Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1952: Sancunzong arrived!

The next day, Red Maple City, the east area of ​​the city!

All forces gathered here. Around the newly opened square in the east of the city, countless powerful leaders were sitting in the auditorium, talking in twos and threes.

And the disciples of Tianjiao from all forces stand in the pre-planned place, all gearing up, preparing to shine in the four-party grand meeting and become famous in the first battle.

Although everyone knows that all forces gathered in Red Maple City for Yinglong and the Demon Emperor's Handbook, but those are all things that the older generation should care about. For the younger generation, the Sifang event itself is important.

Showcasing their power in the Quartet is the fastest way for them to become famous!

Countless seniors gathered here to watch, if they were taken by an emperor-rank monk, that would be an opportunity for Tianjiao to rise to the top!

Shangguanxun stood in the center of the square, dressed in sacrificial costumes, and behind him stood two rows of civilian officials, offering sacrifices to the sky in front of the monks.

Although a group of monks of the emperor-ranked sacred ranks can’t show any interest in Shangguan’s search for this kind of true martial art junior, this is after all a grand event hosted by Red Maple City, and Shangguan’s search also involves Yinglong. respected.

"Why didn't you see the real Wu Yan?" A cultivator glanced at the audience, and found no trace of the Sancunzong cultivator, so he asked doubtfully.

Yesterday, the real person Wuyang took a lesson in Qingyunmen and Tianhumen, and defeated the youth, which made many monks think that the real person Wuyang attaches great importance to this four-party event.

But now when it comes to the opening ceremony of the four-party grand meeting, the Wushu real person has not been there, which makes many people wonder.

"Wuyang got the Demon Emperor's Manual. Ying Long doesn't make much sense to him. I guess he is now hiding in Fenruoli and studying the Demon Emperor's Manual. He will not come out in a short time. The manual is staring at it, and it's stupid to appear without sorrow."

An emperor cultivator said in a condensed voice, but he understood that Reality Wuyan did not appear.

If they were to obtain Taoist relics and it was too late to practice in retreat, there would be no leisure to participate in the four-party event.

"At present, I have obtained the Demon Emperor Handbook without stunned, and I don't know what the strength is. I am afraid that if I act rashly, I am afraid that it will end in a miserable manner like Qing... Now I do not know how many emperors are waiting for the situation to become chaotic. Fish in troubled waters..."

There are also emperor monks who see this situation more clearly. The strength of the Wushu real person is already a mystery, and the first shot is definitely cannon fodder.

Those who can cultivate to the emperor rank are basically the ancestors of a party, who are as good as an old fox, and naturally they will not easily go to die.

"I'm afraid Ying Long is an opportunity... I know that there are a few guys who came to Red Maple City specifically for Ying Long. Once they attack Ying Long, Red Maple City will also become chaotic. There will definitely be someone at that time. Will take advantage of the chaos to draw the flames of war to Sancunzong."

"Wait... this ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens is still some time away. I don't know when Yinglong will come. I can't get the relics of Dao Ji. It's not bad to get part of the Demon Emperor's body.

The emperor-rank cultivators watched the solemn sacrificial Shangguanxun below, while chatting in their small circles.

Because of the Taoist relics, there are now more than ten emperor-ranked monks in the Red Maple City on the bright side, and this does not count the emperor-ranks hidden in the dark.

The combat power of Red Maple City is almost comparable to the top cities in Eastern Xuanzhou!

If Ying Long, the demon emperor, came to Red Maple City alone, he would undoubtedly die. The cultivators didn't even need to set up traps. Hard power alone was enough to win Ying Long!

As for the peace between the human race and the monster race, not many emperors care.

The attention of the major forces was focused on the four-party grand gathering in the east of the city. At this moment, no one noticed that at the west of Red Maple City, an array was set up to isolate the fluctuations of spiritual power, and Red Maple City was completely divided into two. area.

Outside the Xicheng District of Red Maple City, a large number of Sancunzong monks gathered quietly, two monks of the monarchy rank and more than 20 holy rank powerhouses, plus hundreds of true warriors and countless low-level disciples of the Sancunzong. All assembled!

