Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1871: Above the world! Chaos Protoss! New plan!

Above three thousand universes, barren star field.

A white cross hovered between the stars. The cross was white, and the surging aura made the surrounding space slightly distorted.

On the white cross, a man in black was also tied.

If Zhang Ziling is here, he must be able to recognize that this man in black is Xie Wushuang!

At this time, Xie Wushuang's breath was already quite weak. He was covered with blood, and his meridians were forbidden.

Eight supreme gods of the Chaos God Realm stood in eight positions, surrounding the crosses.

"The supreme in a big world dares to provoke our chaotic protoss, it is really overwhelming!" A supreme **** surrounded by colorful brilliance looked at Xie Wushuang with a sneer, and his eyes were full of jokes.

"Huh! Didn't you just ruin your universe by flopping? With such a small matter, you actually want to plan revenge and dare to hit our Chaos God Realm?" A dull and arrogant voice came from a distorted void. Is full of disdain for Xie Wushuang.

"Don't be careless, you guys, he is also a supreme no matter what, it would be quite troublesome to let him escape. Let's work together to wipe out his spirit."

A supreme **** sitting on the throne of the void said, he looked at Xie Wushuang on the cross indifferently, and was not going to give him any chance to escape.

"You guys with high self-esteem, you need eight to deal with this emperor alone, which is really shameful!"

With a smile at the corner of Xie Wushuang's mouth, he looked at the supreme **** on the Void Throne taunted.

"The Chaos Protoss is nothing more than that!"

Xie Wushuang's words were uttered, and the eight supreme gods all laughed, and the void shook.

"Hahaha! Prisoners are so arrogant? Where is your courage?"

"It seems that erasing his universe is not enough, we have to wipe out all the small and fragmentary universes!"

"Designing to kill one of us, thinking that it can provoke the majesty of our Chaos God Realm? Naive!"

The gods mocked Xie Wushuang unscrupulously, looking at Xie Wushuang as if looking at a dead person.

It is true that when they didn't catch Xie Wushuang, they all felt quite a headache. After all, there was a supreme hiding behind, and the threat to their Chaos Protoss was too great.

However, now that Xie Wushuang has been arrested, their Chaos Protoss has no threat anymore.

"It stands to reason that the Supreme is immortal, but our Chaos Protoss has a way to destroy the Supreme Divine Soul. This Heavenly Destruction Cross is a gift for you. Get ready for sanctions."

"Evil Emperor, please allow this seat to pay you the highest respect."

"After all, you are the first person to give us a headache."

The Supreme God sitting on the Void Throne was still indifferent. He looked at Xie Wushuang indifferently, without any emotion in his eyes.

As he spoke, the remaining seven supreme gods did not keep their hands anymore, dividing their seals, and an eight-pointed star formation suddenly appeared in the deep sky of the universe, covering several light years, and Xie Wushuang was in the middle of the eight-pointed star. central.

The dazzling light burned Xie Wushuang's skin, and Xie Wushuang soon revealed its **** bones.

"Heaven Destruction Cross is the killing array passed down by our Chaos Protoss from the Primordial Ancients to the present. It needs to gather the power of eight Supreme Gods, and then use the supreme artifacts inherited by our clan. The power produced is enough to make a Supreme Ashes fly away."

"Xie Wushuang, this seat admits that you are strong enough, but after today, you will no longer exist in the world, and everything about you will be erased."

"From now on, you will only be recorded in the annals of our clan to demonstrate the strength of our clan."

The deep and deep voice reverberated in the space, the light emitted by the cross of the sky became more and more dazzling, the power in Xie Wushuang's body was constantly evaporated, and the soul became weaker and weaker.

However, Xie Wushuang still had a confident smile on his face, without the slightest awakening of his soul flying away!

"You hypocritical fellows will eventually suffer retribution."

"You, will be one step ahead of me, and your souls will disappear!"

"You can't escape this game!"

Xie Wushuang laughed, his arrogant voice echoing in the space.

Seeing Xie Wushuang's eyes, the supreme **** sitting on the throne frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He didn't understand why Xie Wushuang was so confident?

"Xie Wushuang, the cross of the sky is about to be completed, there is no one in this world who can save you, don't deceive yourself and others here." The supreme **** in the twisted void sneered at Xie Wushuang, and did not put Xie Wushuang in his eyes.

"Waste is waste, how..."

"Who said no one can save him?"

