Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1866: Win or lose

The pervasive power of the Breath of Annihilation suddenly rolled over the surrounding universe.

Most of the three thousand universes that were already shattered were wiped out by the breath of silence.

Countless star fields were swallowed by nothingness.

Tian Yang was directly suppressed by the power of the Breath of Annihilation, unable to move. He hadn't touched the Breath of Annihilation, but his body had already begun to disappear.

The ultimate power has not recovered much, and the speed of the Breath of Annihilation is much slower than before.

But Nimie Ruins slowed down, but it made Tian Yang more directly taste the taste of despair.

"Everything is over." Tian Yang gave up resistance.

After all, it is impossible to defeat the ultimate.

Inner Demon, Xia Qingyue and Tianxuan still did not move.

Zhang Ziling, whose heart was dug out and eroded by Breath of Annihilation, is now in a coma.

The Nine Heavens Devil Orb and the Sky Seeker in Zhang Ziling's body tended to collapse under the ultimate pressure.

The Devil Emperor has no power to fight again.

Who in the three thousand universes can fight again?

It seems that all hope has been lost.

This time, it was the ultimate win.

Tian Yang watched the Breath of Death arrive in front of him, closing his eyes in despair, waiting for the arrival of death.

Today, no one can save him.

Not only him, three thousand universes... will also be annihilated.

At this moment, Tianyang was completely annihilated except below his neck, and even his consciousness became blurred.

In front of him, it became dark.

At this moment, a ray of light from far away rushed here, surging with a terrifying breath, attracting the ultimate attention.

It is Zhang Ziyou!

After finally throwing Zhang Ziling's heart into the chaos, Zhang Ziyou tried his best to pursue it. Fortunately, Zhang Ziyou rushed to Zhang Ziling's heart to get lost in the chaos and took it back.

Zhang Ziyou is now the pinnacle of the Taoist God, spanning three thousand universes, and it's just a moment.

"I came back so fast!"

"But what about coming back?"

In the end, he looked at Zhang Ziyou unexpectedly, a fierce fierce flashed in his eyes, and directly blasted a terrifying attack on Zhang Ziyou!

Dao Ji's power is turbulent, and although the Breath of Annihilation is not used in the end, for Zhang Ziyou, the Dao Ji's power is not something she can bear.

Zhang Ziyou gritted his teeth fiercely, knowing that he could not dodge the ultimate attack, and did not hesitate to throw Zhang Ziling's heart towards Zhang Ziling, and he was resisting the ultimate attack!


Zhang Ziyou was directly submerged in the endless power of the ultimate.

The space collapsed, Zhang Ziyou's defense was broken instantly!


In the end, seeing Zhang Ziyou actually choose to use his body to resist his attack to wake Zhang Ziling, a trace of joke flashed in his eyes.

The power that was erased by the Breath of Annihilation will not be restored, and that is a true disappearance.

Only by re-cultivation can Zhang Ziling re-enter the realm of Taoism!

Even if the ultimate just suffered a joint injury because of the ultimate heart, his situation is much better than that of Zhang Ziling after all, at least he remains in the realm of Dao.

Even if Zhang Ziling was resurrected, it would no longer pose any threat to him.

It's just a trivial matter.

Zhang Ziyou was covered by the ultimate Taoist power, and the whole person was suffering unimaginable pain, and his whole body began to break apart along with the three thousand universes.

Ultimately, the battle with Zhang Ziling did not last long, and neither side made many moves, but even so, the Three Thousand Universe has been riddled with holes, and even the long river of time has disappeared for most.

Dao Ji is not a power level belonging to the three thousand universes, and the three thousand universes simply cannot bear it!

The battlefield of this battle shouldn't be here.

Zhang Ziyou's face was full of pain, and she tried her best to protect her soul so that she would not be annihilated under the ultimate attack.

After all, the gap is too big, no matter how hard Zhang Ziyou struggles, he can't make up.

As Zhang Ziyou's body broke apart, Tian Yang was completely swallowed by the breath of silence, and then dissipated.

And the wispy breath of death, after eroding the sky, began to fly towards Zhang Ziling's heart demon, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

At the same time, the heart thrown back by Zhang Ziyou, after approaching Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling's body quickly returned the heart to its place with the power of powerful blood.

The huge energy of Qi and blood flowed quickly, and the big hole in Zhang Ziling's chest was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, Zhang Ziling's consciousness was regained, and the ultimate attack gradually dissipated, Zhang Ziyou's body broke and was dying.

In the end, seeing that he didn't kill Zhang Ziyou with a single blow, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he was about to give Zhang Ziyou the final blow.

"Enough for the ultimate, everything is over."

Zhang Ziling appeared in front of Zhang Ziyou, looking at the ultimate indifferently, his eyes cold.

After Zhang Ziling regained consciousness, the expression in his eyes towards the ultimate changed.

The previous fear is completely gone.


Zhang Ziyou saw that Zhang Ziling was okay, his eyes reddened again, and tears fell down his cheeks and dripped onto his broken body.

Now Zhang Ziyou is basically half entity and half soul, and will be annihilated just a step away.

Seeing Zhang Ziyou's appearance, Zhang Ziling's eyes couldn't help flashing endless pain. He wiped the tears from Ziyou's face and whispered: "Everything is over...I will take you home later."


Zhang Ziyou nodded, she had unlimited trust in Zhang Ziling.

"The Devil... is indeed over. Although the Breath of Annihilation can't kill you, how can you fight against this seat with your current strength?"

Looking at Zhang Ziling sneer in the end, he didn't think Zhang Ziling had any capital to turn around, and he didn't understand why Zhang Ziling suddenly became so confident.

"Wait for the breath of dying to erode your demons. This will mean that you are completely kicked out of the Dao Ji. Then... what do you use to play with this seat?"

Ultimately, he screamed. At this moment, his strength had recovered a lot, and the speed of the Breath of Annihilation had become faster, and he had already reached the front of the inner demon.

That breath of death is about to swallow the last one who can threaten him!

"Hahaha! That's it! Let me disappear, you variables!"

The ultimate laughter echoed in the three thousand universes, and he seemed to have foreseen that Zhang Ziling's heart demon was erased!

His era did not end after all!


When I finally saw that the breath of extinguishment dissipated directly after encountering Zhang Ziling's inner demon, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Breath of Death does not work?

Not only that, even Tianyang, which should have been erased, reappeared in the Three Thousand Universe at this moment, and the breath of Zhang Ziling in front of him began to rise rapidly, directly breaking through Dao Ji!

Even the long river that has disappeared for most of the time flows again!


In the end, he was dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the changes in the three thousand universes, and his brain went blank.

In the end what happened?

Why is it so?

This is impossible!

At this moment, Xia Qingyue finally injected all the power of the Origin Dao Heart in the Profound Sky into the heart demon, Zhang Ziling's heart demon's aura soared, and finally he was able to move.

"This, this..." Seeing all this, in the ultimate eyes, fear and incomprehension became more and more intense.

In the end, I couldn't figure it out... This should belong to his victory, but why did it become like this?

"what is this?"


The ultimate roar, his face was incredibly crazily!

"You lost, the ultimate."

Zhang Ziling reversed time and space, allowing Zi You's body to return to its peak, and then the huge three thousand universes... actually recovered quickly under Zhang Ziling's power!

Time goes backwards on a large scale, and everything seems to have never happened.

Except for the shattered Nirvana Ruins.

Looking at the three thousand universes that had become intact, he finally realized that his whole body had turned grayish white, and his strength had dropped rapidly.

"This, this is... Barren Realm?"

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