Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1805: A fatal blow!

Looking at the black and overwhelming battleship group in front, Izanami's expression was extremely serious, and she said: "Xuntian, which battleship is with Dao Zun?"

As Izanami thought, the first to come was only the vanguard, and there was only one Daoist in the huge battleship group, which was not a concern.

However, behind this battleship group, there is still a large-scale battleship group stationed, and Izanami can feel a lot of Dao Zun breath from those battleships.

When those arrived, it was when they fell into a hard fight.

"The silver-white one in the middle, that Dao Zun is there!" Xun Tianyi said, telling Yixannamei the location of the dust.

"Very good! Everything is done according to the original plan, the most important thing is to protect the earth, understand?" Izanami gathered the power in the body and said to the gods.


Heavenly Demon Scroll evolved into ten thousand demons, each with supreme strength, rushing to the surrounding battleships overwhelmingly.

Taking advantage of this time, the Imperial Dragon Seal condensed a barrier around the earth, maintaining the stability of the barrier together with Gilgamesh and Lucifer.


The order was passed from the battleship group, and the guns of the battleships condensed the light cannons full of destruction, and one after another blasted the dazzling light cannons, colliding with the demons released by the heavenly magic scroll.

Under the bombardment of light cannons, there are faint signs of collapse!

A large number of supreme-level demons were turned into fly ash under the sweep of light cannons. Fortunately, there were a lot of demons rolled out by the demons. A large number of demons resisted together, and they barely blocked those light cannons, even if some sporadic light cannons blasted towards The earth is also blocked by the barrier.

However, Yizanami was boosted by the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, carrying the Staff of Power and Chu Yuan Ring to rush towards the Heavenly Void Battleship where the dust was.

"On the terrible lower boundary planet, where did so many venerable soldiers come from?"

The dust that stayed in the Tianxu battleship saw Izanami rushing towards her with a few **** soldiers, her expression couldn't help changing, and she quickly raised the defensive barrier on the battleship.

The magical soldiers surrounding Yizanami were all Taoist, completely frightening him.

The power of Izanami and the magical weapons he possesses are completely different from what a lower world can possess!


Izanami slammed into the shield of the battleship, causing the entire battleship to shock. Many monks in the battleship fell to the ground due to the violent shaking, and Rocco was no exception.

"Damn it! This is a miscalculation! Rocco, please contact the warship behind and let the other Dao Venerables come over!" Chen Feng sternly ordered, and a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

After he saw Izanami's luxurious equipment, he realized that he was not Izanami's opponent at all.

With Izanami's six Dao-senior soldiers, even the core members of the Celestial Spirit Empire's imperial family can't catch up with Izanami.

The same Dao Venerable, the dust is equivalent to an ordinary player, and the Izanami at this moment... is the ultimate krypton player!

To deal with this, apart from playing more with less, the dust doesn't know how to win at all.

Rocco was also scared to pee now. He didn't expect this to be the case on Earth, so he hurriedly ran back to ask for help.

"Damn it, how could it be like this?"

Chen Feng watched Izanami unscrupulously attacking the barrier of the battleship, her expression ugly.

He thought he was here to hunt down, but he didn't expect that after chasing the prey, he would become the prey himself!

"Mother, the warships behind them started to accelerate. I'm afraid the Dao Venerable inside realized something was wrong and started asking for help!"

Xun Tianyi felt that the warship with Dao Venerable in the distance began to rush here quickly, his tone could not help but become a little anxious, and he quickly reminded.

"The defensive power of this battleship is a little beyond my expectations. I can't break this defensive cover in a short time. Is there any way you can do it?"

Izanami slammed on the battleship barrier, only to make a few cracks appear in the barrier, and those cracks were quickly repaired.

These battleships were all used by the Heavenly Spirit Empire to fight the invasion war. The enemies they faced were all Dao Sovereign and Dao Sovereign level. The defenses of the battleships built would naturally not be easily broken by Dao Sovereign.

"I can break through with a single point and punch a hole in the defensive cover, but it only lasts for less than a second, we have to rush in!" The staff of power analyzed the defense of the Tianxu battleship and gave Yixie That beautiful one conclusion.

"One second is first accumulate your strength, Xuntian, you lock the position of Dao Zun inside, and fight for one blow!"

Izanami said coldly.

There are still many Dao Venerables coming over, and she doesn't have time to spend with one Dao Venerable here.

"Mother, the location has been locked, and it has been transmitted to your brain!"

"My strength has also been accumulated, which can affect the attention of that Dao deity in a short time!" Chu Yuanjie also said.

"Very well, power, how are you preparing now?" Locking the dusty position, Yixannami couldn't help but a flash of joy in her eyes and asked.



"Something's wrong..."

In the Tianxu battleship, Dust saw that Izanami did not attack the battleship barrier again, and there was a dignity flashing in his eyes.

Although he had great confidence in the defense of the Tianxu battleship, he always had a bad feeling in his heart now.

"Rocco, where are the reinforcements?"

The haze in my heart lingered, and the dust couldn't help asking Rocco.

"Back to the general, at most three minutes, the nearest two Taoist priests can arrive, and the remaining five Taoist priests will also arrive at their destination in five minutes." Rocco said.

Hearing Rocco's words, Chen Feng felt a little relieved, but still a little uneasy.

But where did those uneasiness come from, Chen Feng himself couldn't tell.

"Warning! Strong energy response detected!"

"Warning! Strong energy response detected!"

Suddenly, the entire battleship system began to issue warnings, and the surrounding environment became scarlet, causing many monks to panic.

"A strong energy response?"

Hearing the warning from the system, Dust's expression suddenly changed. Before he could react, he suddenly felt a hot temperature outside.


A dazzling light flashed, the defensive barrier of the Tianxu battleship was suddenly torn open, and a black shadow rushed in.

"not good!"

Seeing Yixannami rushing in, Chen Feng hurriedly sacrificed his own magic weapon to defend.

But before Chen Feng had time to explode his power, he felt that his soul was hit hard by something, and his head became groggy!


The Tianxu battleship was torn apart by Izanami, and the turbulent devil energy poured into the Tianxu battleship, and countless monks were wiped out at this moment!

Dust is standing in place like a fool, swallowed by demonic energy!


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