Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1827: Break the barriers of the universe!

The barrier shattered, and the black mist surrounding Wu Ye was completely blown away by the power of Wu Ye. Wu Ye, with only half of his body left, was exposed to the air, his breath was so weak that he could die at any time.

"Wu Ye!"

Seeing Wu Ye's miserable look, Wu Lin's eyes filled with endless anger and panic: "I'm here to save you!"

"Look at him like this, why not kill him."

At this time, Zhang Ziling's voice came, and then Wu Ye was in front of Wu Lin, and his skin climbed into the black mist again.

Wu Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he watched as fear clung to Wu Ye's face, and then the black mist wrapped Wu Ye's whole body.

"Brother, me..." Wu Ye's eyes suddenly showed endless fear, and tears flowed from his remaining face.

He had a foreboding that he was about to die.


The devilish energy burst out, completely devouring Wu Ye!

"Wu, Wu Ye..."

Wu Lin stared blankly at Wu Ye as his brain went blank.

Wu Ye...dead?

He had never thought about the end of Wu Ye's soul flying away.

"Wu Ye!"

The eyes of the other three Taoists also turned red, and the power of the Heretic God began to surge in their bodies, causing the entire Origin Star to vibrate.

The sky became dim and the earth began to crack.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Wu Lin's expression became extremely distorted, roaring at Zhang Ziling, and his whole body rushed towards Zhang Ziling!

"Although your ancestors are still a little bit awkward to me now, this doesn't mean I can't deal with you Dao Masters either!"

Zhang Ziling watched Wu Lin leap forward, a trace of joke flashed in his eyes, and then the whole person turned into a black mist and dissipated, easily avoiding Wu Lin's attack.

Obviously, because of Wu Ye’s death, the four Heretic God Race people will fall into extreme anger. Although it will cause these people to explode more powerful than usual, it is precisely because of this anger that will make these people People lose their minds and make moves easier to predict.

The four demented Taoists did not pose any threat to Zhang Ziling, and could even be used by Zhang Ziling.

"Damn ants!"

Wu Lin slammed a punch, followed by another punch, and the endless power suddenly exploded in the sky.

The four Taoists besieged Zhang Ziling, the sky of Origin Star shattered, spiritual power became extremely restless, and the entire Origin Star environment was affected and became extreme.

"What level of battle is that?"

The monks in the Shadow Palace looked at the small cracks in the surrounding space, and the shock in their hearts became more and more intense.

"If you continue to fight like this, I am afraid that the entire Origin Star will not be able to withstand that powerful force, and it will all fall apart!" Some monks can feel that Origin Star has reached its limit. If you continue to fight like this, I am afraid that this will exist for thousands. The center of the universe, which has lasted for billions of years, will collapse in the aftermath of this terrifying battle.

"The opponent has four Taoists, and we can't help. Right now, the palace owner is still in retreat. Can the Devil Emperor really hold it by himself?"

The cultivators of the Shadow Palace were worried. They looked at the powerful spiritual power erupting in the sky, and they didn't even have the qualifications to go up to the battle.

In that shattered space, even if the Daoist passed by, I am afraid it would be crushed to pieces in an instant.

"Die me!"

Wu Lin roared, poured out all his power, and directly broke the space barrier in the center of the universe!

"Look! What's that?"

The cultivators of Origin Stars looked at the sky in shock, and their bodies trembled violently.

Over the battle of Zhang Ziling, a huge hole suddenly appeared, from which countless planets in the small world and universe fell out, all over the starry sky.

Under the influence of the powerful force, the big hole became bigger and bigger, and countless small world universes connected with the origin star.

The Origin Star is the center of the universe in the Three Thousand Middle World. The cosmic barrier here is broken, and the consequences are completely different from the destruction of the cosmic barrier of the Antarctic Sky!

The cosmic barrier here connects the three thousand worlds and universes... If this is broken, it means that the three thousand worlds and universes are all destroyed!

Nine million small world universes, countless planets, and unimaginable creatures will flood into the upper world at this moment!

The ultimate barrier to the realm of the universe...


More and more small-world monks came to the new world, feeling that the spiritual power was a hundred times stronger than the world they were in, which was very shocking.

Countless emperors and supreme in the lower realm suddenly felt that the shackles that had always restricted their advancement had suddenly disappeared!

"This, how is this possible... the cosmic barrier... is broken?"

"If this kind of love is known to the ultimate..."

"This is a heinous crime! The ultimate will never sit still!"

Dao lords of the major forces watched the holes in the sky getting bigger and bigger, and more and more universes were connected with their upper universe.

As a result, the entire universe is messed up, and I'm afraid there will be no distinction between the upper world universe and the small world universe in the future.

"The effect is not bad!"

Zhang Ziling looked at the big hole in the sky, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.

Now that I don’t know the reason, I can’t control the affairs of the universe at all. Zhang Ziling can use this origin star as a base point, completely tearing apart the barriers of the universe, and fusing it into a complete universe!

The four Taoists of Wu Lin were still in extreme anger at this moment, completely unaware that they had been used as spearmen by Zhang Ziling.

Seeing the hole in the sky getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Ziling also decided to work harder, completely using Origin Star as a permanent two-way channel connecting the small world and the three thousand universes, turning it into the largest virtual door!

Zhang Ziling directly diffused his own devilish energy, bypassing the four Taoists of Wulin, and rushing towards the cracked hole in the air.

"You guy, are you using us?"

Zhang Ziling's hand finally brought Wu Lin back to his senses, realizing that Zhang Ziling had been defensive and not attacking just now, not that he didn't want to head-on with them, but just used their power to tear open the barriers of the universe!

"Don't underestimate people!"

Wu Lin was furious, bursting out the power of the Heretic God from his body, covered in black flames, and a pair of black wings emerged from his back.

The other three Taoists also changed their true bodies, and their strengths have undergone a qualitative change!

"Since you want to tear down this cosmic barrier, let me help you, but whether you can bear the consequences depends on your own good fortune!"

Wu Lin roared, with killing intent in his eyes, surging spiritual power poured over Zhang Ziling, tearing a large number of holes in the sky, and revealing in countless worlds!

The sky above the huge Origin Star, at this moment, completely turned into a funnel, one planet after another, and even stars similar to the sun fell from the sky and hit the Origin Star!

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