Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1793: Earth crisis

The Western Regions of the Universe, under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, are fringe wild star regions.

A galaxy appeared out of thin air there.

If Zhang Ziling is near here, he must be able to recognize that the galaxy is the solar system!

In the battle between Zhang Ziling and Xie Nian, the space barrier of the southern part of the universe collapsed, countless small world universes merged with the upper world universe, and the worlds of the major universes also flowed into this world universe.

Although most worlds are stuck in the Antarctic sky, there are still a few worlds that have drifted to other regions.

The Earth and Xuanxiao Continent obviously belonged to the part of the world with bad luck, and neither fell to the Antarctic sky.

Near the solar system, a group of warships from the Sky Spirit Empire is patrolling the edge of the territory.

"Captain, what was the situation just now? I feel that the entire universe has collapsed." In the battleship of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, a thin emperor monk asked a supreme monk next to him, with lingering fears.

"Don't tell me, I heard that the above has been messed up into a pot of porridge, it seems that there is a problem with the Antarctic Sky, and there is a strong person appearing in the Antarctic Sky!" said the supreme monk.

"Xeon? How strong is it necessary for the entire universe to feel the energy fluctuations?"

"Who can tell this again? Originally, the Antarctic Sky was wiped out by the Shadow Palace in the origin star's residence. We were planning to go to the Antarctic Sky with the Lingxu Daojun. Now the strongest person suddenly appeared in the Antarctic Sky, causing it to I dared not act rashly for a while, and the invasion was put on hold."

The two chatted without a word and patrolled routinely.

The Heavenly Spirit Empire is one of the largest empires in the Western Regions of the Universe, and its status in the Western Regions of the Universe is similar to that of the Nantian Pavilion.

However, unlike the Antarctic City where the three major sects were once stationed in Antarctic City, the territory of the Tianling Empire occupies most of the western part of the universe, and there are countless worlds in its territory.

If the territory is too large, there will be a lot of guards on patrol.

However, the places where this team of warships patrol are all wild star regions, and it is impossible for anything to happen, so the patrol between them is basically idle and they are about to fade out, and there is nothing to do.

"Huh? Captain... Is there a galaxy near us?"

The emperor cultivator who was chatting suddenly found something wrong with the environment outside the battleship, and asked quickly.

"Are you confused? There is a barren wilderness around here, where is there any galaxy?" The supreme monk who was talking about the vastness gave the monarch a white look, and did not care what the monk said, and continued: "I heard about us When the Heavenly Spirit Empire invades the Antarctic Sky, it needs to be the vanguard. Those dog **** are really..."

"Not the captain! There is really a galaxy, and there is a life reaction!" The monarch abruptly stood up from his seat, staring at the solar system outside the battleship, his eyes were incredible.

"You are crazy..."

The supreme monk also looked outside the battleship, and when he saw the hot sun and the blue earth, he was stunned.

"How come?" the supreme monk muttered, unable to believe what he saw.

He has been patrolling here for countless years, and he is in charge of the distribution of various planets. It is impossible for a galaxy to appear in this place!

"Captain, you didn't mean that the energy fluctuations of the strongest came from the Antarctic Sky, and even the cosmic barrier in the southern part of the universe was broken. You said this galaxy... is it because the barrier is broken, the galaxy from the lower realm? ?" The monarch asked.

"It's possible..." The supreme cultivator nodded solemnly, "Although this may be a wild galaxy in the lower realm, there are no strong people in it, but you still have to go take a look, you follow me!"

"Okay!" When the monarch heard the captain's words, an expression of excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes!

He patrols like this every day, he has long been bored, and now suddenly a world of small world universe appears. Although his emperor level cultivation is only ordinary in the heavenly spirit empire, he is like an emperor in the world of the small world universe. exist!

If he didn't have much money, and he was not qualified to go to the small world universe through the virtual door, he would not have been a patrol soldier here long ago.

He knows very well that in the small world, the emperor rank is already one of the best, can be admired by thousands of people, and can do whatever he wants!

His talent is limited, he may have stopped at the Emperor Rank, so he has no big ambitions.

Now a small world suddenly appeared in front of him, he naturally wanted to go and see and experience what it was like to be a king!

The two quickly got out of the battleship and flew towards the earth.



At this moment, the whole world has become extremely noisy. For people on earth, they should spend a peaceful day, but who knows that suddenly the sky becomes dim, then the earth shakes violently, and the world is like the end of the day.

Fortunately, this vision only lasted for a moment without causing any major casualties.

But the psychological shock to people was left as a sequelae.

Scientists from all over the world are analyzing what happened, but because the earth soared to the upper world together with the solar system, it made them unable to determine what happened in the universe for a while.

Compared to the panic in the world of ordinary people, people in the cultivation world felt quite shocked.

After going through the abnormal changes that day, everyone suddenly discovered that the spiritual strength of the earth had increased countless times in an instant!

Many monks felt a lot of spiritual power surging in their bodies just by taking a breath of air.

And also because of the sudden strong spiritual power, not only the human monk's power began to skyrocket, the wild beasts, and those still sleeping goblins, also began to evolve under this strong spiritual power, and their strengths advanced by leaps and bounds!

Everything on the earth is beginning to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

China, Nanzhou City, Chu Family!

Standing on the balcony of the villa, Chu Qi watched the plants soar in the house with a worried look, and asked, "Yu Tian...Do you know what happened?"

The Yutian Dragon Seal flew out of Chu Qi, and his small face was extremely solemn, saying: "Master, something seems to have happened just now, now the earth is no longer in its original space..."

"The spiritual power around here is even stronger than the best cave and blessed land on the Xuanxiao Continent... absolutely abnormal!"

"You said that the earth's spiritual power is stronger than that of Xuanxiao Continent?" Chu Qi exclaimed, with an incredulous expression on his face!

"Yeah! Although we don't know what happened, let's go to Shu Mountain first. Now Xu Qianrou has already cultivated a saint, and Gilgamesh and Lucifer are also guests in Shu Mountain. It is safest there!"

"it is good!"

Chu Qi nodded solemnly, without any hesitation, let Yutian Longyin take his parents with him, and then flee to Shu Mountain!

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