Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1810: The return of the nine emperors!

"what is this?"

When Lingxu Daojun saw the black air coming out, his eyes changed slightly, and he subconsciously exclaimed.

He could feel an unimaginable pressure from the black air.

This is definitely not an existence he can overcome!

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for the Lower Realm Dao Venerable to have this level of power, something must have gone wrong!"

Chen Feng felt the breath surging in the devilish energy, and suddenly felt the fear from the depths of his soul, and his whole body was trembling.

"This breath is..."

Gilgamesh, who was being tortured by a supreme-level soldier, felt the powerful breath, his body was shocked, and endless surprises appeared on his face.

"Master Demon Emperor! It is Master Demon Emperor who is back!"

He will never forget the breath of Zhang Ziling!

Gilgamesh's exclamation sounded everywhere on the earth, causing the monks who had fallen into despair to be taken aback, and then ecstasy appeared on their faces.

"Master Nine Emperors are back?"

"Where are the Nine Emperors? Quickly kill these invaders!"

"Hahaha! Return of the Nine Emperors, you scumbags, adults will help us get revenge!"

After Gilgamesh's voice echoed in the world, shocking cheers broke out all over the world, and everyone's mental state became extremely excited!

They were desperate, but after hearing the news of Zhang Ziling's return, they all saw the light!

"These people... are crazy?"

An imperial soldier threw the mutilated corpse of an earthling on the ground, looking at the excited earthlings in surprise, with doubts in his eyes.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Spirit Empire didn't know the reputation of the Devil Emperor, and most people were not qualified to know what the senior officials were worried about.

"The Devil?"

When Lingxu Dao Zun heard the cheers of the entire earth, his face became extremely ugly, and he didn't dare to stay here anymore, no matter whether the people were yelling for real or not, he directly tore the space and prepared to escape.

He knew that Daojun Tianyuan was killed by the Devil Emperor, and his strength was similar to Daojun Tianyuan. He didn't think he could defeat the Devil Emperor!

Moreover, just the devilish qi in the air made his scalp numb.

Dao Zun Lingxu wanted to escape, but he had just torn open the space, and found that the void was filled with endless demonic energy, blocking the possibility of his escape from the twisted space.

Only then did he realize that the entire earth's space had been completely blocked by demonic energy!

"Damn it!" Seeing that he couldn't escape from the space, Lord Lingxu began to flee, but before he rushed out of the atmosphere, he was bounced back by a transparent barrier.

The surrounding monks saw Lingxu Daojun suddenly becoming like a headless fly, everyone was stunned, their brains blank.

The current performance of the Taoist Lingxu caused more and more fear in the hearts of the cultivators of the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

"Quick! Kill the woman inside! Don't let her summon the Devil Emperor!"

Daojun Lingxu knew that he couldn't escape now, so he had to change a method and let everyone attack with all his strength, hoping that this method could interrupt the appearance of the Devil Emperor!

Hearing the anxious voice of Taoist Lingxu, everyone realized that the situation had suddenly become urgent now, and everyone couldn't even ask what happened, and they all attacked Izanami.

Half-walking monarch, Taoist priest, a large number of supreme, monarch monks...all the monks of the Celestial Spirit Empire on earth, after hearing the orders of the spiritual monarch, they desperately poured their attacks on Izanami Regardless of whether the earth can withstand such a large amount of power.

The space collapsed, the earth and the sky broke apart, and the colorful spiritual power was entangled in the sky!


"Die to me!"

Daojun Lingxu's expression gradually turned hideous, and he poured all his power toward Izanami.

The violent force set off a monstrous vortex in the sky, and the space was like a piece of white paper falling into a paper shredder, turning into tiny pieces.

It's a pity that from the moment Lingxu Daojun began to attack, the dark demon energy instantly diffused around, swallowing everyone's attacks.

The chains all over the sky suddenly condense!

The broken space is completely restored.

"Master Nine Emperors!!!"

When all the earth monks saw the familiar sky chain, the color of ecstasy on their faces became more and more intense, and all of them became crazy.

Although Zhang Ziling hasn't appeared on the earth for a long time, everyone remembers the dark chains.

Once, the earth belonged to the age of one person.

That person created the Nine Emperors.

That is a true legend!

As long as he is there, it seems that all dangers become insignificant.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, they are vulnerable to the Nine Emperors.

"Damn it, I don't believe it!"

Daojun Lingxu's eyes were red, and he released his domain, attacking with all his strength!

He didn't expect at all that he was only here to check and accept a planet in the lower realm, but he encountered a monster like the Devil Emperor!

Even the barriers of the universe can be broken by the Devil Emperor. If the Devil Emperor returns, all of them who came to Earth...

You have to die!

The realm of Lingxu Daojun smashed toward Yizanami, but before his power could get close to Yizanami, his realm collapsed.

With Izanami as the center, the gray world permeated all around, and under a strange force, everything in the world turned gray.

"Me, my power? Why is my power gone?"

"So weak...How could I become an ordinary person?"

"Impossible... what happened to this?"

The cultivators of the Celestial Spirit Empire found that they had lost all their strength after turning gray, their faces could not help but fear, and they had no idea what had happened.

But the monks of the earth found that the power to suppress them had disappeared, and they regained their freedom.

More importantly, they discovered that the soldiers of the Celestial Spirit Empire, who were previously strong enough to suffocate them, are now as fragile as paper!

"Brothers... it's time for revenge, go!"

"Kill this bunch of craps!"

The cultivators discovered that the soldiers of the Heavenly Spirit Empire had lost their strength, and they did not let go of those soldiers' plans. They picked up their own weapons and went back!

Screams sounded all over the world, countless emperor ranks, supreme monks were beheaded by monks in the Qi Gathering Realm and the Condensing Palace Realm, and the blood stained the earth!

"Which field is this?"

Daojun Lingxu was extremely weak at this moment, unable to even fly, and fell directly to the ground.

Dao Monarch Lingxu is okay, and the strength of the Qi Gathering Realm is left. The other half-walking Monarchs and Dao Venerables were directly cut into ordinary people, fell from the sky, and smashed into fleshy mud on the ground!

Suddenly, the huge earth...

Become a gray hell.

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