Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1768: Ghost Lian Dao Zun!

The entire Cangqing Arena was extremely noisy, and the blood of the four Dao Venerables was about to freeze, but the Cangqing Arena did not send a strong person to clear the battlefield.

"What's the matter with the endless door? Why haven't you sent someone to take down that lunatic?" Chen Ning looked at Zhang Ziling standing swayingly in the arena, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Ziling raised his eyes to look at Chen Ning and Nan Ming in the auditorium, and reached out to them.

The arm was surrounded by the dark magic energy, and then he rushed towards Chenning and Nanming!

When the two saw the evil spirit rushing towards them, their faces couldn't help turning pale: "Quick, come and stop them!"

Both of them are only supreme cultivation bases, it is impossible to stop Zhang Ziling's attack.

"Bold fanatic!"

The guards beside Chen Ning and Nan Ming all stood up and stood in front of them to shatter Zhang Ziling's attack.

When Zhang Ziling chose to attack the young masters of the two major sects of the Stardust Sect and the Nantian Pavilion, the entire audience exclaimed.

No one thought that Zhang Ziling was so courageous!

Before everyone had reacted, the dark magic energy reached the front of the guards of Chenning and Nanming.

"These are all tricks! Young master, don't worry!"

The two guards who stood in front of Chenning and Nanming were both cultivators of the later stage of Dao Zun. They were extremely powerful and didn't think Zhang Ziling's devilish energy could hurt them by half!

Seeing the two confident guards, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile bloodthirsally, and whispered:

" what way?"


The dark demon energy that approached the two suddenly burst out of mighty and terrifying power, instantly wiped out the two guards, and smashed into the auditorium!


The large seats were trampled on, countless monks in the audience were torn to pieces by demonic energy at this moment, and the entire Cangqing Arena was blown out of a hole forcibly!

Chen Ning and Nan Ming were fettered by demonic energy and dragged to the arena.

All the audience stared blankly at the big piece that was bombarded by the devil, the **** scene, leaving everyone's brain blank!

"Crazy, lunatic! This is a lunatic!" Fear appeared on someone's face, and his body trembled violently.

"Why does this guy kill everyone? What about the people in Cangqing Arena? Why hasn't anyone come over to take this guy down!"

"Then, that guy... actually arrested the two young masters of the Stardust Sect and Nantian Pavilion, what exactly did he want to do?"

Zhang Ziling's attack made the entire arena become more and more noisy, and an inexplicable fear began to permeate all around.

Zhang Ziling's demonic energy exploded just now, killing at least tens of thousands of people!

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Chen Ning kept struggling, her expression became extremely hideous, and she stared at Zhang Ziling fiercely: "My father is the Sect Master of Stardust, do you dare to try one of my hairs?"


Zhang Ziling glanced at Chen Ning impatiently, then waved an air blade in his hand, and easily cut off Chen Ning's arm.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Chenning's screams echoed in the arena, scared Nan Ming's face pale as paper, and quickly said to Zhang Ziling: "You, what do you want, just say! I can give you anything! Don't kill me!"

Nan Ming was about to cry. He didn't expect that he would come to the arena to watch a slave fight and provoke such a monster!

What made him even more broken was that he had no idea where he had offended Zhang Ziling!

In the explosion just now, except for him and Chen Ning, all the guards they brought were dead, including the powerhouse who secretly protected them, and there was not one left!

Zhang Ziling's strength made him tremble.

The ghost in the cage stared at Zhang Ziling, his eyes bursting brightly, extremely excited!

"I said... you have been hiding your strength, right?"

Zhang Ziling did not pay attention to Nan Ming at all, turned to look at Guilian and asked: "You have been looking for opportunities, looking for opportunities to escape..."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Gui Lian's body shook slightly, but he quickly recovered his composure, looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "When did you find it?"

"I use the secret technique of our world, which can seal all my realm and spiritual power in another space. Before I lift the seal, I really only have the strength of the peak of the Great Emperor."

Gui Lian's eyes were full of curiosity.

He thought he hadn't shown any horses, and he didn't feel Zhang Zilingcha's spirit power invading his body.

"Look at the look in your eyes." Zhang Ziling looked at Gui Lian with a chuckle, "Although you deliberately pretended to be indifferent and not interested in everything, but deep in your eyes...I saw a desire for freedom. ."

"It stands to reason that after being arrested here, you should have no hope of escape, and naturally there will not be such an unrealistic desire."

"It's a pity you have..."

"Really?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Gui Lian laughed out loud: "I originally wanted to accumulate strength in secret, and escape from this **** when the time is right."

"But I didn't expect that you would disrupt all my plans."

Although Gui Lian said so, he looked at Zhang Ziling without the slightest hatred.

He hates this place, and he hates Chenning even more.

A series of actions by Zhang Ziling just now have already made his favorability for Zhang Ziling soar.


The appearance of Zhang Ziling also made him realize that he had a chance to escape from this place.

"How much strength do you hide?"

Zhang Ziling didn't seem to care at all that he was still in the enemy's territory, looking at Guilian and asked.

In this environment, Emperor Yulong had lived tenaciously for thousands of years, but he had been completely tortured and lost his reason and became a beast.

If Zhang Ziling hadn't come here today, Emperor Yulong had a great possibility of being beheaded by Ghost Lian, and Ghost Lian would continue to live and secretly store his power.

"There's really no way...Although the time saved is not enough, let's show it to you even after you remove Chenning's arm."

Gui Lian smiled, scarlet spiritual power lingering around.

The cage that suppressed him was slightly distorted, and a powerful spiritual force permeated from the ghost chain.

Dao Zun!

Seeing the appearance of ghost practice, Chenning's pupils suddenly said, and subconsciously exclaimed: "This is impossible! The dungeon you live in has been drained of spiritual power, and you don't have any pill to assist in cultivation, how can you? Maybe break through to Dao Zun?"

In order to prevent slaves from breaking through and fleeing, slave owners generally give them extremely harsh accommodation conditions, not to mention cultivation, it is fortunate to be able to prevent their spiritual power from losing!

"Cultivation? When competing in the arena, can't you isolate your spiritual power?"

The corner of Gui Lian’s mouth sneered and looked at Chen Ning sarcastically: “Every time I try, I deliberately show weakness to delay time, just to get me to absorb enough spiritual power in the arena to support my time to practice in the dungeon. !"

"Furthermore, every time I am deliberately seriously injured and defrauded of your healing pills, the spiritual power contained in the pills in your upper world is also a lot!"

"Slowly accumulate less into more, thousands of years, enough time for me to break through to Dao Zun!"

Gui Lian tore open the iron cage and looked at Chen Ning with a smile, his eyes extremely cold:

"I originally planned to practice until Dao Zun Dzogchen, but now I look at it... the time is unexpectedly ripe!"

Chen Ning's pupils shrank suddenly when she heard the words of Ghost Lian!

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