Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1864: Breath of Death

"The Law of Three Thousand Great Ways has such power?"

Feeling the unimaginable power surging through the ultimate body, Zhang Ziling's eyes changed slightly, unexpectedly.

Zhang Ziling could even feel that the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao that he had been silent for a long time was all agitated at this moment!

He even has an illusion that the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao lies in the ultimate!

Originally, after punishing Wen Xie, there were a thousand great avenues in the Three Thousand Universe, and the remaining two thousand great avenues also disappeared after the Dark God and the Heavenly Gods fell to the Dao Master.

But now, the ultimate awakening of the laws of the three thousand universes...

"Devil Emperor, you have to be careful. The Dao Laws created by the three Dao Gods before have been more or less affected by the ultimate power. The Three Thousand Dao Law itself also reflects the ultimate power!"

The voice of the original will of the universe sounded in Zhang Ziling's mind again, and he quickly reminded him.

Now that Zhang Ziling and the ultimate have reached a decisive battle, the next confrontation between the two will probably be the final blow to determine the fate of the three thousand universes.

If it is the ultimate victory, Zhang Ziling will annihilate the soul, and the inner demon who is absorbing the source of the Dao heart will also be affected, and there is no possibility of defeating the ultimate.

If Zhang Ziling had resisted or even overwhelmed the ultimate move this time, then the ultimate would have no spare power to launch a second blow.

In the following time, Zhang Ziling's heart demon is enough to absorb Yuan Dao heart, and his power will skyrocket again!

At that time, I am afraid that Zhang Ziling will not merge with the inner demon, and it will be enough to suppress the ultimate. After fusing the inner demon, it will not be difficult to obliterate the ultimate!

At this juncture, the original will of the universe can't sit still.

After endless years, it finally saw the light!

"You mean... the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao actually reflects the ultimate power?"

Hearing the words of the original will of the universe, Zhang Ziling's brows twitched, and his heart moved.

If the Dao Law created by the Three Dao Gods was created based on the ultimate power...This certainly shows that the ultimate power is the ultimate power, the supreme power pursued by countless creatures in the three thousand universes, but they are only relying on the ultimate to cultivate...

Live in the shadow of a person all his life, comprehend his power of promise?

This is undoubtedly a great blow to the three thousand universe creatures, even Zhang Ziling has been affected a lot.

After all, Zhang Ziling did a lot of things by relying on the Three Thousand Dao Rule.

But...Zhang Ziling has the origin of the Three Thousand Avenue, and he also has an extraordinary understanding of the Three Thousand Avenue Law!

Looking at the ultimate traverse of the Three Thousand Universe, Zhang Ziling actually closed his eyes and began to recall the various characteristics of the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, and at the same time integrate them.

In the end, seeing Zhang Ziling closed his eyes at this time, his heart couldn't help but become angry.

Zhang Ziling's attitude of ignoring him is undoubtedly the biggest insult to him!

"Devil Emperor, since you gave up resistance, don't blame this seat!"


The power of the Three Thousand Avenues merged together, and a breath of death permeated from the ultimate, everything around, including the long river...

This starry sky is withered!

Endless death!

Afterwards, a breath of death surging from the mouth of the ultimate, rushed towards Zhang Ziling, as if to completely obliterate Zhang Ziling!

Over time, the river decayed, the voice of the original will of the universe disappeared instantly, and even the heart demon and Zhang Ziyou... gradually turned gray and began to wither.

All the creatures in the three thousand universes are frozen in this breath of death, and their lives are declining.

Even... the history of these three thousand universes has withered under the corrosion of the breath of death, and the huge three thousand universes tend to collapse.

With the ultimate blow, I never thought of letting the three thousand universe survive.

Zhang Ziling was cautious and did not dare to destroy the long river of time, but all of it died under the ultimate influence.

The future will become chaotic.

"All of you must die!"


With the ultimate roar, the breath of dead silence finally arrived in front of Zhang Ziling.

"found it……"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang around, breaking the deadly starry sky.

"Integrating the origins of the Three Thousand Great Dao... turns into nothingness directly, is it the death of one of the highest laws?"

Zhang Ziling muttered, and slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were very calm.

I have to say that among the origins of the Three Thousand Avenue, what Zhang Ziling does not understand the most is the Path of Nirvana.

From the time when he seized the origin of the Dao from the Earth and Heavenly Dao, to when Tianxuan handed over her origin to him, and then to seize the power of the Dao’s origin, Zhang Ziling had never seen the origin of the Nirvana Dao and did not know much about this Dao. .

At this time, Zhang Ziling discovered that it seems that from ancient times to the present, no one has ever comprehended the path of nirvana, and even no one has touched the threshold of the path of nirvana.

"The three Taoist gods created three thousand avenues, but in the ten supreme laws, each person only created three avenues..."

"I thought it was the nirvana Dao created by the God of Darkness, but I didn't expect...this nirvana represents the ultimate ultimate power."

Zhang Ziling chuckled and watched the ultimate breath of death blast on him.

In an instant, Zhang Ziling's body began to wither rapidly, and even his realm and spirit began to decay.

"Everything is dying. Under the breath of silence in this seat, anyone who has comprehended the law of the Three Thousand Great Dao will be affected by the breath of death in this seat!"

"Even if you are a Dao Ji, the Devil Emperor, you were still the shrimp in the small world universe. You must have comprehended the Law of the Three Thousand Great Dao... and I didn't expect you to absorb the origin of the Law of the Three Thousand Great Dao!"

"You can't resist the breath of death in this seat, just wither and decay... This seat will completely wipe you out of these three thousand universes!"

The ultimate gloomy voice reverberated all around, the Three Thousand Universe fell into a dead silence, most of the time was decayed, and the breath of Zhang Ziling was about to fall to Taoism...

The original will of the universe has not moved, and it seems to be suppressed by the ultimate breath of death.

The giant face across the three thousand universes quickly shrank and reunited into the ultimate human form.

"After all, this seat won."

Ultimately, he stared at Zhang Ziling indifferently, and immediately went in front of Zhang Ziling, watching the breath of death on Zhang Ziling spread to the surroundings.

As long as Zhang Ziling's realm rots below the Taoist god, he can even wipe out Zhang Ziling and his inner demons!

And this collapsed three thousand universes...

Ultimately, he glanced around, his eyes indifferent to the extreme:

"The upper ranks of these three thousand universes have been annihilated, and I have searched in these three thousand universes for so many years, and still haven't found that person's body and treasures...I am afraid that the legend is simply false."

"It's time to give up."

"Huh! The dignified supreme, but sacrificed his own power to protect this mere three thousand universes. It has no meaning at all, extremely stupid."

"After killing this guy, it's time for us to go to other universes. Let these three thousand universes collapse."

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