Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1948: The sword emperor of Tsing Yi, the blue is not good

Real person Qingyun and Real person Tianhu showed horror on their faces, thinking that they had offended Real Person Wushu, and the two of them did not care about their status as the head of the group, and directly kneeled to Zhang Ziling on the stage of life and death in front of the monks. Down!

"Real people calm down! I am waiting to gather crowds for private affairs to disturb the Quartet event, it is really damn! I wait until I know what I am wrong, and please have a lot of real adults, forgive me!"

Real person Qingyun and Real person Tianhu can't care about the death fight between the two at this moment, if Real person Wuyan really makes a move, their two schools will have to be smoothed by Sancunzong!

Don't talk about face when the time comes, the foundation of your own sect will not be guaranteed!

As the real person Qingyun and the real person Tianhu knelt, there was an uproar around them, and there was an uproar.

Although the real person Wushu has noble status and powerful strength, the real person Qingyun and the real person Tianhu are ultimately decent figures, and they are also the masters of a party. Now the real person Wushu has forced the two main sects to be so embarrassed that it will eventually make everyone The monk had a gap in his heart and was dissatisfied with the real person Wu Yan and San Cun Zong.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't care about this. On the contrary, he felt that the trouble was not big enough. He looked at the cultivators under the stage of life and death and shouted, "You won't kneel down?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said, the disciples on both sides of Qingyunmen and Tianhumen did not dare to stand anymore, and all knelt down to Zhang Ziling.

The heads of the family are all persuaded, and naturally they can't get tough.

Zhang Ziling glanced across the Qingyunmen disciples again, and found Ruoshuang and Qianyuehou hidden among the Qingyunmen disciples, and then glanced at the crowd around the platform of life and death, and finally after seeing a familiar figure After being here, the corners of his lips couldn't help but evoke a slight smile.

Everything is ready!

"Wuyang, you are so majestic! Two juniors are handling their own housework, you just need to intervene, and now you have to force the two sects to kneel down at you, really, this Qingling County is three inches from you. Zong's own?"

At this moment, a clear voice came from the restaurant, followed by fierce swordsmanship billowing, sweeping towards Zhang Ziling.


Zhang Ziling chuckled, brushing his sleeves to erase the sword force, and looked at the restaurant window.

A plain-clothed swordsman flew out of the window. Every time he took a step in the air, a sword lotus condensed under his feet, which was surprisingly stunning.

"The sword power is over the sky, the feet have green lotus, and the Suyi Qingjian is the Qingyi sword emperor of Yi Jianzong. The green is not good!"

The monks around recognized the swordsman in plain clothes and exclaimed!

"Yi Jianzong's youth is not outstanding? Yi Jianzong is a big sect on the same level as Sancunzong. Qingbutable is still the supreme elder of Yi Jianzong. In terms of status, he is even more impressive than a real person! "

"Doesn't the rumors say that Qingwuzhuo has been traveling everywhere? How could it appear in such a place?"

"Yi Jianzong has always been at odds with Sancunzong. Now that Qing Buzhuo is here, I am afraid I want to take this opportunity to find trouble with Real Man Wu Yan!"

As some people recognized the youth, the discussions around became more intense, everyone became inexplicably excited, and even forgot that they came here to watch the death battle between Qingyun and Tianhu.

Qing Buzhuo is the same as Real Man Wu Yan, both of which are emperor-rank cultivators, and may be even more powerful than real man Wu Yan. Now that the two emperor-rank powerhouses are facing each other head-on, the situation is naturally much fiercer than the confrontation between the previous two holy ranks!

Qing Buzhuo laughed, stepped on the sword lotus and landed beside the real person Qingyun and the real Tianhu, looking straight at Zhang Ziling.

"Junior meets Senior Young!"

The real person Qingyun and the real person Tianhu did not dare to neglect, and quickly bowed to Qing Buzhu.

