Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1888: Give me a reason to save you

As soon as the scout came out, there was a dead silence all around, and the city guards who had been actively preparing for the war were all stunned.

Shangguan Xun stood sluggishly on the spot, all the anxiety on his face turned into despair.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his fingers trembling slightly: "You, do you mean... In this monster tide, there is a demon saint?"

The demon saint is equivalent to the terrifying existence of the human saint-level powerhouse. This kind of big demon is generally hidden in the depths of the wild mountains and will not participate in the monster tide.

Even if those demon saints want to join the demon tide, they will not be attacked by small cities like Red Maple City, they will choose the big cities like Qingling County Capital City!

If the demon saints really want to take the Red Maple City, they don't need to set off a wave of monsters, they only need one claw to destroy half of them!

The strongest of their Red Maple City are not in the True Martial Realm, and even in their heyday, they can't stop the demon saint's attack, let alone now?

"City Lord, let's send a signal of assistance to the county capital, we can't stop it!" Jin Yan said with a trembling voice as he looked at the monster tide rushing from outside.

"It's too late, even if the strong from the county capital rushes over, our Red Maple City has long been razed to the ground by the demon saint." Shangguan said in a deep voice, unable to help but look towards the life and death platform.

"Now there is only one person who can save our Red Maple City!"

Hearing Shangguan Xun's words, Jin Yan's expression changed slightly: "City Lord, are you saying that?"

The savior in Shangguan Xun's mouth was naturally Zhang Ziling who had just killed the real man with the sword!

The ability to easily kill the real person with the sword palm means that Zhang Ziling is at least the strength of the emperor rank. If Zhang Ziling makes a move, the demon saint is not afraid.

But the point is that Zhang Ziling has now forged a feud with Sancunzong, the kind of endless dying, if they turn to Zhang Ziling for help, they will inevitably stand on the opposite side of Sancunzong.

At that time, the Sancun Sect will be investigated, and ordinary people may not be affected, but they will definitely be liquidated!

"Now that I can't manage so much, I personally ask that senior, you organize an army to counterattack, generally the first few waves of attacks were low-level monsters, we still have some time."

Shangguan Xun said quickly, Zhang Ziling is now the only life-saving straw, even if the straw is tied to a double-edged sword, he has to grit his teeth!

Seeing Shangguan Xun so decisive, Jin Yan also knew that this was the only way they could survive at the moment, and immediately said, "Yes!"

"The whole army listens to the order and rises! The archers are ready!"

Accompanied by Jin Yan's shout, Shangguan Xun quickly stepped down the city wall and flew towards the center of life and death.

At this time, the life and death platform was on the ruins.

Ye Zi sat on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, his brows slightly furrowed, and a faint black air appeared around him.

Zhang Ziling guarded Ye Zi, watching Ye Zi adjust her breath quietly.

"This extremely evil bloodline seems to be inherited from an ancient monster, and the purpose of the bloodline source passing down the bloodline does not seem to allow the blood to continue, but for other purposes..."

Zhang Ziling watched Ye Zi and muttered, his eyes deepened.

"What does that thing want to do?"

After Ye Zi ran away once, Zhang Ziling saw a lot of things from Ye Zi's extremely evil bloodline, and there seemed to be some big secret under this bloodline.

But what was hidden in this extremely evil bloodline, Ye Zi's rampage was too short, and Zhang Ziling didn't see how many famous people.

"You have to pay attention to this bloodline... The development of this thing is like opening a Pandora's box, maybe some monster will be released."


The ground shook again, and the roar of monsters continued to be heard outside the city. The entire Red Maple City had a defensive array, and the vibration of a large number of monsters hitting the city wall could be felt every moment.

"This monster tide will not come sooner than later. It just happens to be here at this time. Looking at the several demon saints hidden in the monster tide, it is estimated that Red Maple City will be over."

Looking over, Zhang Ziling could see the dense flying monsters in the sky, constantly spewing ice or flames, while most of the power monsters smashed down from the sky with huge rocks.

In the monster tide with the existence of the big monster, the attack of the monster beasts is comparable to the human army, and even more disciplined than the human army!

With the current quality of the Red Maple City Guards, even taking advantage of the city, it is estimated that Red Maple City’s defenses would be breached without the great demon.

Just as Zhang Ziling was muttering to himself, heralding the fate of Red Maple City, Shangguan Xun ran from a distance with a panic face.

"Oh? Coming so soon?"

Seeing Shangguan Xun running towards him, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and he flew in front of Shangguan Xun, blocking Shangguan Xun's path.

"Don't be near the stage of life and death, my maid is adjusting her breath." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

Seeing Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared in front of him, Shangguan Xun was startled at first, then recovered, and quickly knelt down towards Zhang Ziling, begging: "Senior, please save me Red Maple City!"

"Now that the monster tide is coming, there are also the big monsters of the demon saint level. We in Red Maple City are already unable to resist this monster tide. Only the seniors can save thousands of people from the water and fire!"

Shangguan Xun banged his head several times, making himself humble to the extreme.

"Let me take action, but I need a reason." Zhang Ziling looked at Shangguan Xun and said lightly, "You know, many people in this city can call us demon demon girls, even if I step down this red maple city, I will say it. In the past, there was no obligation to save you."

"The ones who should save you should be those who are called the Righteous Daoists, such as the Sancun Sect."

"Senior, this..."

Shangguan choked for a while, not knowing what to say.

Indeed, when encountering large monster tides, the county capital will send strong people in advance to help resist, but this time the monster tide happened suddenly, it is impossible to ask the county for help!

What's more, the sword-handling real man almost slaughtered the city, and finally died here, even if the cultivators of the Sancun Sect arrived in time, they would never be saved.

Seeing Shangguan Xun's hesitation, Zhang Ziling chuckled, "I only need a reason that is enough to impress me and let me save you."

"As for humanitarianism, morality, etc., I have done it once before. Now it is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster. When I am in a bad mood, I will not do those meaningless things."

Zhang Ziling yawned slightly, and with a casual move, the surrounding rubble flew out and condensed into a stone chair behind Zhang Ziling.

"Don't worry, I will be here when the Demon Tide completely breaks through the Red Maple City and comes to the stage of life and death." Zhang Ziling sat down at will, and looked at Shangguan Xun playfully, "You have a lot of time now."

Zhang Ziling's words made Shangguan Xun completely silent. He knelt in front of Zhang Ziling in a tangled manner, bowing his head, his head was about to explode!

Is there any reason...or what benefits can impress a powerful emperor?

Hearing the infiltrating roar outside the city, Shangguan bit his teeth.

What the **** is there!

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