Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1770: Public execution

The barrier was blasted away, and the cultivator who was still alive at the meeting saw that the barrier was broken, and was so excited that he even cried out and wailed loudly.

"Help! There is a demon here!"

"That person is crazy! They are all dead! He killed all the people here!"

The surviving monks wailed sharply, and many people's emotions collapsed.

When they saw the reinforcements appear, they immediately felt the clouds and the sun, and wept with joy.

One after another, strong men rushed in outside the arena. When they saw the picture of a meat grinder in the arena, their faces became extremely pale, and their faces were ugly.

"This, here...what exactly happened?"

A Taoist-level powerhouse looked at the Shura field in the field, and fear involuntarily appeared in his eyes.

The huge arena is full of flesh and blood, and the entire arena is scarlet, and the disgusting smell of blood fills the air.

Some monks with weak willpower saw the horror scene in the arena, and even vomited directly, and even the unhelpful ones fainted directly!

This is... Shura hell!

The cultivators of the Stardust Sect and Nantian Pavilion quickly focused on Zhang Ziling's back, and his eyes were about to split.

Chen Ning had been tortured by the ghost refining Dao Venerable, and his breath was extremely weak.

Fortunately, Nan Ming is still intact now, but looking at Nan Ming's sluggish appearance, it is estimated that he was frightened and mentally abnormal.

Seeing that the two young masters were tortured like this, endless anger appeared on everyone's faces, staring at Zhang Ziling firmly:

"Bold fanatic, dare to hurt my young master, and look for death!"

Several Stardust Sects and Dao Venerables of Nantian Pavilion shouted, directly bombarding Zhang Ziling.

But before they attacked Zhang Ziling, demonic energy surged towards them, easily swallowing the attacking Dao Venerable!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A sorrowful wailing sounded from the devilish energy, and the monks in the rear hurriedly backed away, looking at the surging devilish energy group in horror.

Soon, the calls of several Taoist priests disappeared, and the devilish energy dissipated, leaving only some pieces of meat on the ground.

The monks who survived the arena saw this scene, the joy on their faces instantly solidified, and then they were replaced by fear.

They found that after the reinforcements from the three major sects came, the situation did not seem to improve at all!

Zhang Ziling's pressure on them is still strong!

Seeing a few Taoist priests, they were strangled by the devil in an instant. The monks of the three major sects felt numb, and no one dared to attack Zhang Ziling.

As more and more monks broke into the arena from the outside, the Shura Field, which had become deserted, became lively again.

At the call of the monks of the three major sects, the monks who had been lingering in the arena immediately joined the army of rescuers, preparing to attack Zhang Ziling.

"These guys..."

When the red ghost saw the strong men standing in the sky, his expression was ugly.

The monks who came to the rescue were the strongest in the later stage of Dao Zun. Although the number of Dao Zun was much more than before, it was too naive to challenge the Devil Emperor.

"Why don't the old monsters of these three sects appear yet?"

Hong Gui is now standing on the side of the three major sects. He can't help but become a little anxious when he sees some waste from the three major sects coming to die.

He and the Devil Emperor are enemies, and after the Devil Emperor has settled everything here, it is unclear what consequences he will have next.

However, from now on, the people from the three major sects are all waste, and there is no point in coming here except to die!

After several Taoist priests died, the remaining strong men did not dare to act rashly, and only stared at Zhang Ziling from a distance, not allowing Zhang Ziling to escape.

"Quick, save me!"

Chen Ning howled sternly, all his limbs were ripped off by ghost exercises, and even his bones were pulled out one by one. Now his tenacious vitality as the supreme has become the source of his pain!

Seeing her internal organs being pulled out little by little by ghost refining, Chen Ning was completely swallowed by fear.

"Little Lord!"

A group of monks saw Chen Ning's miserable appearance, and finally a few more monks couldn't help rushing forward, but they were completely swallowed by demonic energy just like the previous Dao Venerables, and they had no resistance at all.

Gui Lian threw the dying Chen Ning to the ground, his body was covered with Chen Ning's blood, and his heart was greatly satisfied.

Once, he was the supreme of the world, but he was caught here by the monks of the Antarctic Heaven, reduced to a slave, and the treatment was even worse than that of an animal.

It took him hundreds of years to adjust his mentality.

He forgot that he was once the supreme status of the world, and lived as a slave, secretly accumulating strength, and becoming stronger bit by bit, hoping to escape one day, and then after ascending to Daojun, he will The monks who treated him like livestock slaughtered them one by one!

Regardless of whether this time will take ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years, as long as he is still alive, he will continue to cultivate.

Hatred is all his motivation!

However, the arrival of a person greatly advances his wish.

Gui Lian looked at Zhang Ziling, and there was endless awe and gratitude on the evil and handsome face.

However, in his eyes, there is still a little confusion.

Suddenly the revenge was avenged, which made him feel a little illusory.


Gui Lian knelt down towards Zhang Ziling and said seriously: "Senior's life-saving grace, Gui Lian dare not forget!"

"From now on, Ghost Lian will recognize the predecessors as the master and follow the predecessors in this life!"

Hearing Guilian's words, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but look at Guilian, his expression calm, and said lightly: "Okay!"

Ghost Lian can cultivate from the emperor rank to the Daoist in thousands of years, and it is still in the extremely harsh environment of the arena, I have to say, the talent is extraordinary.

And more importantly, Zhang Ziling found that he couldn't see the end of growth from Ghost Lian, that is to say, the path of Ghost Lian's cultivation is the same as his, there is no limit.

Ghost training is a body of variables.

Refining ghosts for his own use is also in Zhang Ziling's own interests.

As long as Ghost Lian grows up, in the future, in the process of dealing with the ultimate, Ghost Lian will also be a very strong help.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's promise, Guilian couldn't help but express his joy, and he quickly thanked: "Thank you, senior!"

Zhang Ziling is powerful and has penetrated into his heart. He can also follow Zhang Ziling and he feels a great insult!

"Do these two guys ignore me so much now?"

When other strong men in the arena saw Guilian recognize Zhang Ziling as their master, they ignored them, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

This is the battlefield!

However, although the powerhouses roared in their hearts, no one dared to rush forward.

Now the real powerhouse in the sect has not come, and the devilish energy in the air can easily strangle Dao Zun...

Seeing that the few monks who had rushed up desperately before were directly swallowed by the devilish energy, their strength was not as good as those who were swallowed up, so naturally they did not dare to rush forward.

As a result, in this arena, there was a magical scene where the young masters of the two major sects were tortured to death, and a group of powerful men could only watch.

The atmosphere in the entire arena has become very strange.

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