Qing Buzhuo nodded, but Ajin didn't pay too much attention to the real person Qingyun and the real person Tianhu. He stared at Zhang Ziling and smiled: "Well, you are what you can do in front of the two juniors, we It’s been a long time since we saw each other, how about we discuss it?"

In Qing Buzhuo’s view, the Wushu real person forced the two powers to kneel under the public. This has been achieved in the eyes of many disciples in Qingling County. Now he only needs to intervene, no matter what the result, Yi Jianzong The prestige in Qingling County will definitely be much higher.

By then, their Yi Jianzong will also have many arrogant talents coming to join Yi Jianzong!

After all, both Yi Jianzong and Sancunzong belonged to the decent sects, and they did not act unruly like the evil way, and they also valued the reputation of their own sects.

Although Qing Buzhuo didn't understand why the real person Wu Yan made such self-destructive comments, this did not prevent him from using it to benefit his sect.

Seeing a powerful emperor came out, Zhang Ziling could not help but flash in the depths of his eyes, but his face was still as cold as frost, and he said to Qing Buzhu: "This seat is not your turn. Kind of cats and dogs to discuss, if you know the point of understanding, let this seat go far, otherwise it will hinder this seat, this seat will kill you!"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, there was an uproar around him, even Mo Ye's expression changed, and he looked at Zhang Ziling with shock.


Mo Ye cried out in confusion, wondering what kind of medicine Real Man Wuyan had taken today, so angry.

The other party is not good!

That Tsing Yi Sword Emperor!

"Dad, that guy looks so ugly, you seem to make him angry."

The little soul sitting on Zhang Ziling's shoulders saw Qing Buzhuo's face turning blue and purple, and could not help but whisper to Zhang Ziling.

"If you don't speak, no one will consider you to be a dumb." Zhang Ziling said with a blank face, Xiaohun suddenly hummed, and put his head aside, not paying attention to Zhang Ziling.

"Wuyu, you are provoking me."

The young man held back for a long time, and then said to Zhang Ziling in a low voice, that the suppressed sword force around him was about to move, as if what Zhang Ziling said was not to his appetite, he would immediately drew his sword and raged against Zhang Ziling. attack.

Zhang Ziling looked directly at Qing Wuzhu indifferently, and said: "If it was before, this seat would still respect you for three points, but now, this seat is about to get the treasure, what are you?"

"you wanna die!!!"

Qing Buzhuo was completely angered by Zhang Ziling, the sword lotus was in full bloom around, the endless sword power burst out all around, everyone's color changed!

Even the sky was dark clouds and thunder bursts!

Seeing Qing Buzhuo getting angry, Zhang Ziling sneered, showing no signs of fear. Instead, he rushed into the crowd around the life and death stage in front of Qing Buzhuo.

Zhang Ziling's move caused Qing Buzhuo to be taken aback, and the sword intent he was about to burst suddenly stopped.

"Wuyang, what on earth do you want to do?" Qing Buzhuo shouted angrily, really didn't understand Zhang Ziling's intentions.

Rushing into the crowd and taking those monks hostage?

Qing was puzzled, and he didn't understand why Real Man Wu Yan, a magnificent monk, had to make such a low price move?

However, no matter how angry Qing Buzhuo is, he can't understand. He also understands that if he really blasts into the crowd, not only will most of the forces in Qingling County be offended, but the reputation of Yi Jianzong will also be ruined. Then he will be nosy this time. It's a loss.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the strange eyes around him. After rushing into the crowd, he rushed directly to the boy in a black robe he had locked down.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Zhang Ziling rushed to the black robe boy, directly reached out and grabbed his shoulders, and carried him into the air!

The black robe boy's hat fell on his head, and his face was completely revealed in everyone's sight.

Ruoshuang and Qianyue, who were hidden among the disciples of the Qingyunmen, saw the boy caught in the air by Zhang Ziling, their pupils shrank suddenly, and subconsciously exclaimed:


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