Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1841: Ask Cthulhu!

The origin star was annihilated by Zhang Ziling.

The forbidden area in the abdomen of Origin Star is directly hollow and completely exposed in the universe.

The forbidden area of ​​the Heretic God Race is no longer there.

Xuyou and Tianyu stared blankly at the void ahead, their expressions dull and their brains blank.

What happened just now?

Where is the Cthulhu?

The patriarchs of the two supreme races trembled violently, and they moved their eyes to Zhang Ziling with difficulty, their eyes full of awe.

They can no longer feel the breath of any evil god!

Those Taoists, the entire Heretic God Race...

It was annihilated directly with just a palm, and even the spirits no longer exist!

The power of the huge Cthulhu race is stronger than that of their two supreme races!

There are also many powerhouses at the peak of Dao Master in their clan, each of which is a powerful evil god, and any one of them can disrupt the three thousand universes and cause countless forces to fall into fear.

Anyone of the Cthulhu tribe can suppress all the forces of Origin Star!

You know, there are no more than ten Taoists in the three thousand universes!

If the Cthulhu tribe is born, it will surely suppress the three thousand universes with the power of one clan!

It was such a race with the blood of the Taoist God. With the defensive ban fully activated, Zhang Ziling just used a palm to wipe out the Heretic God Race with the forbidden land...

"This, this is the power of Taoism?"

Xuyou suddenly felt a little dry and dry, and couldn't accept what he saw.

Their worldview completely collapsed.

Dao Shen is very strong and is the strongest in the universe. Whether it is Xuyou or Tianyu, both of them admit that Zhang Ziling can crush everything in the world.

But they didn't expect Tao God to be so strong... so strong that a single palm can wipe out a supreme race...

This kind of power is no longer the limit of the three thousand universes.

This is... the true god!

The **** with absolute power to rule three thousand universes!

Only then did they understand how lucky they were for the two big races to provoke the Heretic Race without being destroyed.

Even Zhang Ziyou opened his mouth slightly, obviously he did not expect this to happen.

She is also a half-walking **** now, but she found that... her strength is not even one tenth of her brother's!

The half-foot Taoist **** and the Taoist god... are there so much difference?

In the future that she saw, the Heretic God Race wreaks havoc on three thousand universes, the power of Taoism crushes sentient beings, and the lives of three thousand universes are arbitrarily desirable.

The Cthulhu tribe would have caused trouble in the world.

But now, my elder brother only used one move to lightly erase the Cthulhu tribe that threatened the three thousand universes. This is really...

Zhang Ziyou is completely unable to describe his current mood.

Does that mean that the future no longer exists?

"Brother, the Heretic God Race is gone?" Zhang Ziyou was really shocked, and asked Zhang Ziling in a low voice.

That is the direct race of Taoism...

"Not yet, I left one."

Zhang Ziling was frank, pointing to a place in the void and said.

Looking along the direction Zhang Ziling pointed, Zhang Ziyou only discovered that there was only a black-haired young man left where the original Heretic God Race was.

He closed his eyes tightly and lay motionless in the void, but the aura permeating his whole body twisted the space slightly, showing the man's extraordinaryness.

And around the man, there were faintly roaring people, as if to vent some anger.

"That's...asking the evil god?"

Seeing the young man sleeping in the void, Zhang Ziyou's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Who was able to survive the attack just now, Zhang Ziyou didn't believe that he was an ordinary Taoist level evil god.

"Well, it's only him."

"Looking at this, he has been asleep for too long and his body has been decayed. Although his consciousness is still awake, it will never be so easy to awaken his body that has been decayed for many years."

"I'm afraid he didn't think that there would be a fourth Taoist **** in this universe, and their evil **** race would be targeted by me, and then I would destroy everything."

"Now that I ask the Cthulhu, I can't wait to chase me directly!"

Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, his eyes joking when looking at the evil god:

"He can only watch me destroy his people and can't do anything."

"Although my attack just now can destroy the Heretic God Race, I still have some reluctance to hurt the Heretic God."

"If you want to blame it...they are not honest with the Heretic God Race. Let's come out to be a monster."

Zhang Ziling smiled faintly, but didn't intend to wait for the evil **** to completely wake up, and slapped the evil god!


The starry sky burst, Wen Cthulhu was directly hit into the void by Zhang Ziling, and the **** body cracked.

"The Devil! I'm going to kill you!"

Suddenly an extremely angry voice exploded in the universe. Everyone in the starry sky heard that voice, and could feel the boundless anger in it!

Countless creatures knelt down and bowed with fear on their faces!

Among the three thousand avenues, one thousand avenues began to stir, and the space around Zhang Ziling became extremely unstable.

Almost instantly, a thousand avenues were pulled away, the rules were broken, and the spiritual power was invalidated. Xuyou and Tianyu suddenly felt that they could no longer use their spiritual power.

"What's happening here?"

Xuyou and Tianyu were frightened, their bodies trembled violently, completely unaware of what had happened.

The universe they are in now seems to be no longer the universe they used to be familiar with.

"It seems that the extreme anger caused him to wake up early... But it is precisely because of this that the power to ask the evil **** is much weaker."

Zhang Ziling felt that there were a thousand avenues missing from the surrounding three thousand avenues, and even the origin of the avenue in his body had disappeared out of thin air by a thousand, and could not help but mutter.

After all, the law of three thousand great avenues has one thousand great avenues created by the evil god, and it is not very difficult for him to take away the law of the thousand great great avenues.

In the cracked void, Wen Cthulhu walked out of it, his face gloomy to the extreme, staring at Zhang Ziling firmly, wishing to devour Zhang Ziling alive.

"You mean fellow, sneak attack while I am asleep!"

"I will break your corpse into thousands of pieces, detain your soul, and torture you forever!" Asking the evil **** roared, three thousand universe creatures can hear his roar!

The universe is shaking.

Seeing the extremely angry questioning Cthulhu, Zhang Ziling just smiled indifferently, and said: "No way, you are a veteran Taoist with terrifying strength. It's not something new Taoist like me can match."

"If you don't take advantage of your illness to kill you... I'm afraid I will be the only one to suffer!"

"When you sent someone to attack Ziyou, we were already dying."

"The battle of life and death, how can there be anything mean?"

"If I didn't break through the Taoist God, when you come out, will you let me and Ziyou go?"

Zhang Ziling's Taoist power spread out, counteracting the pressure of the evil god.

The three thousand universes are trembling, and the aura of the two Taoism swept all the world!

The war is about to start!

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