Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1815: Cthulhu

Outside the void, in the Xuanxiao Continent, Izanami was in the magic palace, and told An Bei how he had attacked before.

"You said Naihe attacked the master? But he didn't..." An Bei didn't understand, and didn't understand why Naihe did it.

He had been in contact with Naihe, and he knew what kind of person Naihe was. He was a pure to the extreme, and he regarded Zhang Ziling as his only goal in life.

Anbei believed that even if he betrayed the master, he could not betray his temper.

"Something happened in Naihe before and was arrested by the evil emperor for a while, but now Naihe has become like this, maybe it has something to do with the evil emperor." Izanami said solemnly.

"You said it has something to do with the evil emperor?"

Hearing what Izanami said, An Bei's eyes changed slightly and he exclaimed.

As the deputy palace lord of the Demon Palace, he naturally knows who the Evil Emperor is. Once the Demon Palace was in the same position as the Shadow Palace. The Evil Emperor also fought with Zhang Ziling. In the end, the Evil Emperor was defeated and escaped from the Xuanxiao Continent. .

"The evil emperor is stronger than you think. We don't know exactly what strength he is now." Izanami said solemnly.

"Now that Naihe suddenly appears, the evil emperor must have some plan, you must be prepared to deal with the abnormal change." Izanami said in a quiet voice.

"Um... I'll go down and make arrangements first."

Hearing what Izanami said, Anbei also realized the seriousness of the matter and was ready to deal with what might happen.

"Are you... talking about me?"

At this moment, a low voice sounded in the hall.


An Bei stood up abruptly from his seat and shouted sharply.

"Who? Didn't you still talk about me just now?"

A young man in a black robe appeared in the hall out of thin air, looking at Izanami and An Bei with a smile.

"Evil Emperor?" When Izanami saw the young man appear, her pupils shrank suddenly and exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" An Bei looked at Xie Wushuang solemnly, sweating all over.

He felt an unimaginable aura from Xie Wushuang, which was simply not something he could resist.

The aura of Xie Wushuang appeared, and the **** soldiers in the demon palace instantly sensed it.

They appeared directly in the hall, guarding Xie Wushuang vigilantly.

For a while, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely solemn, and the gods and soldiers did not dare to come out.

Now that Zhang Ziling is pursuing him, none of the people present are Xie Wushuang's opponents. If they really start their hands, Yixian Namei can't even guarantee that they can survive Xie Wushuang's hands for a second!

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not interested in you yet." Xie Wushuang looked at everyone with a smile, and then found a chair to sit down.

Yixanamei stared at Xie Wushuang, and quietly sent a message to Zhang Ziling.

"You don't need to waste any effort, here is blocked by me, and no news can be passed on." Xie Wushuang said lightly, causing Yixana's body to shook suddenly and her face pale.

"You sneaky guy, there is something waiting for my boss to come back! What kind of prestige is here?" Xun Tianyi's fear in the strongman's heart, shouted to Xie Wushuang.

"Relax, I have changed the flow of time inside and outside. Even if thousands of years have passed here, it will only be a moment outside. I have time to chat with you."

Xie Wushuang picked up the fairy tea on the table, took a sip, and said, "It's really good tea... it's a special offer from the magic palace."


Hearing Xie Wushuang's words, everyone couldn't help but feel despair.

If this is the case, all their means of delaying time become meaningless.

Now, they have completely become the fish on Xie Wushuang's chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"You are all too weak, I am not interested in taking action against you. Of course, if you want to take refuge in me, I don't have any opinion, and I can take you away at any time." Xie Wushuang squinted and smiled.

"You guy, speak quickly if you have something to say, let go if you have a fart!" Xun Tianyi was extremely anxious at this moment, and directly rushed towards Xie Wushuang.


The sky seeker just moved, when he was hit hard and knocked out by an inexplicable force.

"Xuntian!" Seeing that Xuntian was blasted out, the other **** soldiers all exclaimed and hurriedly chased Xuntianyi.

"Little guy, don't be so irritable. Although I am not interested in taking action against you, this does not mean that you are too much. I will not do it." Xie Wushuang didn't even look at Xuntianyi, and drank to himself. Tea, lightly said:

"Although it will be a little troublesome to kill you, you can still do it if you abolish it."

Several divine soldiers pulled the heaven-seeking instrument out of the wall, and found that there were cracks in the heaven-seeking instrument, which was horrified.

too strong……

From the very beginning, Xie Wushuang gave them an absolute sense of oppression, completely unable to resist.

Izanami took the lead to calm down, and said to several **** soldiers, "Go into my little world."

"But you..." Yutian Longyin was a little worried

"I'm okay, take Xuntian in!" Yixana's tone was a bit heavy.

Xie Wushuang wanted to kill them a long time ago. Now Xie Wushuang has not done anything, but that doesn't mean that he won't do it next time!

She collected a few gods into her small world, and if something went wrong, she could still split her small world and send it into the void.

Hearing Izanami's words, the sacred soldiers stopped being stubborn and entered the small world of Izanami together.

After receiving a few gods, Izanami's expression returned to calm, looking at Xie Wushuang and said, "I will restrain them. Now, can you explain your intentions?"

Xie Wushuang took a deep look at Yixannami, then shook his head and smiled, and said, "I'm here just to let you understand something."


Izanami and An Bei looked at Xie Wushuang silently, but did not respond.

However, their fists were clenched subconsciously.

"Under the Origin Star, a race was actually suppressed, called the Cthulhu Tribe, a member of the Taoist God."

"They were once punished by the ultimate, and everyone was suppressed under the Origin Star."

"Actually, what the forces of the three thousand universes are competing in the Origin Star is not the resources left by the so-called Dao Lord, but the objects born because of the power escaping from the restraint of the Heretic God Race."

"In order to prevent them from coming out, I finally fabricated the news that the Dao Master established the Origin Star, spread it in the universe, let countless forces fight in it, let their blood soak the earth, nourish the ban in the depths of the earth, so that the evil gods will never be supernatural. ."

"Why are you telling us this?" Izanami asked.

"I know, you still have a lot of doubts in your mind..." Xie Wushuang looked at Izanami and An Bei and smiled, "However, this is not important."

"You only need to tell the Devil Emperor that the Heretic God Race has signs of awakening, and..."

Xie Wushuang paused and said, "They are eyeing Zi You."

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