Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1830: Universe about to be out of balance

"Witch, go back to the clan, we are not that guy's opponent!" Wu Lin was in a panic, and flew quickly under the leadership of Wu Que, with panic on his face.

"You don't need to say, I know!" Wu Que roared very impatiently, "You will kill you this time!"

The Witch Sparrow is not a human form, but more like a Vermillion Bird. Its speed is the fastest among the Cthulhu tribe, and it can even surpass time and space!

More importantly, they can lead others on the road.

After Wu Lin and another Taoist escaped from Zhang Ziling's clutches, Wu Que immediately came out to meet the two of Wu Lin.

After seeing Zhang Ziling's strength, they knew that Zhang Ziling was a powerful enemy that could not be defeated. From the very beginning, they hid behind and did not reveal their breath.

Had it not been for the attack of the universe's original will to involve Zhang Ziling's attention, and the two Wu Lin took the opportunity to escape, Wu Que would not even be ready to come out until Wu Lin died!

Fortunately, the original will of the universe is angry, and the void is full of pieces of nothingness. Now anyone who jumps in space or travels through time and space is an act of suicide. This also allows the witch to maximize its advantages and prevent Zhang Ziling from catching up with them with the jumping space !

In the void, Wu Que really couldn't guarantee that he could be faster than Zhang Ziling.

"That guy's power may already be half a trail god, except for our patriarch, no one is his opponent, this time I come out to save you two, you two owe me a life!" Wu Que thought of Zhang Ziling. The power of terror could not help shaking.

"Understood, you are indispensable to go back!"

Wu Lin also had some lingering fears, thinking that he was actually fighting with the Taoist God just now, it felt a little weird.

The power of the cosmic origin will have the power of Dao God. Now Zhang Ziling can dodge those attacks and can use those attacks to kill them with ease. This shows that it does not belong to the Dao Master Realm!

"However, in the three thousand universes, in addition to the gods of the heavens and the dark gods, and our patriarch asked the three evil gods, when will another Tao **** be born? Ultimately, a fourth Tao **** is allowed to appear?"

"Furthermore, why didn't we see the existence of that guy in the future foreseen by the patriarch?"

Wu Lin always felt a little weird, and asked in a low voice, still unable to accept the current situation.

The whole Heretic Gods used their accumulated power for many years to send them out, in order to get them to eradicate Zhang Ziyou, who is a threat to the Heretic Gods. However, they did not expect that they have not even seen Zhang Ziyou's face now, but they were returned by one. Half-walking **** chases and kills...

When you reach the half-walking god, it is equivalent to stepping into the realm of Taoism with one foot. Stepping into the realm of Taoism in the future is a sure thing!

The bottleneck is gone.

"Now that my clan's seal is weakened, there is obviously something wrong with it in the end, otherwise he would not be able to sit and watch the fourth Taoist appear." Wu Que said condensedly, his eyes still full of shock.

"The emergence of the fourth Taoist **** will probably give birth to another thousand avenues, with so many dao laws, how can we change the rules of the universe?"

"However, no matter what the new Thousand Avenue will become, it will definitely break the balance of the universe and affect the ultimate."

"More importantly, the new Taoist **** is not affected by the ultimate. This clearly shows that it is aimed at the ultimate."

"The future foreseen by the patriarch may have been manipulated by a certain Taoist and become unreal. Otherwise, the patriarch would not have known that a new Taoist will emerge. I am afraid that this universe will soon be in chaos... "

Wuque murmured, saying what was likely to happen, and the surrounding area instantly became quiet.

The game between Taoism and the ultimate level, every step is quite terrifying.

After a while, Wu Lin asked:

"Witch, who do you think is doing the ghost? The gods or the dark gods?"

There are only those three Taoists in these three thousand universes who are qualified to calculate the ultimate.

And their patriarch asked that the Heretic God has been ultimately suppressed in the Origin Star for tens of billions of years, and their Heretic God Race has never been active in the universe in the last few years, and has long been smoothed by time.

Right now, the biggest extravagance of their Heretic God Race is to be able to come out of the Origin Star. As for the ultimate revenge, they currently don't have the energy to do it, or even think about it.

"..." Wuque was silent for a while, and finally shook his head. The Taoist level was not something they could imagine. The Three Thousand Great Dao was created by the three Taoist Gods. Their calculations would easily exceed 100 million. For thousands of years, no matter which Taoist god's calculation is, it is impossible to imagine.

I dare not imagine.

Wuque flew forward with Wu Lin and the two of them quickly, seeing that the entrance to the forbidden area was convenient, and the three of them couldn't help but show joy.


Seeing the entrance to the forbidden area, Wu Lin immediately left behind the matter of the ultimate and Taoism, and his heart was filled with the joy of the rest of his life.

Regardless of whether it is the ultimate or the Taoism, the existence of that level is an unreachable existence for them. In contrast, their survival now is the most important thing.

About to go back, the other Taoists who have been hiding in the dark have not come out all appeared, and they opened a one-way channel in the air together, ready to send back.

Now the fourth Taoist **** has been born in the three thousand universes. The threat of their Heretic God race has obviously changed from Zhang Ziyou at the pinnacle of the Taoist Lord to Zhang Ziling, a half-walking god.

Three thousand universes are too dangerous!

"After we go back, we have to tell the patriarch that the time of our Cthulhu clan's birth has to be pushed back. At least we will be born after the patriarch's strength is restored or the game between the two Taoism gods is over!"

With the size and strength of the Heretic God Race, no matter what state they are in, they will definitely be counted by the Dao God.

They don't want to be the **** of a certain Taoist god.

Wu Que muttered to himself, the five Taoists turned into a light, rushing towards the torn channel.


Just as a few people approached the passage, a group of demonic energy suddenly appeared, blocking the entrance of the passage, and bounced them out together!

Among them, four Taoists themselves encountered the void fragments that did not know when they appeared in the rear, and they immediately disappeared.

In a moment, only Witch Scales and Witch Sparrows were left that could escape the fragments of nothingness.

"This this……"

Wu Lin and Wu Que watched in horror as the four clansmen were strangled, their brains were blank, and they did not expect this situation at all.

How could he appear in front?

Obviously... the entrance is just ahead...

Now it's out of reach!

"Tsk tusk tusk...Wu Lin, your luck is really good, you have avoided the attack of the void fragments twice in a row." Zhang Ziling appeared before the entrance of the passage with a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

After the original will of the universe strangled the four Taoists of the Heretic God Race, the anger seemed to disappear completely, and all the nihilistic pieces disappeared.

Origin star became calm.

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