Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1807: Nine Taoists!

"It seems that I won..."

When Chen Feng saw a large number of warships flying in, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes, and she looked at Yixan with a smile.

His life source has almost been exhausted, and if he continues to fight, he will undoubtedly die!

"whispering sound!"

Izanami looked at the monks approaching in the distance, a trace of impatience flashed in her beautiful eyes, she had to give up hunting and killing the dust, and instantly fell into the barrier of the Imperial Dragon Seal.

At the moment Izanami left, eight Taoist priests appeared around the dust, with a terrifying breath.

"Dust, you are really embarrassed..." A child-like Dao Venerable smiled at the extremely weak dust, his eyes full of mockery.

"Huh! Mo Bing, don't speak big words, if you are replaced, I am afraid you are dead." Dust hummed dissatisfiedly to the child Dao Zun, and then took out a healing pill from his space ring and swallowed it. .

Mo Bing was also a Daoist of the Heavenly Spirit Empire. His strength was almost the same as that of Dust. The two had a good relationship in private. However, the generals of the Heavenly Spirit Empire were also used to it and did not show any surprises.

"I don't think that guy is very strong... But the mere lower world planet can really give birth to a Daoist?" Mo Bing touched his chin, staring straight at Izanami.

After eight more Taoist priests appeared, Izanami completely gave up his plan to attack and began to defend with all his strength.

With the power of the Xuanji Divine Sword, with full defense, the Dao Sovereign of the Sky Spirit Empire would not be able to attack the earth for a while.

Mo Bing had never been attacked by Izanami, so I didn't know how strong Izanami was.

But when he saw Izanami after they appeared, he chose to defend with all his strength. He didn't even mean to attack, so he looked down on Izanami from the bottom of his heart.

Defending with all their strength and completely giving up offensively, that means that their Heavenly Spirit Empire is invincible from the beginning.

Everyone understands this truth.

"Hey! The lower realm Taoist, how about you giving up resistance" Don't waste everyone's time here, you can't win." Mo Bing called to Izanami, persuading Izanami to surrender.

In his opinion, Izanami has no chance of victory at all.

However, Izanami ignored Mo Bing at all. After constructing the defense, she tried to contact the sleeping Zhang Ziling through the heaven seeker.

The outer barrier can last for a while, but attacking together with eight Taoist priests, coupled with the bombardment of the huge fleet of energy cannons behind, can't last long.

Nowadays, only when Zhang Ziling is awakened can the earth have a ray of life.

"ignore me?"

Seeing that Izanami ignored him, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he directly blasted a spiritual force at Izanami and slammed it against the barrier of the earth.


The barrier outside the earth was just a few waves, and then there was no response.

"Hahaha! Mo Bing, are you the more active you are going back? You can't even break the ban on a planet in the lower world?" Seeing that Mo Bing's attack didn't work at all, all the venerables mocked Mo Bing and made their stomachs. laughing out loud.

As soon as they came, Izanami was fully defensive, which made them put themselves in a very high position at the beginning, and did not regard Izanami and the earth as the same thing.

Now that Mo Bing's attack failed to break through the defenses of the natives of the Lower Realm, everyone naturally began to spare no effort to laugh at the demon soldiers.


Mo Bing also felt that he couldn't hold on to his face, his complexion became icy, and he rushed directly to Izanami and hit the barrier with a punch.


Mo Bing's fist collided with the restrictions on the periphery of the earth, dazzling light and terrifying energy fluctuations raged around, and the warships behind began to vibrate violently.

Although the collision was fierce, Izanami, who was within the restraint, did not feel any energy fluctuations at all.

Izanami has completely handed over the external restrictions to a few **** soldiers. She entered Zhang Ziling's spiritual world alone, looking for a way to awaken Zhang Ziling.

It is a pity that Zhang Ziling's spiritual world is quite chaotic at this moment. After Izanami entered, she could not feel the existence of Zhang Ziling's consciousness at all, but could only see a ray of light in the chaos.

"What the **** should I do?" Izanami didn't have the slightest clue to awaken Zhang Ziling, she could only groped in Zhang Ziling's chaotic spiritual world and approached the ray of light.

At this moment, outside of the spiritual world, several sage soldiers have exerted their full strength and tried their best to maintain the restraint and stability.

The Dao Sovereigns of the Heavenly Spirit Empire also launched an attack, and even the battleships of the Heavenly Spirit Empire were fully fired and bombarded the barrier.

The spiritual power of the major gods was greatly consumed, and the power of the Profound Silent God Realm began to be crazily extracted.

"Is this really a planet in the lower realm?"

Seeing that they had been together for a long time and couldn't break the restriction outside the earth, Mo Bing couldn't help but a thick and unbelievable appearance.

The tenacity of the earth is beyond his imagination.

"What kind of monster planet did I find?" Rocco, who was being treated in the battleship group, looked at the violent attack of the nine Dao Zuns and several warships outside the earth, and his eyes were incredible. .

If he hadn't personally seen that the earth came out of the solar system and felt that the space inside the earth was extremely fragile, he could not believe that the earth was a planet in the lower realm.

And even more shocking, a small planet in the lower world can give birth to such a terrifying powerhouse, that countless universe in the lower realm, and even one in ten thousand planets in the lower realm is like the earth. This is so special, it also poses a considerable threat to their upper world universe, this is absolutely not allowed to exist!

"What happened in this world?"

Rocco suddenly realized that some changes had taken place in the world.

If it is normal in the end, it is absolutely impossible for him to expand the power of the lower world universe to such a degree!

When Rocco was shocked by the strength of the earth, Mo Bingchen and other nine Daoist's offensives had reached a fever pitch, and the prohibition outside the earth showed obvious signs of weakness.

"This planet is absolutely abnormal. If we report it to the Taoist Lingxu, perhaps our entire Celestial Spirit Empire will be rewarded by the Taoist, and it is not impossible that even the ultimate reward will be personally! Dust... you made a great contribution! "Mo Bing smiled at the dust while bombarding the restriction of the earth.

Although the power displayed by the earth is a little beyond his imagination, they are always on the upper hand now, and it will be a matter of time before they break the restriction and take the earth.


Dust did not speak, but silently attacked.

He can no longer monopolize the credit for discovering the earth now.

The credit is suddenly divided into eight, and no one's mood will be good.

However, Chen Feng knew in his heart that if Mo Bing and the others did not come, they would have died in the hands of Yixie...

Therefore, the dusty mood at this moment is quite complicated.

"I rely on... don't the people of the Sky Spirit Empire rest?" I can't hold it anymore!" Yutian Longyin struggled to maintain the restraint, and there were already fine cracks in his body, and it would collapse easily.

Even if they can borrow the power of the mysterious sword, they are on the verge of collapse under the high-intensity attack of the Sky Spirit Empire fleet!

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