Three-inch sect lord Wuxie and Taishang elder Wuya personally led the team, gathering the three-inch sect's strongest combat power here!

At the gate of Xicheng District, Zhang Ziling and Mo Ye led a group of three-inch Zongfen rudder disciples to greet them.

Mo Ye cautiously said to Zhang Ziling from the sidelines: "Master, now we have won the treasure, is it time for the class to return? Now that there are too many monks in Red Maple City, we continue to stay here, I am afraid there will be an odd number. ."

Although Mo Ye kindly reminded him, Zhang Ziling did not pay attention to Mo Ye. At this moment, his eyes were focused on Wuxie and Wuya, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Two emperor ranks, a large and small group of three-inch sect cultivators, almost all the fighting power of the sect came, and the name of this sect master is really easy to use."

Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, making Mo Ye who was next to him confused, not understanding what Zhang Ziling was talking about.

"Master?" Mo Ye whispered with doubts in his eyes.

However, Zhang Ziling still ignored Mo Ye and flew straight to Wuxie and Wuya.

After being ignored by Zhang Ziling twice in a row, Mo Ye's face became extremely ugly, and the look in Zhang Ziling's back became vicious again.

‘Sooner or later I will make you pay! Swearing a poisonous oath in his heart, Mo Ye did not stop at the gate of the city, and followed Zhang Ziling with a group of disciples.

"Wuyu, I heard that the Devil Emperor Handbook you got is a relic of Dao Ji, is this news true?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling coming, Wu Xie couldn't wait to greet him. He couldn't wait to ask, his tone of excitement was hard to hide.

The news that Wuxie killed the Qingyi Sword Emperor in Red Maple City had spread throughout the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire. Even if Wuxie had just led the team to Red Maple City, he heard a lot about Wuxie in the middle of the journey. rumor.

On the side, the elder Wuya Wuya directly urged Zhang Ziling, "Wuyang, take out the Demon Emperor Handbook, and let us see what the Taoist relic looks like!"

Seeing Wuxie and Wuya's urgent appearance, the corners of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and a trace of joke flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that the two can't wait!"

"Isn't this nonsense? We came all the way from the county town, isn't it just to help you win the treasure?" Wu Xie didn't hear the special meaning of Zhang Ziling's words, and urged again, "This is the three of us. Cun Zong has a chance to go further!"

Ever since he heard that Wu Yan had read only the Demon Emperor's Manual for ten minutes, his strength had changed drastically, and he had even overwhelmed his youth. He has not been excited.

He knows the strength of Qingwuzhuo, even if he makes full shots, he will at most tie with Qingwuzhuo. But Wushu, who is weaker than him, can crush the dreadfulness after reading the Devil Emperor's Handbook, and he can't imagine how far he can improve.

He has been stuck in the emperor rank for too long, and the appearance of the Devil Emperor's Manual gave him the hope of stepping into the Taoist God!

With the Taoist relics, as long as their Sancun Sect is used properly, their Sancun Sect will be able to appear three Taoism gods and dozens of emperor ranks in a short time!

At that time, their Three-inch Sect will stand tall in the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire, and given them enough time to develop, they will be able to create more emperor-ranked monks through the Taoist relics, and they will even have a place in Eastern Xuanzhou in the future!

"As long as we defend the first wave of offensive and repulse those who covet the Taoist relics, then our Sancunzong will be reborn!" Wuxie said excitedly, and his emotions became fuller.

"Yeah... Your Sancun Sect will be reborn."

Zhang Ziling looked at Wuxie with a faint smile, his tone was full of joking, even a little cold.

"Wuhu, what are you talking about... Uh!"

Only halfway through Wuxie's words, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Seeing Zhang Ziling's behavior, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I don't know when...

Zhang Ziling's white palm has penetrated Wuxie's chest!

Blood dripped from Zhang Ziling's fingertips.

All around, it became deadly silent.

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