At this moment, a voice that had been cold to this day sounded in the ears of the gods, and then Xie Wushuang's surroundings turned into grayish white, the eight-pointed star array covering a few light years suddenly disappeared, and the cross of the sky dimmed.

A black shadow appeared in front of Xie Wushuang. He was surrounded by black aura, and his aura was extremely powerful, as if he was also a Supreme!

"Devil Emperor, if you take a step slower, I will really die." Seeing Zhang Ziling's appearance, the smile on Xie Wushuang's face became more and more intense.

"I'm not saving you, you should understand this." Zhang Ziling glanced at Xie Wushuang indifferently and said lightly.

Then he calmly looked at the **** sitting on the Void Throne, and said: "Xie Wushuang's life, you are not qualified to take it."

"Where are you the bug, dare to take care of our Chaos Protoss?"

Seeing that someone really dared to save Xie Wushuang, the heart of the Supreme God who was in the Twisted Void suddenly burned with anger, yelling, and the surrounding void vibrated, and endless ripples spread to the surroundings.


Zhang Ziling didn't even glance at the Twisted Void, but with a wave of his hand, a black chain shot quickly towards the Twisted Void.

Wherever the chain touched, everything turned into a gray color, and the aura of desolation spread.

"This is?" The **** on the Void Throne looked at the chains that Zhang Ziling swayed, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his brows frowned.

Soon, the chain pierced into the twisting void and pierced the Supreme God!

"Huh! The Eagle-Insect Little... Hmm!"

A dull voice sounded in the twisting void, and then Zhang Ziling held the chain with one hand and pulled it hard!

A **** exuding blue brilliance was pulled out of the twisted void by Zhang Ziling.

"What means did you use?" The supreme **** was bound by chains, his whole body was turning grayish white, and his breath became abnormally disordered.

Feeling that his power is quickly disappearing, the fear on his face is getting stronger and stronger.

"The dead don't need to know too much." Zhang Ziling pulled the **** in front of him, grabbed the supreme god's head with one hand, and black Qi quickly wrapped the supreme god, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

"You just need to know..."

"I am the Devil Emperor."


The devilish energy is surging, quickly eroding everything that the supreme **** is!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A stern howl echoed in the space, and the Supreme God sitting on the Void Throne abruptly stood up, and the other six also looked at Zhang Ziling in shock.

"No, the breath of too empty is disappearing quickly!"

A supreme **** wants to rescue, but it is too late!

In an instant, the aura of Tai Xu disappeared completely and completely annihilated.

"The barren field is still so unreasonable." Seeing Zhang Ziling easily solve a supreme god, Xie Wushuang shook his head and smiled, jokingly.

The Devil Emperor’s barren field can instantly lose his cultivation base and completely become an ordinary person.

If you are unsuspecting in this field, even the Supreme God will be killed in seconds!

Obviously, the supreme Tai Xu was killed by Zhang Ziling completely because of carelessness. Otherwise, Zhang Ziling would not be so easy to kill a supreme.

After all, everyone is in the same state.


Xie Wu showed his face on both sides, and glanced at the other seven supreme gods around him, his eyes darkened and he began to think about something.

Everyone is the supreme, he is still tied to the cross of the devil, the devil is one-to-seven, if the Chaos Protoss know their secret...

The Devil Emperor has no chance of winning!

"Sure enough, this deliberate arrest can only lead the Devil Emperor to the Great World... the victory and defeat cannot be placed today."

Xie Wushuang looked at Zhang Ziling's back and whispered, and started a new plan...

There was silence all around, and the Supreme God on the Void Throne looked at Zhang Ziling gloomily, trembling all over.

That is because of anger.

"Since the ancient times, my Chaos Protoss has never fallen from the Supreme God..." The Supreme God on the Void Throne whispered, suppressing anger.

"The Devil..."

"Stop my clan, you will be recorded in the annals of history, you should feel honored!"

Suddenly, the voice of the Supreme God on the Void Throne turned and said coldly: "If you are here alone, I may have nothing to do with you. Your domain is really weird, and there is no good way to deal with it."

"Unfortunately, Xie Wushuang is also here..."

"Before, I didn't understand why Xie Wushuang returned to the highest position in such a short time. After seeing you... I finally figured it out."

Hearing these words, Xie Wushuang's heart suddenly shook.

The corner of the Supreme God's mouth on the Void Throne rose slightly, and his gaze shifted from Zhang Ziling to Xie Wushuang, his killing intent revealed.

"You two..."

"It's the same life, right?"

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