of the Deacon's Hall, and his face became distorted when he saw the devilish energy densely outside.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling had completely sealed off the Deacon’s Hall, and no one inside could escape!

"Chi Yi Dao Venerable, what shall we do now? You have to give an explanation!" A Dao Venerable anxiously asked, his face pale.

He just came here to watch the excitement. He knew this place was so dangerous. He couldn't have stayed here for half a second!

There was a Dao Venerable questioning, and all the other powerful people also gathered around, wanting Chi Yi Dao Venerable to give them an answer.

With a knife hanging on the knife, no one's attitude will be good.

Chi Yi Dao Zun was also extremely anxious at the moment. He looked back at Zhang Ziling, who was still admiring the Youyan Sword, and a fierce fierce flashed in his eyes:

"No way, this place has been completely sealed off by that guy, we have no other way to leave except kill him!"

"Kill him? It's easy to say, but Daoist! What are you going to kill?"

Dao Zun roared, his eyes flushed.

Everyone now knows that Zhang Ziling is a Taoist monarch, and they have no intention of fighting at all!

"How about Dao Monarch?" Chi Yi Dao Venerable said in a cold voice, "His breath is quite different from Dao Monarch Tian Yuan, presumably he is also a new Dao Monarch, even just a half-step Dao Monarch!"

"We have hundreds of Dao Sovereigns here, and tens of thousands of emperor-level troops. We have the power to fight against that guy!"

"The space in this Deacon's Hall is small. As long as we restrict him to a certain range and let the army accumulate force to attack, we will be able to seriously hurt him!"

Chi Yi Dao Zun became more excited as he spoke, his saliva splashed: "And! This is the Deacon Hall, the hinterland of our Antarctic Palace! There is such a big thing here, Dao Monarch Tian Yuan will definitely know that, as long as we persist for a while, we will be able to drag it. Reinforcements come here!"

"As long as we all stay together, we will definitely be able to survive!"

Chi Yi Dao Zun said impassionedly, with unparalleled determination in his eyes.


Chi Yi Dao Zun said so much, but the surrounding Dao Zun did not move, and they all looked indifferent.

None of the people who can cultivate to Dao Sovereign are stupid, they all know how terrifying Dao Sovereign is, and they cannot be resisted by humans.

Chi Yi Dao Zun said so, undoubtedly he wanted them to rush to the front to die, delaying the arrival of Tian Yuan Dao Sovereign.

"Since Chi Yi Dao Zun is so insincere, everyone has to settle for their destiny. This Deacon Hall is not small. Whoever can survive the pursuit of the Shadow Hall is eligible to live!"

A Taoist priest said coldly, and then turned into a light to escape to the depths of the Deacon's Hall and hid it.

The surrounding powerhouses also looked at each other, and none of them were willing to fight Zhang Ziling. They all followed the Taoist priest and fled.

Soon, the only ones who were still standing in the void were the Equatorial Dao Zun with an ugly face, and Zhang Ziling who had already stored the Youyan Sword.

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