Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1917: Brother Red Maple, meet the Lord Demon!


Ye Cheng spit out a mouthful of blood, the rapier fell off from his hand, and his whole body smashed into the wall, causing a burst of exclamation.

The surrounding monks looked out the window in shock, only to see an old man in white breaking through the window, drifting down and blocking in front of Ruoshuang.

A powerful momentum filled the white-clothed old man and suppressed the audience!

The monks only felt that the surrounding air was about to freeze, breathing became extremely difficult, and their legs couldn't stop shaking.

How terrifying!

"Elder Tianyue!"

When Shuang saw the white-clothed old man appear, a hint of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she quickly called.

"That booklet you talked about is on this kid?"

Elder Tianyue glanced at Ye Cheng, who was struggling to get up, and asked Ruoshuang casually.

"That's right! Elder, after only ten minutes of reading the book, that guy understood several extremely weird martial arts. His strength soared. With his strength in the early stage of Nirvana, he could crush the siege of the three later stages of Nirvana, even me. Going with Qian Yue, they almost lost to him!"

Ruoshuang forcibly endured the qi and blood in his body and said to Elder Tianyue.

If Elder Tianyue hadn't come in time just now, even if she could escape Ye Cheng's blow, she would have been seriously injured!

"Very good! I want to see, what kind of baby it is!"

Hearing Ruoshuang's words, Elder Tianyue couldn't help but a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes, and looked at Ye Cheng and said, "Boy, do you hand over the booklet yourself, or let the old man do it himself?"

"Shameless old thing! Even playing sneak attack!"

Ye Cheng spit out blood again, and shouted at Elder Tianyue with a pale face.

He wanted to stand up with Ruoshuang's rapier, but because it was time to use the pseudo-inner demon, his entire body was dispersed and fell to the ground again.

Elder Tianyue was not surprised when he saw Ye Cheng lose his strength. He sneered and said, "Huh! It's troublesome to ask you to take out the booklet, it's better for the old man to do it yourself!"

If he said that there were no side effects, he would not believe it anyway.

Ye Cheng's current appearance was also in his expectation.

"Old stuff!"

Ye Chengqiang supported his body and stared straight at Elder Tianyue, without the slightest timidity in his eyes.

Although Elder Tianyue's strength has not yet reached the holy rank, he is still at the top of the true martial arts, with half-step holy rank.

A few great realms of Ye Cheng, under normal circumstances, Elder Tianyue can crush Ye Cheng to death with his aura!

"Small things, the bones are pretty hard!"

The elder Tianyue Ye Cheng's reluctance to admit defeat, did not grin, and showed his big yellow teeth: "Oh, come over to the old man!"

With a big hand, Ye Cheng was sucked into his hand like a paper kite, and Zhang Ziling's booklet fell to the ground.

After taking a healing pill, Ruoshuang's breath rose a lot. Seeing the booklet falling on the ground, he quickly said to Elder Tianyue: "Elder, that's the one!"

And Qianyue also took this opportunity to quickly retract her cut off hands, and forcefully attached it to her wrist with spiritual power, but seeing the blood flowing out of the gap, there was no way to continue fighting in a short time.

Qianyue forcibly endured the severe pain from her wrist, and shouted to Elder Tianyue with a distorted expression: "Elder, hurry up and seal this teahouse, and don't let anyone escape. We have to take advantage of the people from Tianhumen to arrive. Kill them all to avoid exposing that booklet!"

Having his hands chopped off by Ye Cheng made him feel a little distorted, and he wanted to personally torture everyone present, especially Ye Cheng!

Elder Tianyue pinched Ye Cheng's neck with one hand, grabbed the booklet with the other, and scanned everyone in the teahouse.

"Ruoshuang, you also specifically mentioned in your subpoena that you want me to be careful of someone, who is it?"

"Elder, he is by the window...Huh? What about people?"

Ruoshuang pointed to the place where Zhang Ziling was sitting, but found that there was no one there, and Zhang Ziling was missing!

"He disappeared!" Ruoshuang's pupils shrank suddenly, and a trace of panic flashed across her face.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't see Zhang Ziling through, especially after Zhang Ziling threw out a booklet at random, causing Yecheng's strength to change upside down, she became more and more afraid of Zhang Ziling who had been sitting by the window!

Now that Zhang Ziling suddenly disappeared, Ruoshuang couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition.


Elder Tianyue frowned slightly and glanced at the window again, his eyes becoming more and more suspicious.

In fact, he had been in the teahouse for a while, and he had been outside the teahouse before, and wanted to see Ruoshuang and Qianyue fighting.

But from beginning to end, he didn't realize that someone was sitting by the window!

"You mean, that person has been by the window before?" Elder Tianyue was a little untenable, and quickly asked Ruoshuang.

It would be a little scary if the person had been sitting in the obvious place by the window and he hadn't noticed it from beginning to end.

"From the beginning, the black-robed young man has been sitting there drinking tea. I haven't moved, I'm sure!" Ruoshuang panicked too. If it weren't for the cup of tea on the table, she would even think it was a hallucination.

How could it suddenly disappear?

"No, this thing is a bit weird, let's withdraw first!"

Elder Tianyue had no intention of staying here now, and directly threw Ye Cheng aside and rushed out the window.

If what Ruoshuang said is true, it means that the strength of the person by the window is far greater than him!

Elder Tianyue was convinced that when he was outside, he was always paying attention to the movements of everyone in the teahouse, otherwise he would not rescue him when Ruoshuang was most dangerous.

However, there is no black robe man by the window in his memory!

In other words...

My memory has been quietly modified by someone!

With these methods, Elder Tianyue couldn't imagine what kind of existence that person was like!

If you think about it, you should also understand that someone who can reincarnate a kid in the early stage of Nirvana within ten minutes, or even crush a monk in the middle of the palace, is definitely not something they can provoke.

"I'm really confused!" Elder Tianyue was so regretful that he rushed to the window in a flash, turning into a light to escape.

"All come, why are you walking in such a hurry?"

At this moment, a slightly playful voice rang in Elder Tianyue's ear, and then a powerful aura fell from the sky.


Elder Tianyue was directly crushed to the ground, smashed the floor, fell from the second floor to the first floor, and smashed a big hole in the ground!


Suddenly such a drastic change occurred, Ruoshuang and Qianyue exclaimed, trying to jump over the big hole in the floor to save Elder Tianyue, but they saw someone standing next to the hole.

It is Zhang Ziling!

"Yes, it's you!"

Seeing Zhang Ziling appeared, Ruoshuang trembled all over her body, her face extremely pale!

Seeing that Zhang Ziling finally made a move, the surrounding monks swallowed tremblingly, suppressing the shock and excitement in their hearts, and saluted Zhang Ziling together.

"Brother Red Maple, see Lord Demon Emperor!"

The monks yelled in unison, let Ruoshuang and Qianyue be thundered!


He is the... Devil Emperor who slashed the real man with his sword?

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