Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1941: You devil!

The hideous giant claws tore through the space, and the violent wind burst out of the space, and the demon's nest was an adult purgatory in an instant!

The distraction strength of the monster owner can be seen in general!

At least, with the strength of the space of the Great Wild Continent, the average Taoist **** couldn't smash the space so easily like the monster owner.

"It seems that you also have the capital to be confident... It is probably also a precious distraction for the ontology, at least much better than the waste in Ye Zi."

Seeing the giant claws hit, Zhang Ziling sneered, with the white palms in the depths, five fingers spread out, and demonic energy lingered.


The giant claw shattered, and the raging space storm hovered around Zhang Ziling, unable to hurt Zhang Ziling a bit.


The loose eyelids on the monster owner opened slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect Zhang Ziling to take his blow so easily.

However, he didn't think much about it. Several huge claws condensed again behind him, bombarding Zhang Ziling.

The sky has been completely torn apart by claws, space storms are raging around, and countless mountains are torn to pieces by space storms in an instant.

The demons looked at the shattered sky and the raging space storm extremely shocked, and they had completely lost the ability to think.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling to condense a shield in the refuge, I'm afraid all of them would have to be torn to pieces by the space storm!

"It's very powerful. It's a pity that people are a waste. They know how to use fists and legs." Zhang Ziling said softly, his body distorted quickly and easily escaped the huge claws that came.

The next moment, Zhang Ziling appeared in front of the monster owner, raising his right hand.

"Stupid native, what do you want to do?"

The monster owner looked at Zhang Ziling and laughed, and a dark shield appeared around him, pushing Zhang Ziling away.

"Teach you to recognize reality." Zhang Ziling sneered and slapped her right hand up!


The shield on the monster instantly shattered, and Zhang Ziling's palm was severely stamped on the face of the monster, and it flew out.

Teeth splash!

The monster master flipped a few times in the air and hit the ground hard.

The giant claws that tore the sky dissipated.

The monster owner immediately turned over and sat up with an incredible face, looking at the sky and exclaiming: "This is impossible!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Ziling kicked the face of the monster owner and directly stepped on the ground.

"What is impossible to deal with you a trash?"

Zhang Ziling looked at the monster owner with a sneer, grabbed the head of the monster owner, and pressed it to the ground.


The ground instantly shattered, and the entire head of the monster owner was pressed into the ground by Zhang Ziling, with only two feet kicking in the air.

Zhang Ziling stood aside, the surrounding magic energy condensed into chains, tied the legs of the monster owner, pulled it out of the ground, and hung it in the air.

"You are such a humble dog, I am going to kill you!"

The monster owner kept struggling, his eyes turned red, as if he was about to swallow Zhang Ziling.

"I haven't recognized the reality yet?" Zhang Ziling sneered, and directly blasted the head of the monster owner with a punch!

Blood splattered!

But soon, the monster's neck reproduced granulation, and a head grew again.

" fellow...this seat will cut you a thousand swords!" The demon owner roared, his body surging with black energy, and an extremely evil aura filled the surroundings, as if to break the chain!

"A thousand knives? Good idea."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Ziling directly stretched his hand through the chest of the monster owner and pulled out his ribs.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A stern howl came from the mouth of the monster owner, and the strength that had just gathered from the monster owner disappeared due to the momentary intense pain.

Why is he so strong?

Now, the monster owner realized that something was wrong.

If Zhang Ziling took advantage of his carelessness to get the first move just now, now that he has gathered his strength in advance, Zhang Ziling can still easily break through his defenses, which is a bit scary!

Even if it is a secret technique forcibly boosting strength, the duration will never be so long!

"You, what are you..."

The monster owner finally wavered a little and began to be afraid.

"Learn a little bit better?" Zhang Ziling chuckled, using the devilish energy to cut the ribs in his hands into bone knives, and then cut away from the monster owner, and cut a piece of meat on the monster owner.

The unusually severe pain caused the monster owner to cry again!

"No, no...what exactly did you use? How could it hurt so much?"

The monster owner glared at Zhang Ziling in horror, his body constantly struggling and shaking, completely frightened.

Zhang Ziling just cut off a piece of meat on his body, but the pain that ran into the soul was even more painful than Ling Chi!

"I cut it off, but your soul." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, and sliced ​​a piece of meat on the monster owner again.

The screaming howl from the monster owner echoed in the demon nest!

Zhang Ziling attached the power of his own soul to the bone knife, and every meat cut from the monster owner carried the soul of the monster owner.

Even if the monk trains the soul to be strong, as long as the soul is damaged, the pain it brings is thousands of times that of the physical body!

In addition, Zhang Ziling deliberately stimulated the nerves of the monster owner. It can be said that every time the meat on the monster owner is cut with a bone knife, the monster owner will suffer more intense pain than the broken bones!

What's more terrifying is...Every time Zhang Ziling cuts, only a small piece of meat is on the monster owner!

It's not an exaggeration to cut a thousand dollars!

"You, you devil... who are you?"

The monster owner was completely scared. He now realized that Zhang Ziling really had the power of Dao, and he didn't have the slightest resistance in front of him!

Every distraction on the monster owner can be said to be an independent individual with a complete soul and perception. Now that Zhang Ziling is tortured so much, the distraction on the monster owner is about to collapse!

Zhang Ziling didn't answer the monster owner. He seemed to feel a little tired from doing his own hands. He broke a few ribs from the monster's chest, and cut them into bone knives.

But before he was ready to call other monsters to help, Zhang Ziling paused again, feeling that this was a waste of time, and couldn't help but look at the Chijin White Ape and said, "Are there any big monsters like queen ants in your clan?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the Scarlet Golden White Ape was taken aback for a moment, and then he said: "My Lord Hui Devil, yes there are, but my lord wants..."

As the Chijin White Ape said, he gestured to a beautiful woman in the refuge to come out.

That woman is the demon queen ant!

"Tell her to summon the ant colony." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

The pupils of the monster owner shrank suddenly, and endless fear appeared on his face. He looked at Zhang Ziling and roared: "What are you going to do? You monster, what do you want to do?"

Amidst the roar from the monster owner, there was fear and despair.

The delicate woman was quite nervous. Although she didn't know what Zhang Ziling was going to do, she still didn't dare to neglect, so she closed her eyes and chanted, summoning her children.


Soon, under the call of the delicate woman, a large number of small ant beasts swarmed in from outside the demon nest and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Those ant beasts are not even demon beasts, they are just ordinary animals, no different from ants on the earth, and they can't even bite the skin of low-level beasts.

Although the number of ant beasts is huge, they have no effect in the war between monsters, so the delicate woman has never summoned her own children in the previous fight with the blood demon tribe.

But then she did not expect that her children would come in handy at this time!

Looking at the countless ant beasts, and seeing Zhang Ziling's playful eyes, the fear on the face of the monster owner became more and more intense.

"You... the devil!!!"

The monster owner watched, Zhang Ziling evenly spread his soul power on each ant animal...

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