Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1923: Tu You San Cun Zong

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Real person Wushu watched Zhang Ziling control his body, and asked sharply, his spirits were struggling constantly, but he couldn't get rid of the black chain at all.

"Don't struggle, you are in this state, no one else can see you except me." Zhang Ziling smiled indifferently, shook the palm of his hand, but a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"It's been a long time since I felt such a weak feeling. Is the strength of the emperor rank's body weak to this level?"

After Zhang Ziling entered the body of the Wushu real person, he discovered that the body of the emperor-rank cultivator was as fragile as paper and could be easily torn apart.

Zhang Ziling was not used to suddenly using such a weak body.

But when the real person Wuyang heard Zhang Ziling's words, his face was full of shock.

Although he doesn't rely on physique to fight, he usually pays attention to physical training. Among the emperor ranks, his body is not top-notch, but he can definitely reach the average level of an emperor rank monk.

With strength alone, there is no problem in blasting a mountain with one punch.

Now, Zhang Ziling actually said that his body is weak?

If it is normal, he would definitely not care what Zhang Ziling said, and would only think that Zhang Ziling was fooling around.

But now it's different. He doesn't know how he was captured, and Zhang Ziling's methods are beyond his understanding.

In other words, Zhang Ziling's strength far surpasses him, and it is easy to control his life.

In this case, Zhang Ziling doesn't have any need for nonsense.

The methods in the spirits are weird and unpredictable, and the body strength is much stronger than ordinary emperor rank...

Could it be that he is Taoist?

Suddenly, this thought arose in the real person Wuyang, and fear gradually grew in his heart.

"Devil Emperor, you and I have never met, and there is not much contradiction between us, don't do things too extreme." Madam Wu Yan was a little confused, and quickly said to Zhang Ziling.

"Really?" Zhang Ziling looked at Wu Yan with a smile, "The news that you want to kill me is spread out wildly, is it fake?"

"There must be some misunderstanding. Our Sancun Sect has always been hospitable and likes to make friends with powerful cultivators. The Devil Emperor is extremely powerful. Our Sancun Sect definitely wants to be friends with you. How could I come to kill you? "Wuyan real person smiled bitterly.

"As for the real sword-handling man, he himself does not have long eyes. You are responsible for being killed by the Devil Emperor. Our Sancun Sect will not pursue it."

His life is now in Zhang Ziling's hands, so naturally he dare not speak hard.

If Zhang Ziling is unhappy, wipe his body, or destroy his spirit directly, no one will be able to save him by then!

He doesn't want to die yet.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding."

Zhang Ziling smiled meaningfully, and then said: "It seems that I have been worrying too much, but since you are willing to make friends with me and lend me your body, you should have no opinion?"


The real Wushu was speechless, but he didn't know how to answer.

He naturally knew that Zhang Ziling's words were nothing more than prevarication. Both sides had long been mortal enemies, and neither party could let go.

Knowing that no matter how much he talked to Zhang Ziling, it would be useless, Wushu Zhenren also simply remained silent, and began to think about how to get rid of the current bad situation.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the performance of Wu Yan, now Wu Yan is already a fish on the chopping board and can't make any waves.

"Master, the demon girl has been set up. Next, shall we release news to bring the Devil Emperor here."

At this time, Mo Ye returned to the lobby and asked Zhang Ziling respectfully.

"Not for the time being, we have another plan."

Zhang Ziling rejected Mo Ye's proposal, pondered for a moment, and then said: "You return to the sect, summon the Sect Master and the peak masters of Thirty-Two Peaks, and at the same time gather all the elite disciples under the sect to rush to Red Maple City."

"Assemble all peak masters and elite disciples?" Mo Ye was taken aback, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Red Maple City has strange treasures, and now the strong people in Red Maple City are waiting for you. Those few big factions who are not weaker than my Sancun Sect have also sent elites to come here. I am not 100% sure about this alone. Get a strange treasure." Zhang Ziling explained lightly.

"But Master, in order to have a unique treasure, it is really necessary to concentrate all the power of our Three-Cun Sect in Red Maple City? If the Sect is not guarded by a strong person, what should we do if we are attacked by a villain?"

"In this Qingling County, where would any force dare to attack my Sancun Sect?" Zhang Ziling said with a stern face, and his tone became fierce. "Let the Sect Master bring all the resources of the Sect with him. An empty shell, when I wait for my success to go back, I will clear them one by one."

"This four-party event involves the emperor ranks of the monster race, the entire Qingling County and even the imperial capital, and the strange treasure is related to the mystery of the Taoist God. If my Sancun Sect wants to go further, I must get that strange treasure!"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mo Ye's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "The Taoist mystery?"

"This seat and the sect master have been stuck in the emperor rank for too long, and I can't touch the threshold of the Taoist God. If we get that strange treasure this time, it is an opportunity for this seat and the sect leader to step into the Taoist God. Qingling County and even the Wanlong Empire cannot restrict us."

Zhang Ziling stared at Mo Ye and said, "So, we must gather the power of the whole sect to win the treasure!"

Mo Ye became more excited as he listened, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "The disciples will go back to send a message!"

"Remember, you can't talk about this matter, and don't let other forces know about it, so as not to increase resistance." Zhang Ziling flicked his sleeves in a serious way.

"The disciple understands, just leave it!"

Mo Ye saluted Zhang Ziling excitedly, then exited the lobby, and couldn't wait to return to the sect to send a message.

For him, if the real person Wuyan stepped into the Taoist God, then he would be a Taoist disciple, and his status in the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire and even in Eastern Xuanzhou would rise, and it would be easy to step into the emperor rank.

Therefore, he hoped more than anyone else that the Wushu real person would break through the emperor rank and step into the Taoist God!

"What are you talking about? Where is the strange treasure present? Why did you attract my three-inch sect elite to Red Maple City?"

The real Wu Yan, who had been **** next to Zhang Ziling, asked harshly. He watched his apprentice be cheated by Zhang Ziling, but he was powerless and extremely uncomfortable!

"Another treasure is here? Isn't Red Maple City recently rumored to be that booklet? That's another treasure." Looking at the direction Mo Ye left, Zhang Ziling chuckled, "I didn't have any fools when I arrived. The martial arts and techniques contained in the booklet, There is still a little bit of my Taoism, enough for you to step into the realm of Taoism."

"As for bringing your Three Cun Sect to Red Maple City..."

Zhang Ziling paused, and then his tone became gloomy and cold. He looked at the real Wushu and sneered: "The emperor, naturally, I want to kill you Sancunzong."


When Zhang Ziling's voice fell, the real Wushu instantly turned pale, and there was endless fear in his eyes.

Tu me... Three-inch Sect?

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