Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1858: ultimate

"That is the Demon God? He really wants to challenge the ultimate."

Zhongtiandao and the cultivators in Ji Mie Ruins stared blankly at Zhang Ziling standing high in the sky, with shock in their eyes.

This is the only person who has entered the Ruins of Nirvana since countless eras.

The terrifying coercion immediately made all the heavenly Dao and the monks tremble.

How could there be such a powerful person?

In these three thousand universes, how did such an existence be born?

Countless Heavenly Dao's hearts were full of shock, looking at Zhang Ziling standing in the void, his body trembled!

Standing in the void, Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the cultivators and the Heavenly Dao who sent him, his eyes gradually became indifferent.

Nirvana Ruins were bigger than he thought, at least as big as half the earth.

Although it can't compare with the world of hundreds of millions of miles in the universe, it is still vast.

The whole is pitch black, and the surrounding chaos is extremely suppressed.

"The place that rules three thousand universes, countless infinite psychological shadows, live here?" Zhang Ziling sneered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

When Zhang Ziling stepped into the Ruins of Nirvana, a large number of Taoist monks jumped into the sky and stood in front of Zhang Ziling.

"Devil, you are so bold!"

A group of Taoists looked at Zhang Ziling straightly, with harsh expressions, but they were extremely guilty.

Even if their strength in the Nirvana Ruins will be greatly enhanced, and even be able to match the Taoist God, the current aura of Zhang Ziling is simply not an existence they can block!

"This is the Nirvana Ruins, so I can't retreat quickly!"

"You are looking for death!"

"The delusion challenges the ultimate, the foolish dream, you still have a chance to surrender now!"

Zhang Ziling came faster than they expected, and now the Origin Dao Xin in the Profound Sky hasn't separated yet. If Zhang Ziling finds out, he will eventually be furious, and all of them will not be able to live by then!

Seeing Zhongtiandao and the cultivator's stern look, Zhang Ziling didn't care, just glanced at the Nirvana Ruins rudely with the spirit, and quickly located the position of the Profound Sky.

Seeing Tian Xuan's whole body being plugged with pipes and being constantly drawn with power, Zhang Ziling's eyes could not help but burst out with endless anger.

"You guys are looking for death!"

Without any hesitation, Zhang Ziling turned into a black glow and rushed towards the Profound Sky, and everyone who dared to stand in front of Zhang Ziling, whether it was a monk or a heavenly path, was wiped out!


Zhang Ziling smashed into the console, violent aura surging around.

The Heavenly Dao that was using the Heavenly Dao origin to suppress the Profound Sky Consciousness was directly overwhelmed by Zhang Ziling's aura, unable to move.

"Devil, how dare you?"

Tian Yu rushed into the console and saw that Zhang Ziling was about to destroy the equipment, his eyes were about to split, and he shouted sharply: "The chain of origin is already connected to the life of the Profound Sky!"

"If you move, she will die!"

Zhang Ziling stopped and looked at Tian Yu indifferently: "How to unlock?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Tian Yu only felt an unimaginable pressure on his shoulders, and his legs were trembling wildly.

About to bend down on your knees.

"Yes, I want..." Tian Yu opened her mouth and her body trembled.

"Zhang! Zi! Ling!"

"You are so bold!"

Before the words of Tianyu were finished, there was a gloomy voice from the depths of the Nirvana Ruins, and then a gloomy and dark aura came over the sky and rolled over to Zhang Ziling.


Feeling that powerful force, Zhang Ziling's expression changed slightly, and he directly slapped Tianyu out with a palm, then leaped into the air to help Tianxuan block the momentum.

Countless monks and Heavenly Dao were crushed by the ultimate coercion, many of them were seriously injured, and even died directly!

Zhang Ziling glanced worriedly at the Profound Sky below, and then had to concentrate on facing the ultimate.

To deal with the ultimate, he had no way to fight while being distracted to save Tianxuan.

The ultimate breath is stronger than he imagined!

There is Dao Xin in Tianxuan's body, where half of the ultimate power is gathered, presumably as long as one does not save Tianxuan, the ultimate will not easily move her.

"We can only fight first."

Zhang Ziling concentrated his mind and spurred the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs, his hair turned white, and the whole monster was extremely different, and its turbulent momentum was not weaker than the ultimate!

The two auras, one black and one red, collided and exploded in the sky over the Nirvana Ruins!


Two turbulent auras suddenly swept across the earth like a violent wind, countless heavenly Dao and monks were blown away by this aura, and their screams echoed in the Ruins of Silence!

The chaos around Tianxuan was blown away, and Tianxuan's entire body was exposed in the air, and the tubes could not withstand the powerful pressure, and began to crack!

"Zhang Ziling, aren't you here to save the Profound Sky? If the chain of origin breaks, the Profound Sky will definitely die!"

The ultimate words exploded in the void, extremely threatening.


Hearing the words of the ultimate, Zhang Ziling frowned, but he didn't expect that the ultimate threatened him with Tianxuan!

Of course, Zhang Ziling couldn't let Tianxuan ignore it, so he had to grab Tian Yu, trying to search his soul and find a way to unlock the chain of origin.

"My lord, help!"

Tianyu was restrained by Zhang Ziling's powerful spiritual power, and his whole expression became distorted and hideous, and howling sternly.

"Zhang Ziling, I want to save people under my nose. Have you asked me if I agree?"

With a cold snort in the end, Zhang Ziling's spiritual power that bound Tianyu was immediately annihilated, Tianyu fell to the ground and fled out in a panic.

Seeing that the ultimate was determined to use Tianxuan to threaten him, Zhang Ziling was about to call out his own inner demon and let the inner demon save the heaven.

But before Zhang Ziling had time to move, he saw a familiar figure below!

Tian Yang!

"Master Devil, don't worry, Tianxuan's consciousness has long been awakened by me. I can rescue her. You can concentrate on dealing with the ultimate!"

Tian Yang roared on the ground, beckoning constantly.

"Tianyang? You traitor!"

Tian Yu saw Tian Yang rushed into the console, his expression changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply.

It is a pity that Tianyu was severely injured by Zhang Ziling before, and he has no strength to stop Tianyang.

"Hmph! You scumbags, I've long seen you upset, this time Lord Devil Emperor is killed, none of you can run away!"

"What is the ultimate?"

Tian Yang sneered, and in front of Tian Yu, he began to close the procedure of pulling away from the source of the Dao Heart, and those origin chains gradually became bleak.

"Tianyang, you are so bold!"

In the end, he obviously did not expect that there would be a traitor in his own Ruins of Annihilation, yelling furiously, and the violent power crushed Tianyang!

The earth was torn apart, and that force seemed to annihilate everything.

Zhang Ziling's heart demon suddenly appeared and stood in front of Tian Yang with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Inner Demon?" Seeing Zhang Ziling's Inner Demon appeared, he couldn't help but screamed out, his tone was unbelievable!

"How can you still have a heart demon now?"

Standing in the void, Zhang Ziling's mouth sneered, and his eyes flickered.

"Now... finally you can fight me fairly, right?"


Zhang Ziling drank, nirvana ruins...


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