Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1971: black market

The northwest corner of Wanlong City, a small trading center.

At first glance, most of the people doing business here are ordinary people, and they only sell things related to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In Wanlong City, ordinary people still account for the vast majority. Such small trading centers dominated by ordinary people can be seen everywhere in Wanlong City.

As for the monk's trading market, there is a special place for special supply, and its place is much more luxurious than the ordinary people's market, and most of the transactions are made of magical weapons, demon pill and other materials.

After all, ordinary people and monks belong to two worlds, and the gap between their needs is too large. Therefore, in all cities in the Great Wild Continent, including Red Maple City, ordinary people and monks generally have separate lives.

But Zhang Ziling came to this small trading market for ordinary people in the northwest corner.

"Dad, what are we doing here? Those guys don't have any spiritual power in them, they are all mortals!" Xiaoxun shot a head out of Zhang Ziling's arms, looking at the crowd shouting in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Regarding Xiaohun's doubts, Zhang Ziling smiled and said, "On the surface, this market is for mortals, but that's just an illusion."

"After all, the things sold in the black market are not on the table. Most of them come from the wrong way. Naturally, they can't be displayed like a regular market."

Zhang Ziling swaggered into the market and walked straight in one direction.

"Dad mean, the black market is hidden in this market?" Xiaohun continued to ask.

"To be precise, the black market is hidden underground in this bazaar."

Zhang Ziling walked to the backyard of a mortal restaurant and saw the cellar covered by wooden boards, which could not be more ordinary, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Your Excellency, the dark road is long, here is the end."

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared behind Zhang Ziling and said quietly.

"Since it's over, just go in another direction."

Zhang Ziling turned around and looked at the shadow behind him with a smile.

In the dark shadow, a man in black robe slowly rose up, looked at Zhang Ziling blankly, and asked, "Your first time here?"

"Buy some goods."

Zhang Ziling took out a bag of money from the space ring and threw it to the black-robed man.

The black-robed man took the money bag, and stopped asking Zhang Ziling, he opened the cellar to Zhang Ziling and activated a teleportation circle.

"Remember, force cannot be used in the black market, and those who violate the rules are responsible for the consequences."

After opening the teleportation circle, the black-robed man asked again, and then disappeared into the shadow again.

"Why is it mysterious?" Seeing the black robe man disappear, Xiaohun couldn't help but vomit.

"After all, this is the largest black market in the Ten Thousand Dragon Empire. It has almost gathered all the high-end goods from the entire empire. It is normal to be careful."

Zhang Ziling smiled, regardless of the black-robed man, and jumped into the cellar with his little soul.

Different from looking outside, under this cellar is a completely different world, a huge square, a dense crowd, and a dazzling array of treasures.

"From the memories of the people of San Cunzong, it is said that this underground black market was rumored to be developed by a Taoist god. The specific identity of that Taoist **** is unknown, but the wealth of the Taoist **** in the rumors is even greater than that of the Taoist emperor in the palace. More."

Zhang Ziling joked with a smile, and then took out a silver mask from the ring and put it on, and then condensed a mask on the face of the little soul sitting on his shoulders with magic energy.

"What is this?"

Xiaohun touched the mask on his face with his little hand, and asked Zhang Ziling.

"Business on the black market is shameless. If you don't keep it together, you will encounter enemies. Therefore, people here will wear masks. If we don't wear them, we will become alien and eye-catching."

Zhang Ziling explained that he went straight to the black market.

There are many magic weapons in the black market, panacea, emperor-level magic weapons, and even broken Taoist-level magic weapons, but those are of no use to Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling naturally has no interest.

"Eh! Dad, look there!"

Xiaohun suddenly noticed something, and quickly pulled Zhang Ziling's hair, and pointed to a small booth.

The owner of that small stall was an old man, dressed like a beggar, and he deliberately hid his breath, looking like a real beggar.

What is more striking is that the old man is one of the few people in the black market who does not wear a mask.

This kind of person who doesn't wear a mask either has strong confidence in his own strength or is a lunatic.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the old man, and then he focused on the booth in front of the old man.

There were only a few scattered items on the stall, two tiles, a black fruit, and a bowl of blood, which was extremely crude.

Unlike the lively stalls on both sides, the old man's stalls are rarely visited.

"Dad, I can feel a peculiar medicinal power from the fruit, which may be able to improve the blood in sister Ye Zi." Xiaohun said to Zhang Ziling.

She knew that Zhang Ziling had been worrying about Ye Zi's extremely evil blood, so she paid attention to things that could improve the blood.

"Let's take a look."

Zhang Ziling was also interested and walked straight to the stall.

Zhang Ziling has also found a suitable way to deal with Ye Zi's extremely evil bloodline. Although he doesn't have any hope for the black fruit, it is always good to try.

Seeing someone approaching, the old man raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Ziling, and then lowered his eyes again, without even looking at Zhang Ziling, he didn't look at all doing business.

Zhang Ziling was not annoyed, and squatted directly in front of the stall, taking the black fruit and looking at it.

There were also a lot of monks around who had been observing the old man, and now they found someone walking to the old man's booth, and all the good deeds also approached.

A group of monks boasted sharp-eyed, but they couldn't see the tiles, fruit and the bowl of blood on the old man's booth.

It was the old man's scary price tag, and each of the above had to be exchanged for Taoist-level items. This caused many people to be curious about those things, but no one passed by.

Even if one of the cultivators had Dao-shen-level magic weapons on them, they would probably not be so stupid as to replace those tattered ones.

"This old man has been in this black market for several months, and I haven't seen him sell one every day."

"Is it so easy to sell? Just his few broken things need to be exchanged for Dao God-level items. Dao-God level items are either the trump card of a sect or go to various secret realms. They are only exchanged after nine deaths. They are extremely precious. Who will be taken advantage of?"

"I guess that kid is new here, I don't know this strange old man, I'm afraid he will have to get up and leave soon."

All the monks around were chattering, and all they said were in Zhang Ziling's ears.

"What's the use of this thing?" Zhang Ziling asked the old man.

The old man didn't care about the discussion of the surrounding monks, and casually said to Zhang Ziling: "If you want to know the function of this fruit, you must first take out Taoist-level items, the magical armor...the pill can also be used."

With that, the old man glanced at the little soul on Zhang Ziling's shoulder again, and was so scared that the little soul got directly into Zhang Ziling's arms and then revealed another head.

Seeing the little soul's actions, the old man paused, and then continued: "If you can't get it out, the old man won't have the idle time to consume you."

Hearing the old man's words, Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, took out the three-inch sword from the ring and threw it in front of the old man's booth.

A powerful sword force suddenly broke out from the three-inch sword, sweeping around, attracting countless people's attention!

Taoist God Soldier!

At this moment, every monk who saw that golden long sword had those five words in his heart!

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