Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1898: apologize

All the power of the Great Tengu was poured on Zhang Ziling, and even the surrounding space was distorted!

The demon emperors hiding in the distance stared at the center of the explosion. Although they couldn't see what was going on inside, all the demon emperors hope that Zhang Ziling would be annihilated!

"The great tengu's trick, I am afraid that we will be crushed to pieces when we touch the edge, then no matter how strong human beings are, it is impossible to resist it!"

"Finally got rid of this guy. Are the human races now such monsters?"

"But Master Ying Long didn't take any action. You don't have to belittle yourself. After solving this guy, you can go back and rest for a while."

Several demon emperors talked to themselves, and after feeling the support and attack of the big tengu, they gradually relieved.

Soon, the attack of the great tengu appeared declining, and the power that the great tengu had accumulated over the years was squandered, and the breath began to weaken.

"Are you OK?"

Suzaku instantly moved behind the big tengu, and fanned out a gust of wind to support the big tengu's huge body.

"Thank you."

The big Tengu was a little pale, and he collapsed directly on the wind that Suzaku raised, quickly regaining his strength.

"Great Tengu, how is the Human Race? Did you die?" The evil spirits flew in front of the Great Tengu, looking at the smoke and dust in the distance, and asked quite anxiously.

Although the demon emperors thought that Zhang Ziling could not survive an attack of that level, the demon emperors could not rest assured without seeing Zhang Ziling's death in person.

"I don't know... Anyway, I have already vomited out all the power I have accumulated for nearly a thousand years. If this does not solve the human monk, then we can only wait to die."

The big tengu collapsed on the wind of Suzaku, unwilling to move, and even weakened to speak.

The power accumulated over thousands of years was completely consumed in this blow. Anyone would feel heartache!

"Zhou Jun, this blow is reluctant, it surprises me!"

While the demon emperors were still concerned about Zhang Ziling's life and death, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in the ears of the five demon emperors, making the faces of the demon emperors change drastically.

"He's not dead!"

The Scarlet Golden White Ape stared in horror at the smoke-filled place, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

"Monster... he is a monster!"

"Hurry up and call Master Ying Long, we are not his opponent!" After Zhang Ziling's voice sounded, it was like a nightmare, eroding the reason and fighting will of the demon emperors.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Zhang Ziling's figure appeared in the sight of the demon emperors.

Zhang Ziling's palm was smoking gunpowder, and his clothes didn't even have any wrinkles!

The big tengu had accumulated thousands of years of strength in exchange for a blow, and did not cause any harm to Zhang Ziling!

"Is it already full?" Seeing the horrified expressions of the monster emperors, Zhang Ziling lowered his eyes and muttered.

"That's it, it's a bit reluctant to let you show more strength, the ceiling is here, anyway, it's barely warmed up, it's time to end the battle."

Zhang Ziling shook his head, then looked at the five demon emperors in front, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's smile, all the five demon emperors felt their scalps explode, and even the slumped big tengu rose up directly.

"You, what are you going to do?" The nine-tailed demon fox looked at Zhang Ziling with some horror, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

The other demon emperors also quickly made a defensive posture, guarding Zhang Ziling's sudden attack.

"Human, do you really want to die with my wild monster race?"

The demon emperor roared, his muscles tensed and his tension reached the limit.

"Enough, so be it."

At this moment, a gentle voice rang out in the void, and all the monster emperors' expressions were overjoyed.

"Master Ying Long!"

The five demon emperors shouted in unison, only to see a handsome young man appeared in front of them, facing Zhang Ziling.

Ying Long is the patriarch of their wild monster clan, and the strength of the late emperor rank is also the oldest existence of their wild monster clan. He has lived for more than 100,000 years!

On weekdays, Yinglong is sleeping deep in the ground, and will not bother with the outside world.

Ying Long's appearance this time was like giving the demon emperors a reassurance!

Above the emperor rank, the strength gap of each lower rank is vastly different, even if they are five together, they are not necessarily the opponents of Yinglong in the late emperor rank.


The demon emperors relaxed, and the Scarlet Golden White Ape hurriedly said: "Master Ying Long, this human monk has deceived our clan too much, you must find justice for us, don't let people look down on my wild demon clan!"

"Master Ying Long goes out and won it easily!"

The evil spirits were also cheering on the side, extremely excited.

Listening to the words of the demon emperors, Ying Long frowned slightly, and then coldly rebuked, "You guys, all apologize to this human guest."

The air was suddenly quiet.

"Master Ying Long?"

The demon emperors thought they had heard it wrong, staring at Ying Long's back in a daze, and didn't react for a while.

"I'm not clear enough? Kneel down on me! Apologize!"

Ying Long's voice suddenly became severer several times, and a powerful aura erupted from its body, crashing onto the monster emperors.

The already weak Tengu couldn't bear Yinglong's aura at all, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then quickly shrank and turned into a human appearance, and knelt down directly in the void.

The expressions of the other monster emperors changed one after another, and in the end they couldn't bear Ying Long's momentum and turned into human forms, kneeling towards Zhang Ziling.

Seeing all the five demon emperors kneel down, Ying Long breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "I have offended a lot of wild demon clan before. I hope you can forgive me for waiting."

When the words fell, Ying Long bowed deeply to Zhang Ziling!

"Master Ying Long!"

The demon emperors were still puzzled as to why Ying Long wanted them to kneel to a human monk, and their hearts were still very upset, but now that the demon emperors saw that even the arrogant such as Ying Long bowed to Zhang Ziling to apologize, they were left with endless shock. !

This human...

How powerful is it?

Can actually make Ying Long bend down!

"The late emperor stage...has the strength to rival the Taoist master, but there is still a distance from the Taoist should be the strongest guy I have encountered on the Great Wild Continent."

Zhang Ziling looked at Ying Long and muttered.

"Your Mightiness?"

Ying Long was puzzled and didn't understand what the Taoist in Zhang Ziling's mouth meant.

"Don't care, I'm silly." Zhang Ziling didn't want to explain too much to Ying Long, but since Ying Long put on a low posture, Zhang Ziling's attitude was naturally much better.

"Are you here for peace?"

"If your Excellency is willing to reconcile with my wild monster clan, it will be a blessing." Ying Long didn't think much, and quickly picked up Zhang Ziling's words.

Ying Long was convinced that Zhang Ziling was not Zhang Ziling's opponent when Zhang Ziling caught the Tengu Shiyue.

And thinking of the vision of heaven and earth 19 years ago, Ying Long did not dare to attack Zhang Ziling easily.

In case Zhang Ziling is related to the incident 19 years ago, if their wild monster tribe rashly provoke Zhang Ziling, they will only incur an extinction!

"So, where is your sincerity?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

Ying Long bowed deeply and said, "Lai Xia has prepared the highest standard banquet in the clan. Welcome your Excellency."

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