Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1902: Ye Zi change

"who are you?"

Suddenly hearing a strange voice, Ye Zi was a little flustered, and subconsciously asked.

"Do you... long for power?"

That gloomy voice rang in Ye Zi's ear again, as if to penetrate Ye Zi's soul.

"Come here, come to me...I can satisfy you and let you get everything."

With the appearance of the voice, Ye Zi suddenly found himself in a pitch-black space. There was nothing in this place.

The endless darkness that suddenly hit Ye Zi couldn't help but feel fear.

"Who are you? Come out!"

Ye Zi screamed in this void, but didn't get any response.

Outside, the guards around Ye Zi found that Ye Zi had lost his reason again, and his whole body was pale and bloodless, and at the same time, he walked slowly in one direction.

The guards didn't even know what was going on, and they didn't dare to stop Ye Zi rashly, in a dilemma.

"what happened?"

Shangguan Xun quickly noticed the situation on Ye Zi's side, and he shook his heart. He hurried to the vicinity of Ye Zi and asked the surrounding guards.

"Return to Lord City Lord, Miss Ye seems to have inspired the extremely evil bloodline again, we can't get close at all." The guard said anxiously.

"It's good, how can it trigger the blood of the extreme evil? You all eat dry food?"

Shangguan Xun almost didn't scold him. Not long ago, Ye Zi had just exploded with blood power, pressing the real martial realm with the power of Nirvana, and acting irrationally.

Right now at this juncture, Ye Zi suddenly had such a problem, and they didn't dare to hurt Ye Zi. If Ye Zi got sick again, I am afraid that the plan to meet Ying Long would be ruined.

"You see, the city lord, Miss Ye doesn't seem to be mad, she seems to be marching in one direction purposefully." A guard noticed Ye Zi's strangeness and said quickly.

"Purposeful?" Shangguan Xun was shocked when he heard the guard's words. He quickly observed Ye Zi, and he found that although Ye Zi looked trance, he did not hesitate in his steps, obviously moving in a certain direction.

Seeing Ye Zi's situation, Shangguan Xun hesitated, and finally made up his mind, and said to the person next to him: "You are here to guard, send someone to inform the adults what happened here, I personally protect Ye Zi. "

After all, Shangguan Xun also quickly followed Ye Zi, wanting to know what happened to Ye Zi.

Soon, Ye Zi broke away from the crowd and walked into an empty alley.

"Where does she want to go?"

Shangguan looked confused in his heart, and did not dare to be too close to Ye Zi, nor too far away, so he had to follow carefully.

Gradually, Ye Zi's body was filled with black energy again, and an extremely strange aura surged from Ye Zi's body.

Every time Ye Zi took a step forward, the black air would corrode the ground that Ye Zi had stepped on, causing the slate to melt, leaving deep footprints.

"This, what power is this?"

Seeing that weird scene, even Shangguan Xun was a little guilty and afraid, for fear that the black aura would entangle him.

But when he thought of Zhang Ziling's words, Shangguan Xun did not dare to let Ye Zi walk to those small places alone, he could only bite the bullet and follow along.

As Ye Zi went farther and farther, the black energy around her became more and more intense.

Before, Shangguan Xun could still follow Ye Zi ten meters away, but now he can't get close even twenty meters.

Not knowing how long he followed, Shangguan found that Ye Zi had reached an old house deep in an alley and stopped at the door of the house.

"Where is this place, why have I never seen it?"

Looking at the somewhat weird old mansion, Shangguan Xun's eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of doubt.

Judging by the age of the building, this place has been built for at least a hundred years, but judging from the absence of dust at the door, people often come to this place.

However, as the lord of the city, he has no impression of this place!

"There is a house in such a winding place. You must check it carefully when you go back!"

Shangguan Xun mumbled, the door of the old house opened automatically, and Ye Zi walked in without hesitation.

"This this?"

Shangguan Xun was taken aback, looking at the weird house, he began to hesitate whether to enter.

He had just used the spirit to investigate, and he was completely unable to detect the situation inside the house. Now Ye Zi went in, in case he was in danger...


Shangguan Xun swallowed fiercely, and large beads of sweat slipped from his cheeks.

If you enter this house rashly, you may encounter danger yourself, but if you don’t go in, let Ye Zi stay in it. If something goes wrong, Zhang Ziling will investigate...

He definitely did not end well!

Thinking of Zhang Ziling's horrific means of destroying millions of monsters and monsters by himself, Shangguan rushed in, looking for an agitated spirit.

When he rushed into the mansion, Shangguan Xun smelled a strange smell, and Ye Zi had disappeared during the time he hesitated.

"What the **** is this?"

Smelling the disgusting weird smell, Shangguan couldn't help but screamed and walked quickly into the courtyard, hoping to find Ye Zi.

The whole house was quiet and terrifying, and the houses in front of Shangguan Xun looked like black holes that were about to swallow people. Even if Shangguan Xun had the strength of the True Martial Realm, there was a guilty conscience in this house.

However, the only thing that made Shangguan feel relieved was that Ye Zi's walking would still leave footprints corroded by the black energy on the ground, and he at least didn't lose it.

Soon, Shangguan Xun followed his footprints to a wooden door.


Pushing open the wooden door, a foul smell came out.


Shangguan Xun slapped the air with his hand, and then simply sealed his sense of smell with spiritual power, holding his breath all the way.

Having cut off the uncomfortable odor, Shangguan looked for this to have spare time to observe the situation in the room.

There were some human skins hung on the surrounding walls, and in front of him, a chair was pushed aside, and a dark hole leading to the ground greeted him.

Seeing the bottomless hole, Shangguan moved his throat, subconsciously summoning the magic weapon for body protection, condensing a barrier around him.

"Why does she come to such a place?"

Seeing Ye Zi's footprints disappear at the entrance of the cave, Shangguan couldn't help but complain, but he still used his spiritual power to condense a light source in his hand and followed Ye Zi's footprints.

Inside the cave is a winding staircase. Shangguan Xun's spiritual power becomes extremely weak in this space. The light source can only illuminate a place less than two meters in front of him, so Shangguan Xun can only move forward slowly.

"Why does that girl run so fast?"

In the blink of an eye just now, Shangguan Xun could only see Ye Zi's footprints, and had no idea where Ye Zi was.

I don't know how long I have been walking down, but the light source in Shangguan Xun's hand suddenly goes out!


A gloomy voice rang in Shangguan Xun's ears, causing Shangguan Xun's body to burst into cold hair!


Shangguan searched for a sharp drink, and quickly urged the spiritual power in his body to guard, but was horrified to find that the spiritual power in his temple was like a pool of stagnant water, and could not be mobilized at all!


Shangguan Xun's face changed drastically, only to hear the incomparable voice ringing around the space.

"It's finally time to eat... I'm starving!"

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