Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1946: The show begins

As Ye Zi laughed out loud, Zhang Ziling also retracted his thoughts of playing with Xiaohun, and whispered to Ye Zi: "Since you are awake, stay here at ease. After tomorrow, the four-party event is held, I will pick it up again. get out."

"Well, I just stay here, the master can rest assured."

Ye Zi nodded obediently, indicating that he would not run around.

After setting up Ye Zi, Zhang Ziling didn't stay here either, transformed into a real person without sorrow, pushed the room away and walked out.

Seeing Zhang Ziling left, the little soul who was still sulking hurriedly flew up and followed and sat on Zhang Ziling's shoulders.

"Aren't you sulking? What are you doing with me?"

Zhang Ziling glanced at the little soul sitting on his shoulders, and joked.

"Huh! My father is so bad, I must be unable to find a girlfriend!" Xiaohun said with a pouting mouth, but his little hand was clutching a small strand of Zhang Ziling's hair.

Zhang Ziling just smiled at Xiaohun's sarcasm, and didn't intend to argue with Xiaohun.

When Zhang Ziling walked out of the yard, the smile on his face had completely disappeared, becoming cold and indifferent.

But Mo Ye, who had been guarding outside the yard, saw Zhang Ziling come out, the spite of his face turned into awe again, and he quickly saluted Zhang Ziling.


Although he also saw the little soul sitting on Zhang Ziling's shoulders, he did not dare to ask too much.

"By the way, what happened to the affairs of Tianhumen and Qingyunmen recently?" Zhang Ziling glanced at Mo Ye indifferently, and asked coldly.

"Return to Master, since the incident in the restaurant, the conflict between Tianhumen and Qingyunmen has become more and more uncontrollable. The disciples of the two sects are shopping every day, and even the two elders have all shot. Looks like!"

"The two major sects are dead and injured every day, and Red Maple City is getting more and more chaotic."

"It is said that the real person Qingyun and the real person Tianhu made a death fight in the life and death stage in the city today, and the disciples of the two major sects gathered there."

Mo Ye said cautiously, after all, Qingyunmen and Tianhumen are not big or small forces in Qingling County, and the two have a conflict, and they are still attracting attention in Red Maple City.

"Huh! Now that the Quartet event is about to be held, two little sects are making such a big noise in Red Maple City, how decent they are!"

"A bunch of what?"

Zhang Ziling snorted coldly, with a faint anger in his tone, as if Qingyunmen and Tianhumen had violated his dignity.

Mo Ye didn’t know that the culprit who provoked the contradiction between Qingyunmen and Tianhumen was the person in front of him. After hearing Zhang Ziling’s angry words, he trembled and asked quickly: "Master meant ..."

"Take this seat over, and this seat should take a good look, whether this real person Qingyun and real person Tianhu actually put my three-inch sect deputy master in his eyes!"

Zhang Ziling shouted angrily and walked forward.

Although all forces have gathered in Red Maple City, and there are even forces from the Imperial Capital, San Cun Sect is still the top power in Red Maple City. Zhang Ziling has enough reasons to use the name of San Cun Sect to dominate. Blessed.

Although Mo Ye didn't understand why his master suddenly made such a big fire, he did not dare to ask more, and hurried to lead the way.

"This guy...what else does he want to do?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's action again, the Wushu real man became even more irritable.

Now Zhang Ziling is standing by his reputation, no matter how messy Zhang Ziling is, the bad ones are his reputation of Sancunzong and his Wushu real person!

Thinking that in the future, he would lose his reputation because of Zhang Ziling's chaos, Wushu Zhenren almost vomited blood.

"Dad, why are you pretending to be an ugly and bad old man?"

The little soul sitting on Zhang Ziling's shoulders said, not understanding why Zhang Ziling had to become a person.

"I have business to do. Since you want to follow me, don't do unnecessary things, understand?" Zhang Ziling said lightly.

"How can I help?" Xiaohun asked again.

"You don't want to do anything, don't talk too much, it's the biggest help." Zhang Ziling followed Mo Ye expressionlessly, and said to Xiaohun.

"Master, what's your order?" Mo Ye, who was walking in front, heard Zhang Ziling talking and thought he was calling himself, so he turned around and asked.

However, Zhang Ziling did not intend to give Mo Ye a good face, and said coldly: "This seat allows you to lead the way, so you can lead the way. Don't ask about extra things, do you need this seat to teach you?"

Feeling the cold aura of Zhang Ziling, Mo Ye trembled all over, with a look of fear on his face, and quickly responded: "Yes! I know my mistake, I will lead the way!"

"Trash!" Zhang Ziling snorted coldly, making no secret of his mockery of Mo Ye.

‘Damn old thing, one day, I will cramp you! ’

At the moment Mo Ye turned around, his panicked expression instantly turned into resentment, and the hatred of Madam Wu Yan in his heart grew deeper and deeper.

Wu Yan Zhenren and Mo Ye were completely different from a pair of masters and apprentices.

"Dad, that guy seems to hate you so much..." Xiaoxun said to Zhang Ziling, shaking his bare feet, as if he could see through Mo Ye's mind.

"He is not hating me, he hates his master." Zhang Ziling chuckled.

"Is there any difference? Didn't he call you master?" Xiaohun asked with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"The difference is big."

Zhang Ziling glanced behind his eyes, the banter in his eyes became more and more intense.

"His master, he looks like a bad dog now."

Behind Zhang Ziling, the Wushu real man was staring at Zhang Ziling with hatred, gritted his teeth!

Along the way, Mo Ye only dared to curse Real Man Wushu from the bottom of his heart, and did not dare to disturb Zhang Ziling at all.

Red Maple City said it was too big, and with Mo Ye and Zhang Ziling's footsteps, it didn't take much time to get to the stage of life and death.

Around the stage of life and death, the Qingyunmen and the Tianhumen disciples have each occupied one side to confront each other, and the two sides are full of murderous faces, and the fight is on the verge.

The stage of life and death is even more peripheral. In various restaurants and teahouses, all forces and Tianjiao are standing at the windows or balcony, staring directly at the two middle-aged men on the stage of life and death.

Those two middle-aged people are the heads of Qingyunmen and Tianhumen, the two great sacred powers, Qingyun and Tianhu!

If you really want to talk about it, the strength of these two real people is not weaker than the real sword palmer killed by Zhang Ziling. Although their respective sects are not very high in the Qingling County city, the two of them have quite high status. , The various forces regard them as guests.

In this city of Red Maple, Zhang Ziling instructed not to let the Shangguan look for work, and now all the city guards have been evacuated to the civilian area by the Shangguan. The city has become a chaotic city without order.

During this period, the most powerful ones were naturally Qingyunmen and Tianhumen.

Now that the Quartet event has not yet started, the two have already struggled to the death, and the two Tianjiao have already struggled almost.

It is also because both sides can't bear the loss, all the real Qingyun and the real Tianhu choose to fight on the stage of life and death.

The battle between the two great holy ranks will naturally attract the attention of all forces, and even the old monsters who have hidden in Red Maple City in advance have gathered their eyes here.

The atmosphere on the stage of life and death is extremely depressing, and the cultivators on both sides are tense, and they may break out at any time!

Zhang Ziling walked to the periphery of the stage of life and death, saw the two great sacred powers on the stage, and glanced at the cultivators hidden around him, his mouth could not help but a sneer.

"Good show, it's starting..."

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