As time passed by, Zhang Ziling extracted all the memories of Wu Lin and Wu Que.

It has to be said that both Wu Lin and Wu Que are at the pinnacle of Taoist Lords, and they know a lot more than Wu Ye, and Zhang Ziling has a clearer understanding of the higher-level power of this world.

"The gods of the heavens, the gods of the dark, and the evil gods of their evil **** race... these three should be the three strongest Tao gods in the three thousand universe except the ultimate..."

"The Three Thousand Dao Laws each create 1,000 Dadao. Then when I truly step into Taoism, will there be another 1,000 Dadao?"

Zhang Ziling murmured, confining the souls of Witch Scales and Witch Sparrows in his own magic flames, and at the same time, he extracted the essence of blood and blood in their bodies and absorbed them.

After all, they are the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the two Taoists. Although their energy and blood are of little use to Zhang Ziling, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still fleshy.

"It seems that the three Taoist gods are not too compatible with the ultimate, and the ultimate cannot directly attack the three Taoists for some reason. Even if the Cthulhu has resisted the ultimate, it will only be suppressed by the ultimate at the origin. star……"

"Perhaps Ultimate, as the supreme ruler of the universe, is also bound by certain rules. Could it be the limitation of the universe?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Ziling shook his head again: "Whether the big world universe exists is also a question. It seems that no one has ever entered the big world universe, and the relationship is not like the middle world universe and the small world universe. A passage like a virtual door..."

"A higher-level universe does not necessarily exist."

"Anyway, I am not a true Taoist God yet, and that heart demon should be summoned back and stepped into Taoist God."

"Even if the Cthulhu is weak, it can't be dealt with by the half-travel god."

Zhang Ziling said to himself, then turned his gaze to the direction of the Shadow Palace.

After eliminating the members of the Heretic God Race, the beam of light that Zhang Ziyou burst out still existed, and there was no sign of weakening.

Seeing the spiritual power pillar rushing straight into the nine days, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion in his eyes, always feeling a little strange.

Even if the breakthrough is successful, or if something goes wrong in the practice, this will not happen.

There, something strange...

"Boss, there seems to be something wrong in the Shadow Palace, I didn't feel a trace of life activity from inside, only the endless rioting power."

At this time, the voice of the heaven seeker rang in Zhang Ziling's mind, and his tone was full of uncertainty.

After the upgrade, the perception of the skyfinder has increased countless times, and it will be a matter of time before the data in the three thousand universes is completely resolved by it.

And just now, when Zhang Ziling was solving the Heretic God Race's affairs, Xun Tianyi was boring, and he also used Shenhun to investigate the situation in the Shadow Palace.

It stands to reason that as long as there are life fluctuations, even if there is a strong spiritual force interfering, it still feels it.

What is strange is that the Heaven Seeker did not feel any breath of life from Zhang Ziyou's retreat, and the restless spiritual power seemed to be artificially set.

"Boss...Although you may be a little upset when I say this, the spiritual power surging in the cultivation place of Your Highness Ziyou seems to be a deliberate blind eye..."

"Actually, there is no one inside."

Tianxunyi said cautiously, although it couldn't believe its guess, it is now the case.

"you sure?"

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling's expression immediately changed, and he asked quickly, with a bad premonition in his heart.

"Well, it seems to be the case. After the upgrade, my soul has become a lot stronger. Although the place where His Highness Ziyou retreats is restricted, I can still sense the aura surging inside."

"She... probably isn't inside anymore."


As soon as Xuntianyi finished speaking, Zhang Ziling turned into a light and flew towards the Shadow Palace and fell in front of the Shadow Palace.

"Master Devil Emperor!"

When the monks in the Shadow Palace saw Zhang Ziling coming back, all their bodies were shaken, and they quickly saluted Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling grabbed a Daoist at random and asked in a cold voice, "I ask you, what is Ziyou going to do after retreating?"

That Daojun was frightened by Zhang Ziling's aura, and the whole person was still a little dazed. He subconsciously said: "After the hall, the hall master, she will go to the depths of the Origin Star with the Void Daojun and the Chaos Giant Race after she leaves the customs. , But what exactly... we don’t know."

"Deep in the Forbidden Land of Origin?"

Hearing that Daojun's words, Zhang Ziling's expression immediately became extremely gloomy: "Good, you are a Xie Wushuang!"

Without even thinking about it now, Zhang Ziling knew who on earth Zi You was instigated to go to the Heretic God Race!

Go to the Demon Palace in person to spread the word, saying that Zi You is being targeted by the Heretic God Race...

The cold and depressed aura filled Zhang Ziling's body, making the surroundings extremely depressed, and the extremely powerful pressure caused the earth to crack.

The monks in the Shadow Palace suddenly realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously stepped back.

"The devil, the devil emperor seems unwilling to let the palace master go to the depths of the origin star forbidden area?"

"Isn't that nonsense? You don't know how dangerous the place is. How could the Devil Emperor let the Palace Master take risks?"

"But the hall master is still in retreat? That powerful spiritual pillar is still there now, the Devil Emperor has no reason to be so angry..."

"There must be something tricky in this... the power of the spiritual power column is too terrifying, and it lasts for too long, which is very abnormal. Perhaps the Devil Emperor has seen something wrong?"

After discovering that Zhang Ziling's breath had become different, a group of Shadow Palace monks whispered to guess what happened.

And after Zhang Ziling knew what Zi You would do next, he also realized that Zi You might have gone to the Cthulhu Clan without telling him...

He let go of the Taoist monarch and walked quickly to the place where Zhang Ziyou was in retreat.

"Master Demon Emperor, the lord is still in retreat, please don't..."

"Go away!"

Zhang Ziling's powerful pressure erupted, pushing all the Shadow Palace monks who were in the way aside, and quickly walked to the door of Zhang Ziyou's retreat.

The entire Shadow Palace became chaotic, and all the cultivators stood behind Zhang Ziling, both worried about Zhang Ziyou and afraid of Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Xuntian, and then carefully investigate the situation inside, and try not to affect it as much as possible."


Tianxunyi did not hesitate anymore, the soul was attached to the entrance of the main hall, and softly penetrated in, sensing the power inside.

After a while, Xuntianyi took the soul back and solemnly said to Zhang Ziling: "Boss...I'm sure, His Highness Ziyou has left."

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