Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1895: Red Golden White Ape

An ecstasy appeared on the face of the Explosive Fire Lion, and he couldn't help shouting.


As long as Zhang Ziling is killed, the seeds of fear in its heart will naturally dissipate, and it will not be controlled by that cage!

Zhang Ziling turned around and looked at the core place.

I saw an old man with white beard walking out of the core place and looking at him indifferently. The old man with white beard was surrounded by purple awns, and the flames that burned around were completely extinguished after the purple awns passed.

Soon, the purple light spread to the surrounding area, and the fire covering dozens of miles disappeared in an instant!

"The fire is too big and the air is bad."

The white-bearded old man coughed a few times, then looked at the flaming fire lion, frowned slightly, and whispered: "You little guys, fight as soon as you fight. What do you want to do in such a big battle?"

"Elder, kill him quickly! He planted a restriction on me, so he can't let him escape!" When the blasting fire lion saw the white-bearded old man, he quickly said to the white-bearded old man and was about to get up and run to the white beard old man.

"Kneel down."


Zhang Ziling whispered, before the Explosive Fire Lion could stand up, he felt tremendous pressure on his shoulders and knelt on the ground again, unable to move!

"Elder, elder...Save me!"

The Explosive Fire Lion realized that he was not out of danger, and the joy that had just appeared on his face disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the current appearance of the Exploding Fire Lion, the old man with white beard couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

In fact, it didn't particularly care about the life and death of these demon saints like the Dragon Horse of the Natural Disaster. This time it came out only to restore their face to the wild demon race, not to let the monks look down on them.

However, Zhang Ziling's current actions undoubtedly did not take it seriously.

The white-bearded old man felt insulted.

"Have you ever heard that you can't be too mad?" The white-bearded old man stared at Zhang Ziling gloomily, "This is a wild mountain range, not the land of your human race!"

"so what?"

Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "I didn't go in to find your troubles. I already gave you the face of the wild monster race. Why should I go out and die by myself?"

"you wanna die!"

The white-bearded old man suddenly looked frosty, and his whole body was instantly in front of Zhang Ziling, and he took a palm shot!

Zhang Ziling disappeared in place, the white-bearded old man hit the air with a palm, and the ground in front of him suddenly shattered, and countless dead trees turned into powder in an instant!

"So, are you thinking about it?"

Zhang Ziling appeared behind the white-bearded old man, still full of lightness and said: "I can give you another chance for the wild monster race. I regard the previous monster tide as the unauthorized actions of the juniors of your clan, so I didn't pursue your entire clan."

"If you, as the Demon Emperor, attack me again, I can completely regard it as your entire Wild Demon Race provoking me."

"The consequences at that time, I don't know if your Wild Monster Race can bear it."

"Huh! Monstrous Human Race Monarch Monk, what a big tone!"

The white-bearded old man turned around, staring at Zhang Ziling with a cold face, a powerful aura spreading from his body, and even the Explosive Fire Lion could not breathe!

"My wild monster race, I am not afraid of you alone!"

This white-bearded old man is a veteran-level demon emperor in the wild demon clan. He has survived for nearly ten thousand years. His body is hundreds of feet tall, and he can move the mountain!

If it has the heart, it can trample Red Maple City into ruins with one foot!

Even in the capital of Qingling County, the Scarlet Golden White Ape is a name that scares countless monks!

Although the Explosive Fire Lion was under tremendous pressure, his heart became more and more happy!

The Scarlet Golden White Ape is the demon emperor with the worst temper among their wild monster races. On weekdays, many demon saint-level great monsters have to walk around when seeing the Scarlet Golden White Ape, and even some demon emperors are not willing to offend him!

Now Zhang Ziling has a sign of angering the Scarlet Golden White Ape. If it adds another fire, the Scarlet Golden White Ape will never let Zhang Ziling go!

"Elder, why bother talking nonsense with him? This human race cultivator killed two great monsters in front of our door, and has not put you in the eyes of the elder now. If you let him go back, I am afraid that people like Qingling County will look down on us! "

The Explosive Fire Lion added fuel and jealousy to the side, trying to stir up the anger of the Scarlet Golden White Ape.

The Chijin White Ape had a fiery temper, and the words Zhang Ziling had just said had a tendency to make it angry. Now there is an explosion of flames on the side, and the Chijin White Ape's momentum suddenly mentioned a critical point.

"It seems... you really want to die."

Just as the Explosive Fire Lion was thinking about how to continue to stir the flames of the Scarlet Golden White Ape, Zhang Ziling's voice sounded like from the Nine Nethers, making the Explosive Fire Lion tremble!

Only then did the Explosive Fire Lion react, what he did a little too much...

The mere sacred ranks dare to stir up the contradiction between the emperor ranks, this is looking for death!

Even if they have a monster emperor from the wild monster race, the human monk on the opposite side is also a powerful emperor, and both of them are unprovokable existences for it...

The more you fan the flames in it, the faster you might die!

Realizing that he was doing something stupid, the Blazing Fire Lion turned his head stiffly, wanting to see what Zhang Ziling was in.

But when it just turned its head, it found that Zhang Ziling had arrived in front of it.

The pupils of the Explosive Fire Lion shrank suddenly and trembled!

"Just now, I admire your courage. It's not easy to think about your practice, so I gave you a chance to live, but I didn't expect you to cherish it so much."

Zhang Ziling looked at the Explosive Fire Lion indifferently, and the dark magic energy rose from the Explosive Fire Lion's feet and attached to its body.

"You, what are you doing?"

Feeling the icy temperature, fear once again appeared on the face of the Explosive Fire Lion.

"Elder help me! Elder help me!" The Blazing Fire Lion exclaimed and started calling for help.

The Scarlet Golden White Ape also didn't see how Zhang Ziling got to the Blazing Fire Lion, but since it was here, naturally he wouldn't watch Zhang Ziling kill their juniors of the wild monster race.

Otherwise, in the future, it will only become the laughing stock of other monster emperors in the clan!


The Chijin White Ape screamed, then turned into a white light and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

"Let me go!"

The Scarlet Golden White Ape screamed, and slapped Zhang Ziling with a palm, and the permeating purple awns turned into thorns to restrain Zhang Ziling.

But Zhang Ziling didn't seem to care about the Chijin White Ape's plan. He grabbed the Explosive Fire Lion's shoulder with one hand, and a large amount of magic energy quickly eroded into the Explosive Fire Lion's body.

The Explosive Fire Lion's body became pitch black, and endless pain suddenly appeared on his face.

"I, I was wrong... Don't kill me!"

The Explosive Fire Lion trembled, tears gushing from his eyes.

Compared with the current pain, it suddenly discovered... Even if it was imprisoned forever around Red Maple City, it was not bad.

At least we can survive...


The attack of the Scarlet Golden White Ape was resisted, but the devilish energy that eroded the Explosive Fire Lion surged and easily blocked the attack of the Scarlet Golden White Ape.


Zhang Ziling sneered and pulled the Explosive Fire Lion back.

The Explosive Fire Lion could only watch the Scarlet Golden White Ape getting further and further away from him, and death getting closer and closer.

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