Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1852: Taoism admits fate

The starry sky was very quiet, the gods of the dark and the gods looked at Zhang Ziling stupidly, their brains became blank.

After a while, Yu Darkshen reacted and looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Kill the ultimate?

This was something he had never thought of in his endless years. Ultimately, it was the ruler of these three thousand universes. It was the supreme existence. Even if the three gods went together, it was impossible to hurt the ultimate half.

They, who have been in Nirvana Ruins all the year round, know very well how terrifying the ultimate power is!

That is not something that the creatures born in the three thousand universes can resist!

"You are crazy!"

The gods and gods stared at Zhang Ziling, with blue veins bulging around his neck with excitement: "Don't think that if you absorb the heart of the ultimate, you can defeat the ultimate!"

"The heart of the ultimate is only half of the power of the ultimate. Even if you absorb my power, you can fight the ultimate for a few rounds at most. It is impossible to defeat the ultimate!"

The gods roared, and Yu dark **** also had a cold face, not believing what Zhang Ziling said.

Even if Zhang Ziling is a variable, even if this variable has become a Taoist **** for the first time, he has collected ten pieces of the ultimate heart and gained half of the ultimate power...

But, relying on these to want to defeat the ultimate is tantamount to idiotic dreams!

That is the supreme existence in the three thousand universes!

"Devil, I really want to know, where exactly do you come from?"

"You are already a Taoist god, and you must be the ultimate powerful. I don't need to say that you can feel it yourself. If you really think that the ultimate heart and the power of the three Taoist gods can suppress the ultimate, I advise you to be honest Actually join Nirvana Ruins to do things for the ultimate, so that you may still be able to survive."

Yu Darkshen forced himself to calm down and said while looking at Zhang Ziling.

Although he has been working with the ultimate, he would be quite happy if he could escape from the Ruins of Nirvana.

However, as long as the ultimate still exists in the world, they will never have freedom. They can only help the ultimate maintain the order of the three thousand universes and become a tool to stabilize the ultimate rule.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the doubts about the gods of the dark and the heavens, but just chuckled and said: "Now, do you have any idea how I got the other five ultimate heart fragments?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling suddenly shifted the topic to this, the Emperor Dark God and the Gods of Heaven were a little confused, but they really wanted to know how Zhang Ziling did it, and they all calmed down, staring straight at Zhang Ziling and asked:

"We really haven't figured out how you did it? But what does this have to do with you killing the ultimate?"

"Of course it does matter. After all, it is not my body that absorbs the five ultimate fragments."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the two Taoist gods were still a little confused, and they didn't understand what Zhang Ziling meant.

But when they saw a person who was exactly the same as Zhang Ziling, even with the same breath, they saw endless shock in their eyes.

how can that be?

The pupils of the two Taoist gods shrank suddenly, and their faces were thick and unbelievable.

"This is... the heart demon?"

Yu Darkshen stared at Zhang Ziling with shock, couldn't believe what he was seeing, his body trembled violently because of the shock.

"No, it's impossible...You are a Taoist god, why do you still have a heart demon?" The gods were a little frightened, staring at Zhang Ziling, their voice trembling.

How can I keep the demons until now?

The heart demon and the main body have exactly the same power, once the heart demon is swallowed, the strength will skyrocket, directly doubling the realm!

However, most people will cut off the heart demon when they are in the holy step, otherwise they will raise the heart demon. The heart demon itself is also a time bomb, which can swallow the body at any time!

The God of Darkness and the Gods of the Heavens couldn't imagine how Zhang Ziling saved the demons to the present?

This is impossible.

Dao God level heart demon...

This can mean the fifth Taoist **** in the three thousand universes!

Not only that, Zhang Ziling's heart demon absorbed five pieces of the ultimate heart, which means that they have not yet synthesized the ultimate heart!

Once Zhang Ziling swallowed his own heart demon, he would fuse ten pieces of the ultimate heart into the ultimate heart...

The magnitude of this power surge is simply unimaginable!

In this way, it is really possible for Zhang Ziling to suppress the ultimate!

The bodies of the two Taoist gods shook suddenly, and this idea was madly breeding in their hearts, and they could not go away again!



The hearts of the gods of the dark and the gods were beating faster and faster, staring straight at Zhang Ziling, their attitudes were completely different from before.

If Zhang Ziling can suppress the ultimate, even if the two of them become Taoists, but the three thousand universe is big, why can't they go?

Moreover, it is precisely because of the ultimate that the road to the great universe is completely blocked, even if they are Taoists, they will never see the wider world.

In the endless years, just a tool to manage three thousand universes, who can be willing?

If it is ultimately suppressed, no matter whether Zhang Ziling will take over the three thousand universes afterwards, at least the three thousand universes will be greatly changed, and the original will of the universe can also regain control of the three thousand universes.

The gods of the dark and the gods are not the ultimate death, once they can get rid of the ultimate, they will not hesitate!

Zhang Ziling's heart demon was hidden in the starry sky, and his breath disappeared.

"Two, how are you thinking about?"

"Do you want to die in the dust, or live in the realm of the Taoist master?"

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in the ears of the gods of the dark and the gods, causing the two of them to froze for a moment, and then hesitated.

They are not hesitating to choose.

After all, they wanted to give up their strength to Zhang Ziling, no matter what the reason, they were not so easy to accept.

Even if they know that they are not qualified to resist at all, they can only accept it passively.

At least, if you actively surrender your godhead, you can still live.

In other words, they have no choice.

"I understand……"

With bitterness in Yu Darkshen's heart, he stripped his godhead and handed it to Zhang Ziling.

Endless power surged in the godhead he dug out, and the starry sky trembled.

"The Dark God?"

The gods of the heavens were shocked when they saw that the God of Darkness had really taken out their godheads!

That is the heart of Taoism, containing endless power, which can influence the rules of three thousand universes!

That is... the source of the power of the God of Darkness.

After Yu Darkshen dug out his godhead and his Taoist heart, his aura plummeted, and quickly fell to the Taoist, to the point that Yu Darkshen could not even hold up his own source of power!

Zhang Ziling took over the Godhead of the God of Darkness, and then set his sights on the gods of the heavens.

Feeling Zhang Ziling's gaze, the gods were also quite stressed. Finally, he sighed heavily, and helplessly dug out his godhead.

No way, Yu Darkshen had already admitted his fate, even if he didn't want to, he couldn't resist.

The godhead of the two Taoism...

In the hands of Zhang Ziling!

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