Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1973: Ink Blood Spirit Jade Fruit

The attic is very different from the slightly dim scene outside. The moment Zhang Ziling stepped into the attic, he instantly felt his vision brightened.

The decoration of the loft lobby is very elegant, even the lamps are very elegant, the air is filled with a faint scent of sandalwood, and on both sides of the lobby are various treasures, all with brilliance, and they are not ordinary at first glance.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the treasures and found that none of the treasures placed in this attic were below the emperor rank level.

However, there is no Taoist-level item in this lobby, and it is probably placed in another place.

In the lobby of this loft, there are a few scattered emperors wandering around, but there are a large number of service staff in the loft, far exceeding the guests.

"Guest, please here."

The old man smiled at Zhang Ziling. He seemed to be familiar with the layout of the attic and led Zhang Ziling to the second floor of the attic.

The service staff in the attic also seemed to know the old man, and the look at the old man was vaguely fearful and reverent.

After entering this attic, it is obvious that the old man's identity is unusual.

Seeing the situation in the attic, Zhang Ziling smiled and said: "Old gentleman, since you can come and go in this place at will, why do you want to set up a stall outside and do nothing?"

"When people are old, they always have special hobbies, and the guests understand it." The old man said without looking back, his tone indifferent.

"Here, just this room." Soon, the old man took Zhang Ziling to the door of a private room on the second floor of the attic. "Each room on this second floor has its own soundproof and teleportation array. After the transaction is completed , The guest can leave the black market directly through the teleportation circle, so the guest does not have to worry about their privacy and safety."


Zhang Ziling nodded, and Shenhun also scanned the layout of the room.

Indeed, as the old man said, there are soundproof magic circles and teleportation circles in the room, but it is a bit tricky inside. If you are not a person who is proficient in the way of formation, I am afraid it will be difficult to find the tricky.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't break it, and went straight into the room and sat down.

The old man closed the door, sat opposite Zhang Ziling, took out the black fruit again, put it on the table, and said, "Guest, can you show me the magic soldier again?"

"It's okay."

Zhang Ziling smiled, took out the three-inch sword sword, and sent it to the old man.

Seeing the Three-Cun Immortal Sword, the old man's eyes seemed to be shining, staring closely at the Three-Cun Immortal Sword composed of three golden daggers, and his haggard-like hand gently stroked the lines on the body of the Three-Cun Immortal Sword.

"Yes, this is the Three-Cun Immortal Sword!" The old man placed the Three-Cun Immortal Sword on the table, staring at Zhang Ziling and said: "The Three-Cun Immortal Sword is the treasure of the Sancun Sect in Qingling County, but the old man heard that , Three-inch Sect was destroyed by someone a few days ago, and the Three-inch Slashing Immortal Sword was also missing. Unexpectedly, this magic weapon fell into the hands of the guests."

"Everyone is doing business in the black market, so there is no need to ask questions?" Zhang Ziling smiled, his index finger tickled, and the black fruit flew into Zhang Ziling's hands.

"How did the magic soldiers get to my hands, does it matter?"

"That's true, the old man is talking too much, and the guests enjoy tasting." The old man smiled and did not continue to ask more.

Playing with the black fruit in his hand, Zhang Ziling looked at the old man and asked: "Old sir, you haven't told me what this fruit is, what effect does it have, and why is it worth the price of a Taoist god-level soldier?"

"You also know that the three-inch sword is a treasure of the town, and its value is immeasurable. No matter how you look at this fruit, it is a disposable item. If the value of a single use is less than three times the value of the three-inch sword. , Our transaction, I am afraid it will not be done."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the old man frowned slightly.

The old man obviously did not expect that this seemingly young kid with only a holy rank could be so smart.

However, the old man’s frowning brows quickly disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at Zhang Ziling and said: "Guests can rest assured, although the old man has some quirks, he is still very reliable in doing business. He will never take one casually. Something came out to fool you."

"The fruit in the guest's hand is called the Moxie Lingyu Fruit. It only grows around the cemetery of the very powerful. This is the old man's strength and almost threw his old life away. Picked from a secret."

"There is no exact statement about the full effect of this ink blood spirit jade fruit, but as described in conventional ancient books, ink blood spirit jade fruit has the ability to strip a person's blood or randomly give a person a new blood. And the effects of creating a new life."

Having said this, the old man paused, and after seeing that Zhang Ziling had nothing special to say, he continued to explain: "Specifically, the ink blood spirit jade fruit can strip out the bloodline power inherited from a person's body, and it has been stored in ink blood. In the space inside the spirit fruit."

"After all, there are many bloodlines in the world, and not all bloodlines left by ancestors to future generations are good. Many of them have inherited sequelae from their ancestors or curses left by their ancestors. Those Things will greatly limit the lives of those Tianjiao, and there are even many peerless Tianjiao who are destined to not live beyond twenty or break through to a certain realm because of the curse in the bloodline..."

"And this ink blood spirit jade fruit can perfectly solve this point and help those gods to eliminate the disasters passed down by the ancestors."

"In addition, if the guest does not have any special physique or strong bloodline, eating the ink blood spirit jade fruit may also randomly get a special physique or bloodline!"

"According to ancient records, there was once a monk who accidentally ate an ink blood spirit jade fruit and awakened the Tiandu Town prison body, and instantly grew from an obscure monk to a power that shocked the past and the present!"

"The third specific effect is that a drop of blood of a monk can be injected into the ink blood spirit jade fruit and cultivated. The ink blood spirit jade fruit will slowly grow into that person, possessing all the talents and talents of that person. ability.

"If you can get Dao Shen essence and blood as a guest, then you can get a loyal Dao God beater!"

"In fact, the ink blood spirit jade fruit has more effects, but this kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure is too rare. Even if the tomb of Dao's great power does not necessarily have ink blood spirit jade fruit, the world has not explored it. The full effect of the ink and blood spirit jade fruit."

"However, based on the three effects that the old man said, as long as the guests use them properly, the value will never be lower than that of the Taoist soldiers, and even from a certain aspect, the value is even more than the Taoist soldiers. What do you think of the guests? ?"

The old man said with a smile, and then stared directly at Zhang Ziling, as if to see through Zhang Ziling's soul.

Hearing what the old man said, Zhang Ziling also looked thoughtfully at the ink blood spirit jade fruit in his hand.

Judging from the spiritual power characteristics of the ink blood spirit jade fruit, Zhang Ziling can basically judge that the old man is not bullshit, but the function of the ink blood spirit jade fruit is not as powerful as the old man said.

From the third point of view, the ink blood spirit jade fruit can indeed create a new life, but the highest strength is the appearance of the first-level Taoist god, and it will not be exactly the same as the strength of the original owner. Even if the ability is the same, it is estimated to be Weakened version.

And the second point, the effect of this ink blood spirit jade fruit is tasteless to Zhang Ziling, and has no effect.

It was the first effect that the old man said. Zhang Ziling carefully looked at the ink blood spirit jade fruit in his hand, his eyes deepened...

He is just useful.

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