Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1934: Monster prophet?

The entire demon nest turned red under the light of the blood enchantment.

Zhang Ziling looked at a group of blood monsters indifferently, and the cold eyes made the monsters fear.

"This, this monster..."

The four blood demon clan demon emperors who were still alive looked at Zhang Ziling fearfully, swallowed hard, and retreated subconsciously.

They didn't expect that such a ruthless person would be hidden in this demon nest!

"My lord, what are you doing?" Seeing that Zhang Ziling was blocking the way of the demons, the big tengu made an ugly expression and couldn't help asking Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the big tengu and said lightly: "I have something to do."

As the words fell, the magic qi waterfall behind him spread out, and the sky full of magic qi surged toward countless blood monster clan monsters, drowning them in it.

"Damn it!"

The demon emperors of the blood demon clan changed drastically when they saw the demon qi surge, and quickly retreated back, trying to avoid the devil qi.

However, the speed at which the devilish energy spread was several times faster than the escape speed of the demon emperors, and the demon emperors were all restrained without fleeing far.

After binding the demon emperor of the blood demon clan, Zhang Ziling did not intend to stop, the demon energy that spread to the surroundings even spread to the big sky dog.

"grown ups?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling launching an attack on him, the big tengu changed his expression and subconsciously resisted.

It is a pity that the resistance of the big tengu is like a baby trying to push a boulder, which is meaningless.

Like those few blood monster clan demon emperors, the big tengu was easily subdued by Zhang Ziling.

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling grabbed it out of thin air, and the suppressed Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in the refuge and several demon emperors of the Ying Demon Race were brought to him by the devilish energy.

Countless big monsters around looked at Zhang Ziling in horror, shock and fear in their hearts.

It is not a little demon that Zhang Ziling easily subdues, but it is the nine aloof demon emperors, the demon emperor who can determine the life and death of millions of demon all with one word and deed!

"This, is this the power of the Devil Emperor?"

Wu Ping stared at Zhang Ziling standing in the void in a daze. At this time, he had truly realized what kind of existence the most powerful in this world really is...

Below the Taoism, all are ants!

"I'm afraid that this killing formation is a trivial trick in the eyes of adults. It's in vain that we are so panicked."

"No wonder Lord Devil Emperor's expression has not changed since the beginning of this battle...These are all pediatrics!"

Wu Li shook his head and smiled bitterly, but his eyes were lingering in awe. Fortunately, he said, "Fortunately, Lord Devil Emperor is on our side."

Wu Ping raised his eyes to look at Zhang Ziling, then glanced at the nine demon emperors in front of Zhang Ziling, and muttered: "However, what should be the thing that the Devil Emperor can look for with such fanfare?"

At this moment, Wu Ping no longer cares about the killing formation below. With Zhang Ziling's current power, it can be said that it is easy to suppress the outbreak of this killing formation.

However, instead of feeling relieved, Wu Ping felt even more disturbed and apprehensive!

After all, no matter how horrible the killing array is, it is already something that has appeared before their eyes, and there is always a way to solve it.

But what Zhang Ziling was looking for was an unknown thing that no one knew. Wu Ping didn't know what that thing was, but he faintly felt that it was something more terrifying than the killing array!

Zhang Ziling calmly glanced at the nine demon emperors in front of him, and finally his gaze fell on one demon emperor of the blood demon clan.

"Human, you, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling staring straight at him, the demon emperor was a little hairy in his heart, and quickly shouted.

"It's up to you to start."

Zhang Ziling didn't talk nonsense, and raised his hand to **** the demon emperor in front of him, a large amount of devil energy gushing out of his palm, swallowing the demon emperor in.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A screaming howl came from the surging demonic energy, and the demon's scalp was numb, and endless fear appeared on their faces.

Soon, that demon emperor was completely refined by Zhang Ziling, leaving only a cloud of black blood in the air, in which extremely evil and powerful power surged.

Zhang Ziling took the black blood to his palm and said to himself: "Sure enough... this guy was corroded by the monster. From the power contained in it, this monster is stronger than the one in Red Maple City. Quite a lot, are you about to step into Taoism?"

"Want to use this blood sacrifice to break through the Taoist God?"

After all, Zhang Ziling caught a blood monster clan demon emperor over again, refining it with the same technique, and once again obtained a cloud of black blood.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's refining two demon emperors so lightly, the remaining two blood demon clan demon emperors were so scared that they were so scared that they hurriedly cried and pleaded for mercy: "My lord, please! My lord, please! I didn't mean to offend the predecessor. , Please let the adults let us go! We are willing to do things for the adults!"

The two demon emperors of the blood demon race finally understood why Ying Long chose to live peacefully with the human race.

There is such a terrifying monster as Zhang Ziling among the human races. Their demon race chooses to be enemies of such characters, and they are simply seeking their own death!

"These two guys are probably also eroded by the monsters, but looking at their appearance, I don't know that they have been eroded, and the power of the monsters does not seem to affect their minds."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the two demon emperors of the blood demon clan, then pushed a cloud of black blood in front of them, and asked, "Do you know the power contained in this?"

At this time, the two demon emperors of the Blood Demon Race had been completely frightened, and did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly probed the energy contained in their blood.

"Master Hui, Hui, this power is given to us by the prophet. It is said that as long as the power hidden in the blood is stimulated, it can explode several times the power! It is our trump card!" The blood demon clan demon emperor confirmed After the power contained in the jet black blood, trembling echoed.

"Prophet? Who is that?" Zhang Ziling's eyes lit up after receiving a new message, and he continued to ask.

"The prophet is the demon brought back by the patriarch recently. His identity is very mysterious, but the patriarch has a lot of respect for him. This time our attack on the Ying Yao clan was also planned by the prophet!"

The blood demon clan demon emperor quickly said, although the prophets in the clan have warned that he cannot disclose his existence to the outside world, but now the blood demon clan demon emperor can't take care of that much anymore. The sky demon peng has betrayed them, he is crazy Only then will I continue to listen to the Prophet.

"It seems that this so-called prophet is a monster, and I don't know if I can find information about the owner of the monster from him."

Zhang Ziling said lightly, just about to continue to inquire about the demon emperor, only to see an extremely painful expression on the demon emperor's face, and the whole face became *.

"No, no...Save me! Save me!!!"

The demon emperor roared in horror, his head getting bigger and bigger, and then he exploded under everyone's horrified eyes!


Blood was splashing, and the headless corpse of the Demon Emperor slowly fell to the ground, and the devilish energy that restrained him gradually dissipated.

Everything belongs to silence.

"This this……"

The last blood demon clan demon emperor watched the death of his companion, his hair standing upright, his face full of panic.

"Hey! Slow down." Zhang Ziling glanced at the headless corpse, and then at the last blood demon clan demon emperor.

When the demon emperor saw Zhang Ziling looking at him, his face became more fearful, and he panicked: "Don't ask me! I don't know anything! I don't know!"

"I'm not going to ask you."

Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, grabbed Void, and directly grabbed the spirit of the Demon Emperor!

"I, search the soul directly."

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