Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1965: The Devil Appears

"How much has this guy improved?"

The other monks at the emperor rank saw that the people in front were shot and flew out without surprise, and they all stopped, showing horror on their faces.

Although all the emperors wanted the treasure in Wushu's hands, this did not mean they wanted to be cannon fodder.

However, even though the emperor ranks stopped, Wushu was not ready to let them go. A large amount of black energy surged from his body and swept toward the emperor ranks.

The few emperors who hadn't had time to escape were contaminated with a little black energy, and their whole body quickly became pitch black. The whole person seemed to be wrapped in a thick black cocoon, falling to the ground, and could no longer feel his breath.

"Damn it!"

The rest of the emperor ranks had never seen this kind of method at all, wherever they dared to face Wu Yan, they withdrew one after another.

Fortunately, the speed of Wushu black energy is not very fast, all emperors only need to be careful, those black energy are not too threatening to them.

"This guy looks crazy, but the methods he didn't expect were getting more and more weird... No wonder Qingwuzhuo was beaten like that!"

The complexion of many emperors became extremely ugly, and their hearts retreated.

Those who were wrapped in a black cocoon still don’t know what the situation is, whether it’s dead or alive is not accurate, and everyone knows nothing about Wuxian’s methods, and for a while, there is no emperor step to attack Wuxian. , The situation was deadlocked.

However, Wu Yan didn't seem to intend to let the emperor ranks just like this, he laughed shrillly, carrying a large amount of black energy to the emperor ranks, and the emperor ranks were forced to fight.

The sky was chaotically, and two more monarch monks accidentally touched the black energy and were wrapped in a black cocoon and fell to the ground.

"Ancestor, what exactly is Wuyan's method? You can actually wrap the emperor's rank in the cocoon?" Although Huayin didn't make a move, she was also shocked by Wuyan's method and quickly sent a message to her ancestor.

Even if those emperors changed to be herself, she would probably end up in the same way.

"The methods of the monsters are all sorts of strange, and their power comes from blood, and the old man has never seen such methods."

The old man's voice resounded in Huayin's mind again.

"No matter what those methods are, Wushu did not step into the Dao God Realm after all, you only need to be careful of the Dao God in the dark."

"But the weird thing is, why hasn't the Dao God come out yet? Could it be that I have discovered the existence of me?"

The old man's voice could not help but contain a faint doubt.

The situation is very delicate now. No one knows how many Taoist gods are hidden in Red Maple City, which one will be the first to make a move, which will be regarded as a living target, and will only make wedding dresses for other Taoists in the end.

Wu Yan's hand is a relic of Dao Ji, but that is the most precious thing on the Great Wild Continent, you must not be careless!

No Taoist **** will give this to others.

"Ancestor, this whole thing is very strange, Huayin always feels that there is fraud in it. Ancestor, you..."

Huayin was still a little worried. Ever since she knew that the Sancun Sect had been destroyed, she had been faintly disturbed, always feeling that things were not as simple as her ancestors said.

Monsters like to devour human flesh and blood, and to enhance their own strength.

But since they killed the people of Sancunzong, why did they throw the bodies of Sancunzong disciples, including the two emperor ranks Wuya and Wuxie, outside the city?

Those are all great tonic for monsters!

However, before Huayin could tell her doubts, the old man interrupted Huayin and said, "The old man found that an old friend is also here, so be careful yourself. I will take a look and fight with that guy. Extremely relic, it's a bit tricky!"


Hua Yin called again, but she had lost contact with the old man.

Seeing her ancestors leave again, Huayin couldn't help suppressing the faint worry in her heart, raising her eyes to the sky.

Although Wuyan's methods were weird and varied, many emperor-rank monks were not vegetarians. After they experienced the initial surprise, the emperors quickly prevented an effective counterattack and suppressed Wuyan.

And when the emperors were fighting fiercely, Zhang Ziling, standing above the nine heavens, also had a panoramic view of the battle over Red Maple City.

In Zhang Ziling's hands, Mo Ye and the souls of the Taoist monsters were still struggling, with pain on their faces.

Zhang Ziling glanced indifferently at the two villains in his hands, then put them away, put them together with the distracted soul of the monster owner, and waited for them to be dealt with when they were free.

After solving the monsters of Sancunzong, it didn't take him long to find Mo Ye who had escaped, and in three or two strokes, Mo Ye who possessed the power of Dao God was dealt with, and Mo Ye and the souls of that God-level monster were removed from Mo Ye pulled out of his body.

As for Wushu, Zhang Ziling directly erased his wisdom, and then left him with a magical ability...

After that, Zhang Ziling released Wu Yan, and chatted with Ying Long for a while.

The next series of things are a matter of course.

Seeing Wuyan being suppressed by the emperors, Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes and said to himself: "With the attack intensity of those guys, it won't be long before Wuyan can be completely suppressed, and it's almost time for me to take action."

Zhang Ziling's figure was slightly distorted and turned into a dark magic energy, dissipating above the nine heavens.

The cold wind roared above the nine heavens, as if no one had ever been here.

"Everyone work hard, Wuyan is already weak! In order not to let him continue to mess around, let's take action to suppress him!"

The emperor-rank cultivators completely took the upper hand, and the devilish energy permeating Wushu's body was also suppressed to a very small range by the spiritual power of the emperor-rank cultivators.

Although Wushu was still struggling, he was outnumbered after all, and the space for activities was getting smaller and smaller.

"Wuyan has been defeated, the Taoist monster hasn't appeared yet?"

Huayin saw that Wuxian had been trapped by the cube enchantment created by the joint efforts of all the emperors, and could not help looking around, searching for traces of the strong behind.

So far, there is no definite conclusion on how the Sancun Sect died, and now everyone is attracted by the Taoist relics in Wushu's hands, which makes Huayin feel even more uncomfortable.

I always feel something is wrong!


boom! boom! boom!

Wushu screamed frantically, constantly hitting the surrounding barriers, and the powerful impact made many monarch monks pale.

However, no matter how Wushu struggles, his failure is a foregone conclusion.

There are twenty or thirty emperor ranks gathered in Red Maple City at this moment!

And without sorrow, there is only one person.

The power gap is too great!

With Wuxian's defeat, the minds of the monks of the emperor ranks also began to become active.

Everyone worked together to subdue Wuxian, but Wuxian's strength is too strong, and a single emperor rank cannot defeat it.

But Wuyang, there was only one Demon Emperor Manual...there could only be one person who could get this Demon Emperor Manual!

For a time, the emperor monks who worked together before, the alliance quietly shattered!

"Thank you for showing your face so much, this Taoist relic and your life...this emperor, it's time to take it."

Just as the emperors were thinking about how to get the Demon Emperor's Handbook, Zhang Ziling's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

The emperors were stunned for a moment, and then they saw Zhang Ziling appearing outside the barrier, and easily broke in, directly cutting off Wushu's head!

Blood splattered!

"The Devil?"

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the emperors shrank suddenly and couldn't help exclaiming.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling appeared like a meteorite hitting the sea.

Stir up huge waves!

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