Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1818: Dao Master, descend on the Origin Star?

"Boss, I have already started searching for the picture of Naihe, but the universe is really big. I am afraid it will take a lot of time to find out that star field."

"No hurry, take your time, wait for me to help you rise to the Dao Sovereign, if you are lucky enough to rise to the Dao Master level, it should be fast."

In the universe, a black light continuously tore through the void and rushed toward the depths of the universe.

There is the intersection of the three thousand universes. It is called the origin star by many forces. It is also a battleground in all the universes. There are countless strong ones!

The lord of the universe is not even ranked in the origin star, and there are countless Dao Monarchs.

Every day, countless strong men fall to Origin Star, but there are also countless strong men heading to Origin Star from various universes.

On the periphery of Origin Star, there is a territorial power of a certain universe guarding it. Anyone who wants to go to Origin Star through various universes will have to pay the toll for that power, even Dao Monarchs are not immune.

Like the Heavenly Origin Dao Monarch Ling Xu Dao Monarch, even the forces that return to their own universe from the Origin Star Station will pass through the passage guarded by this force and pay protection fees obediently.

"Boss, the front is one of the entrances of Origin Star. According to the map left by Daojun Lingxu, one power is guarded in front, it seems to be called Tongtian Pavilion. Its leader is the lord of the other power, Daojun Peak Every monk who passes here must pay a certain amount of protection fee, otherwise he won’t let it pass.”

The celestial seeker detected the checkpoint in front and said.

"Don't worry about them, go directly to the Shadow Palace."

Zhang Ziling didn't mean to stop at all, even speeding up!

In Lingxu Daojun's space ring, there is a map of the origin star, which records the locations of most of the forces, and the Shadow Palace is also among them.

Knowing the location of the Shadow Palace, Zhang Ziling naturally didn't have the mood to waste time with other people, preparing to break through.

Although this Origin Star is the place where the most powerful people accumulate in the three thousand universes, there are almost none that can block Zhang Ziling.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the Heaven Seeker also shut up and continued to concentrate on searching the star field.

"The monk in front, stop!"

The two Taoist priests guarding the passage of Tongtian Pavilion saw Zhang Ziling rushing from a distance, and quickly closed the checkpoint to prevent Zhang Ziling from advancing.

This level is a ban created by the strength of the Tongtian Pavilion and the entire pavilion. Even if the Daoist has tried his best, there is no way to break it, and no one can force it through.

Otherwise, Tsutenkaku would not be able to make a fortune with this level.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't mean to stop at all, and slammed into that level!

"Huh! I didn't expect this kind of idiot this year, dare to hit our Tongtian Pavilion's prohibition, and die!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't mean to stop, the two Dao Venerables couldn't help but sneer on their faces, and watched Zhang Ziling slam into the restraint.

Their eyes were full of joking, and they seemed to have foreseen the miserable end of Zhang Ziling.

"It's boring to stay here, to be able to see this stupidity..."


Zhang Ziling directly blasted the prohibition of Tongtian Pavilion and rushed towards Origin Star without stopping.

The checkpoints of Tsutenkaku were instantly annihilated.


The two Taoist priests flew out of the smoke and looked at Zhang Ziling who was going away in horror. Their bodies trembled violently, "This, what kind of monster is this?"

They couldn't imagine that someone could directly destroy the prohibition of Tsutenkaku!

"Tao, Dao Master has appeared...Hurry up and notify the Pavilion Master!"

One of the Dao Venerables took the lead in reacting, realizing that this was a terrible event, and screamed.

"Tao Master?"

The other Dao Zun's body shook suddenly, and the fear in his eyes became more and more intense.

The realm of Taoist...

According to rumors, the entire Origin Star was created by a Taoist master, and now a Taoist master appears?

The Dao Zun patted his face abruptly, still unable to accept the facts.

Taoist, how long has it not appeared?

But... Their prohibition was built by the power of the Tongtian Pavilion. Even if the Dao Sovereign peak comes, they will not be able to blast with all their strength. At least three Dao Sovereign peaks are required, and all the gods must be sacrificed. , To be able to break the restriction with difficulty.

However, Zhang Ziling easily broke the prohibition that they had established here for tens of thousands of years with just one punch.

It is impossible to imagine how powerful Zhang Ziling is?

The Tongtian Pavilion became chaotic in an instant, and the culprit of all this, Zhang Ziling, had already left the Tongtian Pavilion behind and rushed towards the Shadow Palace.

He didn't mean to conceal his strength at all, walking around with a powerful aura, pressing countless wild beasts to tremble.

In Origin Star, all major forces have their own residences, and all monks who break into the major forces without authorization will be strangled by the forces.

Except for a few neutral city-states that can allow major monks to enter and exit at will, other forces' residences, monks who want to enter, must apply in advance.

And in Origin Star Field, there are powerful desolate beasts everywhere, and there are even powerful desolate beasts of Daojun level, so Origin Star Field is quite dangerous for most cultivators.

Therefore, with the exception of the powerful at the Daoist level, often other cultivators will only stay in their own residences, and when they go out, they are basically under the leadership of the Daoist to conquer the major forces.

Unfortunately, on this day, Origin Star was completely messed up because of a single person.

Because the residence of the Shadow Palace was on the other side of the Origin Star, Zhang Ziling had to span almost half of the Origin Star to reach the Shadow Palace.

During the period, Zhang Ziling would pass through the stations of countless forces.

Those forces are all veteran forces that have been stationed in the Origin Star for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Various restrictions and air forbidden formations are perfected to the extreme, even Dao Monarchs dare not fly in the air.

But Zhang Ziling completely ignored this. He straddled the past, and the restrictions of countless forces were directly crushed by Zhang Ziling's coercion, making countless forces extremely chaotic.

Dao Monarchs soared into the sky, trying to stop Zhang Ziling, but most Dao Monarchs did not even touch Zhang Ziling, and were pressed to the ground by Zhang Ziling's pressure. Very few Dao princes were able to withstand Zhang Ziling's pressure. It is extremely miserable.

They finally got close to Zhang Ziling, but they were slapped tens of thousands of miles away with Zhang Ziling's palm. The better Daoist was just a broken armour and was seriously injured, and those with extremely bad luck were directly scattered by Zhang Ziling's fan!

Many powerful men can only watch Zhang Ziling break their restraints, and then walk away.

The Origin Star became extremely chaotic, and the ancestors awakened from the residence, and the violent breath echoed in the air.

For a time, the entire Origin Star was in confusion, and all the top forces knew one thing...

There is a Taoist...

Here comes the Origin Star!

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